Up and away, part 2

Jun 29, 2006 12:02

I had a bit of difficulty with the muse: took a long time to make this one, and I went from wanting to do shower smut to setting up characters a bit. Oh well. Jack’s fault. I swear, he was not cooperative.

I’m a couple of days late for her birthday, but I dedicate this to 
inthekeyofd that had left me such great feedback last time, I’m always thrilled to find baseball fans.

and I'm pretty amused by the mind-melting that often happens in this fandom... seems 
elise_509 's mind and mine want to elope or something! see

Title : Up and away - part 2
Summary: They’ve won, we go into the locker room now….
Note: This is a complete alternate universe!!! I made the Lost universe morph into a baseball team and things surrounding it!!
Featuring : Jack/Sawyer, Christian, Sayid, Hurley and Kate pop in, allusions at past Skate
Rating: PG-13, yeah, sorry, no gratuitous sex yet (but it’s coming ;) ).
Word count: around 2 200.
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with the boys, I only own them in my dreams and get no profit out of it all.
Thanks to Sue, my dear beta, you’re the best!

Part one is here

Winning is great. Nothing like it. But Jack thinks that winning is especially sweet if Sawyer had an important part in that win. He beams, smiling and laughing out loud at every comment, attracting all attention to him like a magnet. Jack thinks he could do nothing else but look at his golden boy all day, and that Sawyer can have the entire spotlight if he needs it.

But since he can not reasonably just sit there and stare, Jack leaves him with his cheering squad and goes directly in the showers, wanting to get rid of the dirt and the sweat as soon as possible. The warm water is bliss and he only vaguely acknowledges a couple of the others going in and out, letting the flow hit him on the neck, head down and eyes closed. The stress slowly goes down the drain as the adrenaline lowers in his system.

Then, just like that, without even looking, he knows that Sawyer is there. Something has changed in the quality of the air. Jack can feel the burn of his stare and his hair raises all over in response. Jack smiles but he barely has the time to open his eyes before Sawyer is already under the water with him. He looks like a man on a mission, Jack thinks, seeing the hunger dance in his eyes like the little gold nuggets in the blue-green of his irises, shooting a thrill right down his stomach. Sawyer’s strong hands immediately take hold of his head, keeping him steady as he dives for a kiss. Jack tries, although weakly, to protest and Sawyer slips his tongue in with a groan, taking what he wants anyways. The heat radiating from his body and the passion in his kiss almost makes him forget where he is. Nothing is more tempting than to melt into that kiss, to grab and pull him closer, but Jack gently pushes him a bit, breaking the kiss.


Sawyer sighs and steps away, turning his back on him and hitting hard the next shower knob before going under the other flow. He mutters

“I checked. Daddy’s not coming.”

The familiar twang of guilt hits Jack. He reaches for Sawyer’s upper arm and squeezes it lightly, wanting to express how much he’d like for things to be different. He half expects to be shaken away, and he thinks he’d totally deserve it. Luckily, Sawyer is in a good mood, and the gesture wins him a wicked grin as he shrugs his shoulders.

“Bah. You know what winning does to me..”

Jack laughs, happy he didn’t hurt his feelings too much. He shakes his head, amused.

“Sawyer… Everything makes you horny!”

He chuckles, raising his eyebrows and displaying the dimples.

“And that is a problem because?”

Taking in the taunt muscles under the water and his locks now turned brown and slicked on his head, Jack thinks that there are indeed worse things in the world than a horny Sawyer. But he doesn’t need encouragement in that behavior, so Jack doesn’t bother to answer, grabs a towel and whips it towards Sawyer’s ass, making him laugh. Dodging water splashes, he gets out of the showers and dresses up quickly, a silly grin still on his face.

“Did you call that fastball Jack?”

Jack freezes, tension creeping right back in. Of course, he thinks, he has to question his judgement right in front of everyone. He turns to face his father, straightening up.

