Have you ever...

Aug 19, 2008 18:22

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to do, meme

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Comments 11

wendy August 19 2008, 23:18:02 UTC
This is interesting. Definitely some fun ideas on here. Some (get an abortion? get arrested? get dumped online?) I...will pass on!


gottalovev August 21 2008, 15:17:55 UTC
I do think there are a lot of good ideas, but as you say? some are totally not something I want to bold either.

I mean... I killed another human being? yikes!


elliotsmelliot August 20 2008, 00:34:33 UTC
Cool! There are a lot of stories here. I'll just pick one for you to elaborate on.

Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice.


gottalovev August 21 2008, 15:21:29 UTC
there are a couple of good ones indeed!

For the one you picked, I took it as any time I could have lied to a foreign official. Not a earth shattering thing in my case, but as many other people I've not been totally honest with border/immigration officers, knowing I had in my bags stuff that I should not have. (not drugs! lol!)


zelda_zee August 20 2008, 07:23:55 UTC
What kind of accent did you adopt for a day?


gottalovev August 21 2008, 15:27:58 UTC
It's usually unconscious, whenever I travel and may it be in English or French (or Spanish) where I try to mimic the way the locals talk. but I did once have to totally switch for a France accent and make the Quebecquer go away because those French people didn't understand me at all. to the point at looking at me with their jaw hanging opened as if it was Chinese.


zelda_zee August 21 2008, 17:46:16 UTC
Oh, actually I do that too. I was thinking of putting on a fakey accent, but when I travel I tend to pick up inflections in the way people speak and end up, if not with a full-on accent, at least with some kind of hybrid. It was really noticeable when I returned from 3 months in Ireland. I couldn't turn it off.


haldoor August 20 2008, 07:57:53 UTC
Where did you masturbate in a public place and did anyone see you? (yes, I need to get into the gutter stuff, of course!) ;-)


gottalovev August 21 2008, 15:31:01 UTC
LOL! you are nosy! heee!

well I read a lot of fic here at work, and it might have happened (not often!) that it was so steamy there was need to do something. But no one saw and it was very discreet ;)


haldoor August 22 2008, 04:34:22 UTC
Oooh, you are wicked! I take it you have a private office!!! Ha! ;-)


gottalovev August 24 2008, 19:29:44 UTC

not exactly, but we have cubicle separated by beige half walls.. it give a bit of privacy until someone stands up and looks over!


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