Fiction: Your Time Will Come - Supernatural - 2/2 - Dean/Castiel - R

Nov 05, 2009 12:34


Dean watched as Lucifer crushed his cell phone between his fingers, like it was made out of tissue paper. He let the plastic and electronic bits fall to the floor and then brushed his hands together as though he were brushing dust from them.

"You should close your mouth," Lucifer said. Dean snapped his gaping mouth shut and stared, unsure what else to say. Lucifer had snatched the cell phone from his hand and made some threats to Castiel before crushing the thing. "You could catch flies."

"Around you, that is a distinct possibility," Dean quipped. Lucifer frowned and moved toward Dean.

A flutter of wings filled the air, and Zachariah appeared in the center of the room. He smiled at Dean and then stepped forward, getting down on one knee in front of Lucifer. Dean rolled his eyes at the angel's behavior.

"Saved by the Zach," Dean muttered.

Lucifer motioned for Zachariah to stand and when he was on his feet again, they moved to the other side of the room with their backs to Dean. They spoke in hushed voices, and Dean moved closer to try to hear what they were saying. Zachariah turned to smile at Dean.

"Don't worry, Dean," he said, grinning like a loon. "You'll know soon enough what's going on."

Lucifer turned and held his hand up to reveal a small sword. It was stained with blood.

"This is what I've been waiting for," Lucifer said. He smiled at Dean as he took a step forward. Dean rushed back and pushed himself flat against the wall as far away from them as possible, holding his hand out as if it would protect him. They advanced on him.

"Now wait a second," Dean stuttered frantic. "We can talk this through. Come on guys, there's no need for violence here."

They paused in their advance, and Zachariah smiled brightly. Dean hated that smile. In truth he hated everything about the bastard.

"Don't worry," Zachariah said.

"Yes, Dean," Lucifer interrupted. He stepped behind Zachariah and in one smooth motion, slit Zachariah's throat. The angel's eyes went wide with surprise. He clutched at his cut throat, trying to stop the blood as it gushed from the wound, and poured down his front, soaking his pristine suit. Dean stared in shock and watched as Zachariah fell to his knees. "Don't worry. This isn't for you." For what felt like an eternity, Zachariah knelt before Dean, pleading eyes staring up at him. Then he fell forward as Lucifer kicked him in the back. Dean had his mouth open again. He shouldn't have been this shocked. This was Lucifer after all, but he was at a loss for words. He stared down at the body as blood started to pool beneath him.

When he looked up, Lucifer was cleaning the sword. He shrugged and held the sword in the air.

"What do you know?" he said, "I guess this means I'm still an angel at heart."

Dean fell back against the wall and slid down to sit. The realization that this sword could be used to kill Castiel hit him.

"Now where were we?" Lucifer said as he carelessly waved the sword in the air. "Oh, right, you were about to tell me about Castiel's extra curricular activities."


The silence was driving Sam nuts. He kept shifting in his seat and nudging Castiel with his elbow. He told himself it was by accident but the truth was he was mad at him. Why couldn't he just come out and say what the fuck was really going on? Why did he have to be so secretive? Sam hated secretive. He didn't trust anyone after what had happened with Ruby that wasn't Dean. Sam started to tap his fingers against the dash board. At first, it was just random, nervous tapping, but then it started to form into a tune. Sam stopped when he realized that it was Dean's favorite song he was tapping out. He gritted his teeth and stared out the window, watching the scenery.

"Make a left here," Castiel suddenly said, pointing in the direction. Bobby made the turn with a scowl on his face. Sam could see that he was just as perturbed.

"I need to get some gas," Bobby announced. Though Sam could see by the gauge that they weren't quite close to empty yet, there was a gas station right here. Bobby pulled into the station and up to a pump before anyone could protest. Sam mentally stuck his tongue out at Castiel, wishing he could be so childish, but the stupid angel would probably just ignore him anyway. Instead he got out of the truck and stretched his legs. He felt cramped in the cab despite how much legroom there was. He just needed to walk, so he did, looking back to find that Bobby was pumping the gas and watching him. Sam gave a slight nod to let Bobby know that everything was good.

