Birthday and Luau gift within!

Aug 13, 2008 10:33

I have been thinking about and trying to work on this fic for a month now. It was hard, very hard, because I have lots of problem writing Boone (and Jack), plus my porn-fu was broken and had deserted me. Not sure it's back, quite.

I tried to do individual gifts for the Luau as much as I could, but did combine the wishes of 3 Queens for this one, trying to make it up to them by going over 100 words each and supplying PWP. It's not a coincidence if it is posted today, because it's the birthday of one of them,
janie_tangerine, a new addition to my flist that I adore already. Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one dear!

halfdutch and
haldoor, this one is for you gals too *loves*

Title: Fortune Favors the Bold
Fandom/Pairing/rating: Lost, Jack/Boone, NC-17
Word count: a bit over 1 800 words
Summary: In the Sydney Airport, Boone decides he wants to play.
Notes: SHAMELESS PWP, do not try to find character development within. Overuse of commas. And they aren't mine, it's for fun.
Thanks: to Sue who read it over for me and Google/Wiki/Terence for the title  ;)

Taking a sip of his screwdriver, Boone notices with satisfaction that the guy three stools down the bar finally sees him instead of looking right through him. Tequila and tonic almost finished, he has a little smile hovering on his hips that's way better than the grim air he had just a few minutes ago. The brunette who put it there is long gone with her phone, but Boone overheard their little plans of meeting up in the plane later.

There is just a little problem with that: Boone decided he wants to play, too. If he gets things to go his way, the handsome man, Jack he overheard, is going to get extra lucky. So Boone holds eye contact with a smile, then blatantly gives him a thorough once over with no subtlety what so ever. It seemed to work for the girl, why change a winning recipe?

Obviously the message got through because the guy is now blushing and looking at his glass as if it holds the meaning of life instead of remnants of ice. It's kind of adorable. Worried that if he waits too long he's going miss his chance, Boone goes to sit right next to him.

"Hey, I'm Boone."

The man shakes his head with an amused smile, looking down, but he answers none the less.


"Can I buy you another drink?"

This time Jack laughs softly and meets his eyes.

"Do I have a ‘flirt with me sign’ on my back?"

Cocking his head, Boone grins.

"Maybe. Do you mind?"

Jack blinks before quickly assessing Boone, but he blushes again when he realizes what he did and that Boone saw it.

"Uh... No. No, I don’t mind."

"Cool. Let me buy you that drink, then."

He doesn’t wait for an answer and gestures to the barman who brings new glasses over. Jack looks amused again, although still visibly nervous and downs his glass in a couple of swallows. Boone raises an eyebrow when he puts it back down on the bar.

"Guess you needed that." He then decides to go for all or nothing. "Want another one? Or is it enough liquid courage to follow me?"

Jack’s eyes get round at his boldness but he doesn’t seem ready to run, so that’s good.

"Follow you? Where?"

Boone stands up, fishes a couple of bills out of his wallet that he puts on the bar, then leans in Jack’s space to whisper near his ear.

"Guess you won’t know if you don’t come with me."

He doesn’t wait to see if Jack took the bait and walks unhurriedly out of the bar, putting all of his effort into not turning back to check if he's following. It’s a long shot, but who knows? There is no time to coax gently and if it doesn’t work, he’ll try again on the plane. Or not, depending on his mood.

When Boone is sure he's out of sight of the bar itself, he finally looks over his shoulder and a jolt of arousal shoots down his spine right to his groin as he spots Jack a couple of feet back. Got him. There are a couple of shops nearby that are being renovated, and quick survey confirms that the workers are, as expected, on their lunch break. Boone slides between scaffoldings into a future deluxe retail store, judging by the mahogany displays that are being set up.

It doesn’t take long that Jack comes in too and Boone uses the element of surprise to push him against the wall, out of sight of the corridor. He plasters himself on Jack from chest to knee, looking up as he’s grabbed by the arms but not pushed away.

"Happy you chose to follow me."

Jack’s breath is starting to quicken already.

“I must be out of my mind."

Just like that he finally takes some initiative and crushes his mouth down hard on Boone’s, kissing with intent that is met with enthusiasm. There is a lot of teeth and maybe a bit too much of tongue, but it’s so fierce Boone finds himself craving for skin now now now. Jack is making those growling sounds, too, that have him aching with the need to be fucked hard. Clothes are in the way though, and he tries to remedy the situation as efficiently as he can (doing a damn good job of it too), when he sees the ink on the inside of Jack’s arm. Fuck, that’s just scorching hot. He can’t help it, Boone starts licking the swirls and the stars and it has Jack gasping.

"Holy shit, your mouth..."

Boone grins up, making a show of flicking his tongue lasciviously and meeting Jack’s eyes.

"Any place you want it, Jack?"

