I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do

Jul 06, 2007 15:12

Date/Time: 13th July, Evening-ish.
Location: Quevillon, nr. Rouen, Normandy, FRANCE. (reads like an address, but you haven't seen the mapwork I had to do)
Open To: Evie, as I'm not sure anyone can interrupt them in the middle of nowhere.
Currently Involving: Michel and Evie, I do presume.
Warnings: None. Cuteness?

I've found a reason for me to change who I used to be. )

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professorevie July 6 2007, 19:53:05 UTC
Evie was honestly having a great time. Michel's father was such a sweet man. Well, he was to her. He was a little harsh with Michel, of course. She understood that all Monsieur...er, Jean wanted to do was to push his son to be the best he can be (or at least, she thought that was the case), but still at every little insult to Michel, she felt the need to jump to his defense. She couldn't help it. She did it politely and discretely, of course, but she still felt...odd about it. She wanted Jean to like her so badly.

At any rate, it was after dinner, and she'd been talking to Jean when Michel came down with her jacket. She turned to Jean with a smile, excusing herself, then pulled her coat on and went to follow Michel. It would be nice to see more of this place. It was beautiful.


professorevie July 7 2007, 15:19:14 UTC
"You haven't changed all that much either, you know," she said with a grin. "It's strange. Sometimes when I'm with you I feel like that obnoxious, frizzy haired fifteen year old girl again. And you're my shy, awkward friend that tried so desperately to get me to remember anything." Evie laughed. "I missed you so much when you left Hogwarts." She shook her head, then turned to him quickly. "You'd better not, Michel Delame, or I'll...think of something."


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 15:24:41 UTC
"Haven't I?" Michel found that hard to believe, but he wasn't entirely sure it was any changes for the better. "Did you remember anything? Ever? Oh, and your hair was classic. That didn't change, I still love it, if for entirely different reasons." He teased her with a smirk and paused to contemplate her next point, "I missed you too, but things change, don't they?"


professorevie July 7 2007, 15:44:28 UTC
Evie shook her head. "No. No one really changes, at least not in ways that matter." She shrugged. "I thought you'd changed at first. And you had, slightly, but deep down you're the same person I met twenty seven years ago." Merlin, it didn't feel like it had been that long, did it? "I guess so. But you came back. That's what matters." At least, that's what mattered to her.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 16:07:31 UTC
Michel smiled genuinely, because it was, in some ways, good to know the drink hadn't changed him that much. "I guess I was just the same except the constantly inhebriated version and you're just the same except with gloriously beautiful hair." He meant it too. "I am amazingly glad I came back, you know."


professorevie July 7 2007, 18:06:44 UTC
"It is perfectly lovely isn't it," Evie joked, though really anyone could see through it. She wasn't in the least bit vain. She stopped, turning to face him and taking his other hand in hers as well. "Me too. I couldn't be happier," she said quietly, standing on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his lightly.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 18:34:43 UTC
He smiled, returning her kiss, "It's very lovely." Removing his hand from hers, he brought it up to play with a strand of her hair just in front of her face, "Can't get enough of this stuff."


professorevie July 7 2007, 18:52:26 UTC
"And I can't get enough of you playing with it," she said quietly. In all honesty, she couldn't get enough of him in general.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 19:06:46 UTC
"It's very playable with." He grinned and got a good idea, looking through the woods behind her, "Come on, we should go walk down by the river for a bit." Taking her hand, he guided her through the woods like he knew exactly where they were going. Lo and behold, they did come out on the banks of the Seine, which were rather different from their banks in Paris, he must admit.


professorevie July 7 2007, 19:33:59 UTC
Evie returned his smile and followed him. It wasn't as if she had any reason not to. She trusted him more than anyone else in the world. She looked out on the river. "You know, it's actually quite pretty here," she said with a grin. "Add some old fashioned ships and we could have a Monet." Could she resist a joke? No.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 19:53:48 UTC
Michel laughed, "Well, Monet was French, you know." Not that he knew a particularly great deal about art, it wasn't his best area of academics. He took her hand and lead her to a small mound of grass next to the path, "Come on, sit down for a bit."


professorevie July 7 2007, 20:04:38 UTC
"I do like the French," Evie replied with a grin. She sat down next to him on that patch of grass, still holding on to his hand. Really, she couldn't think of anywhere else in the world she'd rather be at this very moment.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 20:54:18 UTC
He leant back on his hands and looked at the sky for a minute, "You know, Evie...I was wondering." He turned to look at her properly before continuing, "Maybe I should ask you out on a date or something. I was just thinking...is this more than just us both being friends and having sex?"


professorevie July 7 2007, 21:08:08 UTC
Well. She...she certainly hadn't been expecting that. She gave him a surprised look. Really she...she didn't know what to say. Especially since she had no idea what this was either. But...they couldn't just be friends. Ailwin didn't make her feel this way. And it couldn't only be the sex, because there wasn't one of the other men she'd slept with that made her feel anything even remotely close to what she felt for Michel. "I...yes. There's definitely more to this," she agreed quietly, even though she didn't quite know what "more to this" meant. "I mean..." she trailed off and laughed at herself. She was making a fool out of herself. Fantastic.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 21:17:10 UTC
Michel laughed a little, but quietly, at her complete fumbling over the issue, "I mean, can I bestow upon you the official and most honorific title of 'my girlfriend'?" He had gotten the impression she'd say yes, but he had to ask. Doing it in a stumbling, half joking way was just the way he did things.


professorevie July 7 2007, 21:33:05 UTC
Evie grinned brightly, and looked up at him. "Of course you can," she said happily. "I feel so incredibly honoured and...official." Yes. Joking. It made everything so much easier to deal with. She leaned over and pressed her lips to his. It was strange but it really felt like a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She was his...his girlfriend now. And the thought made her so happy.


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