Hello there LJ!

Mar 25, 2013 17:40

....long time no update! And I see quite a few things have changed about the general look of LJ while I've been navelgazing elsewhere ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

catwalksalone March 25 2013, 21:59:11 UTC
It is utterly not selfish for you to do something you want. You are a sole parent and have a huge amount of responsibility and singing sets you free. It takes you places (mentally AND physically) that you wouldn't otherwise go, and it has been awesome for your self-confidence. And if these lessons can help with controlling the stammer then that's brilliant! The more doors you can hold open for yourself, the better.

In conclusion: go you!


gothams3rdrobin March 26 2013, 20:40:30 UTC
Go me! LOL! I've been rehearsing some today (got my grubby paws on the mp3s for one of our new songs! *cough*Skyfall!*cough*) and it's kinda interesting how much I seem to have already retained from that lesson and one listen-through to the CD of it she burns at the end.


alryssa March 26 2013, 07:36:21 UTC
I don't think this is a selfish indulgence. You're taking care of you and improving yourself at something you love to do that keeps you sane. That's more than worth it. :x


gothams3rdrobin March 26 2013, 20:43:29 UTC
It most certainly does keep me sane! :-) I was feeling grumpy earlier about some work vs home-life issues and, as I often do lately, I had a bit of a sing to push through it. I make no apologies if the overwhelming attention I got from Matilda was her way of saying "For goodness sake SHUT UP!" ;-)


out_there April 4 2013, 23:49:40 UTC
You know how you think of lots of things you might want to tell people, but then you get distracted or lose confidence that anyone - even yourself - gives two hoots about what you have to say? Yeah. That.

I know that very well. I think everyone online knows that to an extent. *g*


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