Our Ocean [Zeus/Ganymede, PG]

Mar 01, 2010 09:37

Title: Our Ocean
Author: igrab
Pairing: Zeus/Ganymede
Written For: kohl_eyed, to the palette Mare Nostrum
Wordcount: 575
Rating: PG

The gods don't spend all their time on Olympus, heavens no. That would be incredibly tedious. The world is a wide and beautiful place, and they're so intrinsically a part of it. Zeus, perhaps, more than any of them, because he really is the King of Gods and his life is so deeply entwined with life itself that he needs to experience everything.

So they're at the beach.

Venice Beach, which makes Ganymede think of another Venice but he likes this one better. So much more life, the sounds, the smells, the waves lapping against the shore and everyone in their gold glitz and bright swimsuits. He just plain laps it up.

When they're out in public like this, Zeus tends to look younger. Early twenties. Enough so that he can walk with his arm wrapped around Ganymede's waist and people don't immediately take him for a pedophile, which Ganymede loves reassuring him, he is. It's only gotten more scandalous through time - sixteen was marrying age, at some point, but now he's barely over the age of consent. In another few centuries, he'll be nothing but a child.

And Zeus will still want him. Ganymede threads their hands together, feels his newly-acquired hemp bracelet catch on Zeus's watch. He knows that for certain.

"You're a horrible date," he says, eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Am I?" Zeus is looking somewhere else, inscrutable behind the big stupid sunglasses that were all the rage, but he smiles nonetheless. "You're not so great yourself, whinin' and carryin' on."

"You haven't offered to buy me some unfilling edible object as a token of your affection."

"I've got plenty of edible objects that can be a token of my affection." He smirks.

Ganymede laughs. "No, really."

"Just spit it out, already."

"I thought you liked it when I swallow?"

They shove each other around, laughing, and Ganymede almost trips on the edge of the sidewalk when his bare feet skid in the sand. Zeus catches him, drags him back to his side, where they fit together comfortably. They always do, no matter what the form. Zeus probably makes certain of it.

"Orange sherbert," he finally says, tilting his head back to smile.

"Orange sherbert. Where the hell did you get that craving?"

"Over there," and Ganymede points behind them, to one of a jillion dinky shops on the boardwalk. Zeus sighs but he's predictable, he can't refuse Ganymede a goddamn thing, and he's learned, from a long partnership, how to treasure the simple things.

Like walking hand in hand down the boardwalk, licking at sherbert before it can melt, dripping everywhere and going shirtless when the orange stains the blue. It's that they're here, together, doing normal things and spending time together and somehow, this hasn't got old. It will never get old. The world will come up with new and exciting things and they'll get to discover them, together.

They watch the sun set over the water, and tomorrow, there's work to be done - meetings in the Underworld all day, boring stuff, and Ganymede will knock around the arcades, swim a little, read the second half of 'Prisoner of Azkaban'. A day like any other, and they'll go home and do it all again.

if you liked that, try these:
The Water-Bearer . The Thunderer

fandom: percy jackson and the..., rating: pg, pairing: zeus/ganymede, fandom: mythology, drabble

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