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Comments 10

jenthegypsy September 23 2011, 10:09:49 UTC
You, a serial shipper? Shocker! ;)


gottalovev September 24 2011, 05:52:49 UTC
I am sure you fell right out of your chair! lol! =D (it's fun, what can I say!)


engel82 September 23 2011, 13:15:54 UTC
That pretty much summarize my train of thought for the whole episode. I could just copy paste your entry on my LJ and that would work. Except I used to ship Jeremy/Tyler.



gottalovev September 24 2011, 05:55:08 UTC
ohhh, I used to ship Jeremy/Tyler a LOT, too! did they have a scene together this week? I had a real nice idea for a J/T fic once, but I didn't have time to do it before it got Jossed...

Jeremy and Matt were ADORABLE!

glad we agree :) this is such a good show to watch for a shipper ;)


Completely unrelated to our previous flailing. engel82 September 26 2011, 16:38:47 UTC

I’m coming to Quebec next weekend (Thanksgiving) and I was wondering if you wanted to do lunch either Saturday or Sunday (or maybe even Monday if that’s easier for you.) Very short visit, landing on the 7th at 10pm and leaving on the 10th at 5pm, but I hope we’ll have time to get together!! Let me know what works for you :D (There might be a possibility of my sister joining us since she is very likely gonna be my ride xD)

Hope to see you soon!! ♥


Re: Completely unrelated to our previous flailing. gottalovev September 29 2011, 03:24:18 UTC
ohhh, that would be so wonderful!

Let me know what works better for YOU and I'll manage! N has a football game at 1:30 on Saturday, so we could go eat around 11ish (though you arrive in town late the day before, you could want to sleep in). Sunday would work, too. My brother-in-law and SIL are coming to visit, too, but there aren't very defined plans as of when we'll get together. G told me to plan something with you, and we'll make them fit around that. I'm definitely free on Monday, if that's easier.

J'attends de tes nouvelles! =D ♥


janie_tangerine September 23 2011, 15:17:11 UTC
MY THOUGHTS ARE ALL YOUR THOUGHTS (with the addition that I could get behind Alaric/Damon/Elena.. YEAH IDEK). Like, ALL ALL ALL OF THEM. Also Klaus has been wanting to jump Stefan and screw him senseless for a while - can't say he has bad taste. Also Matt/Caroline/Tyler would still be the most glorious interspecies threesome ever, if Caroline DOESN'T GET KILLED BY HER DAD WHO BTW USED TO BE ON HEROES AND HE'LL NEVER NOT CREEP ME OUT BECAUSE OF THAT.

Also yep on the codependent brothers and Elena/Stefan being meant to be, lol. (Damon/Alaric totes is as well *nods convinced*)


gottalovev September 24 2011, 05:58:33 UTC
Alaric/Damon/Elena has potential! lol!

man, Klaus has it BAD for Stefan. who could blame him? Sarcastic and dangerous Stefan is so, so sexy.

OH GOD, I KNOW! I watched only the first season of Heroes and I immediately recognized him and he looked creepy. PLEASE, CAROLINE'S DADDY, DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!

this show is like shipper's heaven: throw anyone at anyone and IT WORKS!


hopelessfangirl September 24 2011, 20:18:23 UTC
Firstly, *waves* hello again! ♥

Oh my god, this is so accurate. The best shipping policy for TVD is totally to just ship everyone with everyone.



gottalovev September 29 2011, 03:26:25 UTC
hello you! *waves* so nice to see you! ♥

lol! yes, I saw an expression I had not seen before today "omnishipper" and that's definitely what I am as far as TVD is concerned! lol!

I've only seen the first season of Heroes but I did have a OMGWTF moment at that! eeeeep!


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