Sam walked to the edge of the gas station's property and stood in a small patch of grass, rolling his neck and shoulders as he stared up at the darkening sky. When had it gotten so dark? He hadn't even realized and the way the clouds were rolling in seemed unnatural to him. Sam felt a presence behind him and he turned to find Castiel standing right there. The man was so silent when he moved. It bugged Sam.

"It's his doing," Castiel said, motioning to the clouds with one hand.

"Great, so then we're getting close," Sam replied. Castiel only nodded in response. Sam scowled down at the shorter man.

"Could you at least tell me how close?" Sam practically growled. Castiel stared up at him with dark, sad eyes. Sam could see Bobby pulling the truck away from the pump and parking it close to where they stood.

"I'm just as anxious to save Dean," Castiel said.

"What don't I know? Why can't you tell me?" Sam said. He sounded so pathetic, but he didn't care. Dean was out there somewhere with Satan enduring God knows what and Sam had never felt so anxious in his entire life. The weapons they brought were useless against their opponent so why had they even bothered? Castiel might be their only chance at coming out of this alive. Sam paced a few steps then turned and paced again. "You have to give me something, Cass," he blurted, allowing his anxiety to take hold. "Anything, because this is just insane."

"I want you to know that I care about Dean more than you will ever know. I'm truly sorry, Sam," Castiel said with a deep sigh. He took something out of his pocket and handed it to Sam. It was a folded slip of paper. "This is where he is." Castiel turned to look up at the sky with a desperate, sad expression. "It's time." With those words he vanished. Sam rushed forward to grab at him but it was too late. Castiel was gone. Sam stared at Bobby and then opened the paper, and stared at the address Castiel had written down.

"I guess we're on our own," Bobby said.


Dean was sitting on the bed, staring down at the carpeted floor, being reminded of the time the angels had kidnapped him and put him in that stupid holding room to prevent him from stopping Sam. He was thinking about Sam and how freaked out his brother must be by now. He was thinking that maybe going off on his own hadn't been such a good plan after all. He was thinking that maybe he should have eaten something before he left, because his stomach was rumbling. He was thinking about the guy who had been Zachariah's vessel and wondering if he had a family. He was staring down at the scorch marks in the carpet the shape of wings.

Lucifer sat down beside Dean and put his arm around Dean's shoulders. Dean flinched and tried to get up, but the son of a bitch was too strong.

"It won't be long now," Lucifer said. "Let me tell you how this plays out. I already know the end of the story."

"Well that's just cheating," Dean said, trying not to feel nervous. If Lucifer had found Chuck they were more than just doomed. They were royally fucked, but Castiel had said that he made sure Chuck was in a safe place and that even Lucifer would not be spared if he tried to hurt the guy.

"I'm Satan," he said with a shrug. "I cheat. Get over it. As I was saying, I know the ending and it's not pretty for you and yours. Castiel is going to die like a dog, and I'm going to be the one who kills him." He held the sword up in front of Dean's face. "I'm going to slice his pretty throat open and he's going to bleed all over this hideous rug, which would be an improvement, and then I am going to kill Sam and then your hick friend and then I am going to gut you like a pig."

Dean tried not to shudder at the words and the fact that Lucifer was fondling his shoulder with his hand. He stared at the wild eyes. They were so blue and the face of the man who Lucifer had chosen as a vessel was so soft and welcoming. Dean felt sorry for the poor bastard. No matter how this ended, it would not end well for him.

"Maybe we could cut a deal," Lucifer said with a smile. The smile was so friendly, like they were having a casual conversation about the weather.

"No thanks," Dean said with firm conviction. There was no way he'd ever cut a deal with this bastard. One time in hell was one time too many.

"Are you sure?" Lucifer said, raising one eye brow. "I'd give you plenty of time, say seven years." He waved the sword in the air. "I'd go right this second and leave you all alone."

"Yeah, right," Dean said with a snort. "You'd leave us alone. You would let me walk out of here and leave us alone until my seven years was up."

Lucifer nodded. "I may be a bastard, but I would never break a contract. Look." With that word, Lucifer places a hand on Dean's forehead.