No more words but Jack takes one of his hands and puts it right over his crotch, where Boone feel him hard and straining against his dress pants. Seems like they are talking the same language and the message is received, loud and clear. He falls to his knees and starts undoing belt and trousers, then pushes them down with the boxers until he finally can grab Jack’s swollen cock. Boone doesn’t waste an instant and licks him hot and wet, then swirls his tongue around the head a couple of times, making Jack growl.


Meeting Jack’s eyes, Boone huffs and kisses the tip. They won’t have time to make it twice, and he plans to enjoy this too.

"Give me a minute first."

Getting his own pants undone, he shoves them toward his knees with his underwear and makes a show of drenching two fingers with spit. Jack’s eyes darken even more and his erection paints shiny trails on his cheek. Boone then grabs Jack again and starts blowing him, slow and wet, prepping himself at the same time. The smell of arousal and musk is intoxicating, and to feel that stranger totally losing it as he begins to fuck his mouth gives Boone a feeling of power he hasn’t had in a while. He can feel his own dick leaking, hard and neglected, but tries to focus on stretching himself and relaxing the muscles, groaning when he grazes his own sweet spot. It makes him want to do the same for Jack, so he slides a finger next to the cock filling his mouth and Jack grabs his hair at that, making him look up. He looks totally debauched, white dress shirt undone and still hanging from his forearms, eyes glassy and mouth slack, leaning back on the wall for support.

"So fucking pretty."

Jack says unoriginally, and to shut him up Boone slide his slick finger behind Jack’s balls, getting the tip in his ass to the first knuckle. It works, making Jack cry out in surprise, but he gets almost choked in the process when the head of Jack’s cock hit the back of his throat. He swallows around it, making Jack curse. The tell tale signs that Jack is about to lose it are rapidly pretty obvious, though, and Boone’s probably as ready as he’ll get with spit. Boone reluctantly lets Jack slip out of his mouth, giving him a couple of licks for good measure.

He doesn’t have time to say anything that he’s being hauled up and pushed face first against the wall as Jack spits in his hand.

"You want to get fucked, Boone?"

Jack’s husky voice in his ear sends shivers down Boone’s spine and his hips buck, humping the wall. God he needs to be touched soon. Boone spreads his legs as far as he can with his pants at his calves.

"Yes. Yes. Fuck me hard. Come on."

He expects to feel Jack’s cock breaching him but he’s surprised when it’s one of his fingers, making him cry out when he rubs at the right place at the first try. He moans and rears back, fucking himself on Jack’s hand, seeking more of it.

"You want it bad, huh? Look at you, like a cat in heat. More?"

Boone has to bite his lip not to shout when Jack adds a finger, then another, his other hand gripping him hard by the hip. It’s good, so good, and he can feel his orgasm building fast. He almost protests when Jack withdraws his fingers, but feels him line up with his dick instead and yeah. Even better. It’s a bit much at first but Boone never did mind a bit of pain. Jack stills once he’s fully sheathed, letting him time to adjust.


Panting, Boone nods.

"Yeah, yeah... I can take it."

Slowly, Jack starts moving with small rocking motions. When discomfort gives way to pleasure, Boone starts following the movement. It escalates as Jack goes into longer and harder thrusts that soon have Boone fucking himself back on his cock in earnest. So fucking good. He’s grappling on the wall trying to hold on to something, Jack’s hands on his hips clenching so strongly he has a thrill thinking he’s surely going to have bruises.

They are all pants, grunts and moans, hard and fast and Boone only has a moment to mourn the loss of Jack’s grip on his hip that he’s reaching around: all is forgotten when it closes around his dick, making a fist for Boone to fuck in at his turn. It’s sensation overload; Jack’s hand soon slick with the pre-come and the hard pounding in his ass making him see stars. His orgasm sneaks up on him, fast and blinding, as he shouts and clenches hard around Jack. He feels Jack’s rhythm falter and he comes too with a loud groan. After rocking lightly with the aftershocks, Jack stills for a minute, breathing hard in Boone’s nape, who counts on the wall and the man in his back to stay upright. He feels great. He wonders if he’s ever felt better, and it makes him snigger.

"I needed that. Badly."

Surprisingly, Jack laughs before slipping out and standing up. Boone turns, still relying on the wall and watches Jack clean up the best he can with a rag from the construction crew. He passes it over and Boone could swear the red on Jack’s cheeks is not just a flush from the sex but that he’s blushing again.

"What? Don’t go shy on me now, you beast.” He teases to lighten the atmosphere and Jack honest to god giggles at that.

"It’s... thanks. I was having a really bad day."

Boone had noticed at the check in counter, and frankly he was not having a blast either which had prompted all of this in the first place. He smiles at Jack, zipping up his grey pin striped trousers and buttoning up his over-shirt.

"Let’s hope it picks up from here, then. Bye Jack."

He gives Jack a last look and ducks between the scaffoldings again. Shannon is waiting, thinking he is trying to get first class seats. He surely will have hell to pay when he comes back with a no, but at least she’s not the only thing he can taste anymore.

The End

lost fic: jack/boone, birthday, fic, lost

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