“Got him good, didn’t it?”

Christian squints a bit, examining his face.

“Ford shook you off. It was his idea?”

It’s not even a question, in fact. Jack’s heartbeat quickens as he inwardly curses Sawyer for not listening to him, just this time.

“No. He shook off, but did as I asked. I knew Gale would not hit him.” He hopes he sounds convincing. ‘He does not believe it’ sing songs the little voice in his head.

The silence stretches as Jack steadily holds the gaze of his father.

“That was a stupid call, Jack.” He says, at last, chilling. Jack clearly can see that Christian’s not fooled. “I expect more of you.”

Although he doesn’t want to be affected by the words, he feels his stomach twist none the less. Perfection, that’s what is asked of him. And even more importantly: loyalty. Jack finally looks down, caving in.

“Yes sir.”

Christian walks away and Jack turns to face his locker, gripping the sides so hard his knuckles turn white as he breathes in and out deeply to calm down. A musical voice states the obvious.

“I can see that the relations with your father are not getting better.”

Jack let’s a short bitter laugh escape him.

“ No, Sayid, they are not.”

He’s finished buttoning up his white dress shirt, and while he pulls on his tie, he curses once more the previous owner who hired his father as head coach. He has to admit that the discipline has improved. And that Christian Sheppard’s reputation as a shrewd tactician is earned. That they’d been winning more and more in the last year, and worse even that his own game has gone up a notch in reaction to the challenge. Fuck, they are even going for head of division. If it didn’t have the result of making his life miserable, he’d admit it was a great move.


Sayid turns him around and reaches for the tie, taking charge. Jack sighs, letting him do the knot.

“Thanks. I should not let him get to me like that.”

The big brown eyes are full of compassion. He tilts his head a bit.

“No, it’s not fair of him. Even more, you are not in fault. Why are you protecting Sawyer?”

Jack smiles a little. He doesn’t have a closest friend here. He can always count on Sayid to back him up, on the field as well as out. He shrugs, and tries to convince himself as well as the other man.

“I’m not.”

But Sayid obviously doesn’t buy it either. He knows him too much.

Sawyer is suddenly by their side, glaring at Sayid although speaking to Jack

“What? You’re not able to dress yourself anymore?”

Sayid is annoyed but backs away “Sawyer..”

But someone else calls for attention and they’re soon focusing on the center of the room

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Guys? We won’t be flying tonight, there is a problem with the plane.”

Curses and grumbles fuse.

“Seriously, dudes, you don’t want to get on a plane with an undetermined problem, and it’s a bit late to charter another. My assistant went back to the Hotel and they gave me the key cards we need, so I’ll pass them around. You’ll have to be at the airport at 10 tomorrow morning. Oh and guys? Great game tonight!”

Jack is not worried, he knows that Hurley’s endearing personality will win over even the grumpiest of them. He is truly one of the most unusual owners around. In a couple of months, clever investing had transformed his lottery winnings into a billion dollars. He took very close interest in everything related to the team, up to the numbers they were sporting on their uniforms. When he had made the cut at spring training, Boone had tried to get the 4 he had been wearing up until now in the minors, but asked to choose between another team and it, he had settled for the 44. Those eccentricities aside, Hurley was not much different from the average fan, except he had unlimited access to the locker rooms. Some had thought it would be easy to extort big contracts out of him, but he had hired a great general manager that took care of the baseball aspect.

He starts his round by coming to them and hands off a card each to Sawyer, Jack and Sayid.

“okay, so the room number is on the post-it on the card. Sorry guys.”

“S’okay big guy.” Sawyer is definitely in a forgiving mood tonight, Jack marvels.

As always, Hurley looks at Sawyer with admiration. He had paid quite a lot to get him on the team in the spring. Even more, he had traded three good young prospects in that deal, considered an outrage at the time, although it was now viewed as great insight as they were clinging to the top spot a couple of weeks before the finals.

