I get myself roped into things sometimes...

Jun 02, 2011 21:03

I love, love stargateland. I do.

Even if when I feel like I have to get all the points! This week was crazy because it's Theme Week, and every day the mods posted dozens and dozens of prompts for all shows, and we had to make whatever with them (each type of work giving a number of points, also with bonus points for our second Team (go sgl_alliesI waited to post in my ( Read more... )

sg1 fic: oma, sga fic: john/rodney, sga fic: john & atlantis, fic, sg1, sgu fic: eli/ginn, sg1 fic: jack/young, sg1 fic: jonas & teal'c, sga fic: john, sga fic: john&rodney, sga fic: ronon, sg1 fic: sam, sgu fic: young/rush, sgu fic: young, sga fic: ronon & rodney, sg1 fic: team, drabble, sg1 fic: sam & teal'c, sgu fic: eli & greer, sgu fic: ginn, sgu, crossover, sga

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Comments 6

rinkafic June 3 2011, 01:10:56 UTC
It is addictive, filling the prompts for points.


munibunny June 3 2011, 01:37:19 UTC
You are amazing! I wish I could do this... just sit down and write for prompts. It seems like such fun!


gottalovev June 5 2011, 21:32:58 UTC
hee, thanks! it's a lot of fun indeed. the thing in a landcom is that as long as you make the word count, the points are good... (quality, what is that?) so it's a bit liberating. And I cannot resist the points, so... (and there were so many prompts posted each day, finding a couple inspiring enough to work on was doable!)


gottalovev June 5 2011, 21:30:52 UTC
yes, it's a great motivator! lol! you did so many, yourself *tips hat*


rinkafic June 6 2011, 23:11:02 UTC
I think this was my favorite line, it is such an Eli thought:

The only thing he wished for was to talk to Ginn one last time, but she was unfortunately still locked in quarantine with Rush's psycho girlfriend.


gottalovev June 7 2011, 02:55:42 UTC
ohh, thank you! I tried to write a bit of SGU in this phase, it's not easy! I am glad you think it rings true =D


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