Title: Unwritten (Boom - Part Three - The Beginning.)
Author: Nat
Rating: R
Word Count: 3,072
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil Grissom, Nick Stokes and occasional cameos by other cast members.
Warnings: Adults only, please.
Spoilers: Boom
Disclaimer: You know the "I don't own these two" drill, so I won't bore you.
Unbeta-ed: I'm too busy to spell check. I
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Comments 7
More of a Scotch kinda guy... sure big tease..
Thank you for following along. Through the Ew factor and the intensity even!! I hope you liked!
Wow, wonderful, (fans self). Gi's remark about going to save Nick's ass, priceless.
Enjoyed Gil thinking back to Nick's first interview,
again, great take on the epi,
although it started out as a job?? for Gil, looks like his true feelings came out, Nick sure did forget about his un-comfort, fast
Yeah - it never seems to take much to get them going does it? We can only wish...
Great beginning! Poor old Nick! You never mentioned whether or not Gil was hard...I bet he was! So he is a ganuine Forensic Masturbator! Good job!
I'm now going to find time to savour the lot and start going backwards forwards!!!
Yeah - it would be a good idea to read them in chronological order. I started myself, too, just to make sure they all made sense!
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