The image of Castiel being stabbed with the sword flashed before Dean's eyes. He stood and watched as Castiel fell to the floor in this very room, blood pouring out of the wound, eyes wide in horror. Then Sam rushed forward and he stopped with a shocked expression on his face as his throat was cut. He fell on top of Castiel, dead. Then Bobby was there, falling as he was also stabbed. Blood pooled under their bodies. Lucifer stood above them, black wings shadows on his shoulders.

He pulled his hand away from Dean and Dean stared with wide horrified eyes at what he'd just seen. "Was that the future?"

Lucifer nodded. It had all felt so real. The image of Sam and Castiel and Bobby all dead burned in Dean's mind.

"You could stop all that," Lucifer said, leaning in closer. His lips were up against Dean's ear, breath on him. Dean shivered and turned his head to look Lucifer in the eyes.

"You'd let us all live?" Dean said with a swallow, horrified that he was even saying this.

Lucifer nodded and brushed Dean's hair with his hand.

"I can see why Castiel loves you," he said. "You're breathtaking."

Dean shivered again uncontrollably. This was insane. He stopped and realized that Lucifer's grip on the sword had slackened, and it was right there, practically in Dean's lap. He could snatch it from his hand, and then this would all be over. For just a second, Dean felt time stop. He ignored the hot caress on his neck and the soft lips on his ear. He ignored everything but the sword, willing it to be his.

"Get your hands off of him," the words boomed through the room. The moment was over. Dean cursed Castiel's bad timing and watched as the one chance he might have had to end all this vanished.

Lucifer stood and held the sword behind his back. Dean eyed the weapon, trying to decide if he should make a play and stab the devil in the back.

"It's about time you showed up," Lucifer said.

"Cass, don't," Dean yelled. "He's got some kind of sword that can kill an angel."

Castiel nodded and stood his ground when Lucifer showed him the sword. He didn't seem disturbed or frightened by the revelation that he had a weapon made just for killing his kind.

"Isn't that sweet how he has a cute little nickname for you," Lucifer said. He tucked the sword into his jacket pocket and held his empty hands up for all to see. "You know how this ends. You've been to see that so-called prophet."

Dean inched to the left away from Lucifer, hoping to position himself better. He eyed Castiel, watching for any sign or signal that the angel had some sort of plan he could somehow convey with a wave of his hand or an eyebrow waggle. He willed Castiel to have a plan.

"I do know how this ends," Castiel said, putting his hands behind his back casually like they were just standing around talking about what movie to go see. Dean wished he was imagining the indifferent attitude. He knew Castiel wasn't exactly the strongest of his bunch, but this was insane. He couldn't have come here without some kind of plan, could he?

While Dean was pondering this, Lucifer rushed forward so fast that he was a blur. Castiel flew back and hit the wall behind him with a sickening crunch. The building rattled around them when he hit the wall.

"This is foolish," Lucifer said, walking forward to stand over Castiel's fallen body. Dean could see a trickle of blood at the corner of Castiel's mouth. "You'll never beat me." He reached down and pulled Castiel to his feet, holding him by the collar. Dean rushed forward, and was backhanded for his efforts. He slammed against the wall, and slid to the floor. "Don't worry, Dean, you're next once I'm done here." Dean watched, helpless to do anything but groan in pain, as Castiel was bashed in the head over and over again with the hilt of the sword. Castiel tried to stop the blows, but they were too swift. Blood splattered the ceiling after the third blow. When Dean was sure he could no longer stomach what he was seeing, Lucifer released Castiel, and watched as he flopped to the ground.

"I will never give up," Castiel said. He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees and wiped blood from his lips.

"I know you won't, but here's the thing," Lucifer said as he grabbed Castiel's collar again and held him in place. Castiel sagged in the man's gripped. Dean forced himself to stand up despite the pain shooting through his own battered body, and rushed forward again. Lucifer released Castiel, allowing him to fall limp to the floor, and punched Dean in the face hard. Dean screamed in pain as he went down. "Stay down." This time, Dean stayed where he lay and watched as Lucifer turned his attention back to Castiel. They were going to die here. It was over, and there wasn't a damn thing Dean could do about it.