“Dude, that strike out … it was like… amazing!”

Sawyer grins proudly


Jack and Sayid both scoff. Modesty is definitely not Sawyer. But then again, Jack muses, why would he be modest? Looks, talent, money, he has it all.

Just as Hurley goes to distribute the rest of the cards, first to Jin that looks particularly confused by Hurley mimicking a no go for the plane, the doors open to the journalists.

It is once again time for the usual cliché and to state the obvious to a strain of reporters all asking the same questions. Jack got used to it over the years, but the sight of the TV camera still makes him nervous. He doesn’t like to explain his decisions, and always speaks as “we” instead of “I”. That doesn’t make very interesting TV moments, and everyone knows it. He gets mandatory routine questions, out of politeness he supposes, before they jump to the witty and flamboyant. In short, on Charlie and Sawyer, who are more than eager to play along. Being on the road means the questions are trickier, but also that it will be shorter than at home. Two minutes of general comments on how each victory is important for the team and they are gone, leaving Jack room to breathe.

“Hey Jack.”

The familiar voice surprises him. He turns to the beautiful short brunette smiling up at him

“Hey.” He smiles too, noting once more how green her eyes are “Nice to see you Kate, it’s been a while.”

She raises her shoulders.

“Yeah, seems we didn’t meet as often this year.”

A reporter for Baseball illustrated, she was on the road doing features on stars, towns or special fans. She was even more of a nomad than they were and Jack even wondered if she had a home of her own. They’d usually bump into each other several times a year, planned or by coincidence, he didn’t know and used to wonder. A strong attraction had been simmering between the two of them for years, but neither had been bold enough to make a move.

“I’ve been busy with a new series of articles about baseball around the word.” She continues as if she has to explain herself.

“Well well well! If it isn’t the sexiest journalist in baseball !”

Sawyer drawls as he comes so close to her, he’s literally invading her personal place, towering over her and giving her his most dazzling smile. She laughs, amused and seemingly not impressed at all that he’s only dressed in a towel around his waist.

“Hi Sawyer! Nice to see you too.”

They easily fall in a teasing conversation, clearly knowing each other real well, which doesn’t surprise Jack, Sawyer always being such a flirt with everyone, especially pretty ladies.

“We’re stuck in town tonight, plane problems. Fancy to come and eat with us Freckles?”

Jack was not expecting that one, and he supposes that means him.

“Who is ‘Us’?” She asks playfully.

“Me and Jack.” Her eyes open wide and she glances nervously to Jack before coming back to the smirking Sawyer that seems to take Jack’s agreement for granted and is only looking at her. “C’mon, for old time sakes.” He adds, almost purring, and travels the back of his hand on Kate’s inner arm, making her start to blush. It dawns on Jack that they’ve certainly been lovers, and he is suddenly hit by an unexpected strong wave of jealousy. Jealous of him with her or her with him, that’s not very clear. Probably both.

“Okay, sure” she agrees while still looking at Sawyer and turning even a darker shade of pink, to his amusement, before turning to Jack “if that’s ok with you, of course.”

To Jack’s dismay, he can’t see how he can get out of it. But he will not watch them flirt all night. He is going back to the hotel if that happens. He shrugs, trying his best to act cool and indifferent

“Of course it is.” He wonders when he started lying so often.

“All righty. I’ll be ready in a sec.” Sawyer approves, obviously very pleased, before getting rid of his towel and starting to dress, not bothered a second to be butt naked in front of half a dozen journalists.

Jack catches Kate’s appreciative eye. Although it hurts more than he wants it to, he has to know

“So you and Sawyer huh?”

She smiles.

“It’s been a little while. He can be pretty irresistible if he turns the charm on.” She says as if it is some kind of fatality, but totally serene about it.
Jack agrees, having succumbed time and time again. No way he’s telling her that though.

part 3

baseball!au, fic, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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