"You can't win," Castiel said. He spat blood on the carpet and managed to stand. Dean almost cheered as Castiel turned and kicked Lucifer in the gut, but the action barely staggered the demon. He countered with his own kick, and Castiel fell backwards with a loud thump.

"You and your boyfriend will never defeat me," Lucifer said as he straddled Castiel, punching him over and over in the face. Blood flew everywhere and Dean crawled across the floor toward them. Just as Dean reached them, Lucifer jumped up and off of Castiel to back away. Dean slid the rest of the distance and pulled Castiel close. His face was a mess of blood and bruises were already forming.

"Why are you doing this?" Dean asked, feeling foolish even as he said the words. This was the devil and he was evil. Hell, evil was literally in his name. Asking the devil why he was hurting them was like asking water why it was wet.

"This is so touching," Lucifer said as he licked at the blood on his knuckles. Dean's stomach clenched with disgust at the sight. He pulled Castiel's battered head into his lap.

"Come on," Dean said to Castiel.

"Why don't you kiss it better?" Lucifer suggested with a glint of mirth in his eye.

Dean glared up at him and turned his attention back to Castiel. He wasn't healing. The wounds still looked nasty and Castiel looked like he was on the verge of shutting down but they seemed less nasty than a few moments ago.

"I'm serious," Lucifer said. His voice had changed from one of mirth to one of impatience. "Kiss it better." He pulled the sword from his pocket and held it up.

"You're a fucking lunatic," Dean said.

"I think I'll rip his fucking wings off first before I gut him," Lucifer said softly. "You can watch him bleed to death, or I will give you a choice. Kiss him now and I might be gentle later."

Dean wanted to laugh at how absurd the whole situation was. This was totally insane. The devil wanted him to kiss an angel? Dean stared down into Castiel's pleading eyes, but he wasn't sure what he was pleading for. He touched Castiel's bruised cheek and noticed that the bruise wasn't as bad as it had been a few minutes ago. Dean felt hope swell in his chest. Maybe this would buy them some time.

"Come on, Dean," Lucifer said. He stood a few feet away, watching them with a gleeful expression on his face. "I have no doubt that you could corrupt the incorruptible. Now kiss the pretty little angel, and we can get on with this."

Dean stared down into Castiel's eyes. It was his eyes. Castiel's eyes always caught Dean's attention and never failed to make him feel warm inside. He bent his head and kissed Castiel on the forehead. The kiss was soft and hesitant.

"You can do better than that," Lucifer said. "Kiss him on the lips and get some tongue action going." His voice was no longer playful in the least bit. Dean glanced up and saw that Lucifer looked angry. His eyes were red now. Dean looked back down at Castiel unsure of what to do next. Castiel nodded once as though giving consent to continue. Dean tilted his battered head up so that he could place a soft kiss on Castiel's bleeding lips. The taste of blood filled Dean's mouth. Dean felt a surge of adrenaline rush through his body as he deepened the kiss. Castiel parted his lips and pushed his tongue into Dean's mouth. The taste of blood overwhelmed Dean, but he didn't care. His heart was beating harder in his chest as he licked the blood and swallowed some down.

"Okay, that's enough," Lucifer said. Dean barely heard the words. He was caught in the wonderful tingling sensation of Castiel's lips on his. Each time their tongues touched, Dean felt a warmth course through his body. He wasn't sure if it was the blood or the kiss. All his pain went away and Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean. He could feel the strength in those arms, and then Dean was being pulled from Castiel. The moment their lips separated, Dean felt sorrow and loss like he'd never felt before.

"I said that's enough!" Lucifer's voice echoed so loud that Dean had to put his hands over his ears. "Dirty little perverts."

"There is nothing dirty or perverted about love," Castiel said. He stood in one smooth movement and rushed forward, pushing Lucifer to the floor, and straddling him. He managed a few blows to his head before Lucifer pushed Castiel off and flung him across the room. Castiel landed face down with a groan. Dean rushed to his side, turning his back on Lucifer, which in hindsight was a foolish move. Dean felt the air whoosh from his lungs as he was yanked off his feet and thrown away from Castiel. He was starting to feel like a fucking rag doll. He slowly turned himself around and came face to face with Lucifer's ugly stare.

"It's disgusting," Lucifer sneered. He gripped Dean by his hair and titled Dean's head up, shoving his face in Dean's. "I hate the way you two drool all over each other." He yanked Dean's hair, and grabbed hold of one of Dean's arms. "I hate the way he looks at you like you're the most important thing in the world." Lucifer twisted Dean's arm, almost wrenching it out of its socket. Dean clenched his jaw, determined not to scream. He clutched at Lucifer with his free arm. He could see Castiel just out of the corner of his eye. Castiel wasn't moving.

"Jealousy is such an ugly thing," Dean said between gritted teeth. He eyed Lucifer coolly. If he was going to die here, he was going out cocky. Lucifer shook him in retaliation.

"You are incorrigible," Lucifer said. He stood and effortlessly lifted Dean up with him, pulling Dean in close and releasing Dean's arm. The arm fell limp. Dean was sure it was broken, but he barely felt the pain. He didn't know if he was just blocking the pain from his mind, or if it was the angel blood he'd ingested.

"I really am," Dean said with a grin. He was starting to feel dizzy now. His head lolled as Lucifer grabbed his chin.

"I should let you live and make you my bitch," Lucifer growled. He shook Dean again and threw him across the room. Dean landed on top of Castiel, his back to Lucifer. He almost passed out but then willed himself to stay conscious. He needed to stay awake, or they would die for sure. The sword he'd sneaked from Lucifer lay between him and Castiel, the hilt jabbed into his side.

When he looked down at Castiel, he saw that the angel was still alive and awake. Dean pushed up, wishing he could take a breather, but there was no time for that. He had one chance to get this right and he wasn't going to let everyone down. The sword gleamed in the dim light, and Dean showed it to Castiel. Castiel mouthed something Dean couldn't quite understand, but then his heart jumped in his chest when he realized that he'd mouthed 'I love you.' He gripped the sword tightly in his hand and turned, holding it behind his back. Lucifer rushed forward and Dean thrust out, plunging the sword in his chest to the hilt. The shocked expression on Lucifer's face was almost comical.

"I'm nobody's bitch," Dean said. He twisted the sword just for good measure, and then yanked it out, pushing Lucifer's body back. It seemed to fall in slow motion. Dean took a step back as a rush of air filled the room and Lucifer seemed to glow for just a moment. Dean looked over to see Castiel getting to his feet.

"I guess I was wrong about how this would end," Castiel said. He walked to Dean's side and stood staring down at the body of the man who had been a vessel for Lucifer.

Something slammed against the door, once then twice then three times. Dean was too exhausted to defend against whatever was coming through that door. He sighed with relief when Sam and Bobby rushed into the room with weapons ready. When they realized that they'd missed the climax, they lowered their weapons. Sam rushed to Dean's side.

"You shouldn't have rushed off on your own," Sam said, glancing around the room. Dean leaned against Sam, taking care not to jostle his broken bones.

"Shut up," Dean said, placing his hand on Sam's neck.

"This is the only way it could have gone," Castiel said. He stood behind Dean covered in blood.

"Let's get you to a hospital," Sam said as he held Dean up. They moved to the door where Bobby stood gazing down at the body of Lucifer. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever," Dean said as they left the room behind.


This was so weird. It was like they'd been running for so long from something or other that Dean kept expecting some sort of explosion or another at any second. He'd been laid up in a hotel bed for a few days, mending from the beating he'd taken from Lucifer. Sam had gotten his own room to give Dean some privacy. At first Dean wasn't sure what privacy he needed but then Castiel had walked through the door, insisting that he watch over Dean while he healed.

Castiel was sitting on the bed beside Dean, dealing a card. Dean was trying to teach him how to play crazy eights, but Castiel had failed to grasp the concept of the simple game. Whether that was because he was dense or because he was deliberately playing dumb, Dean had yet to determine. At this point he didn't much care. He sat up in the bed in his boxer shorts and a t-shirt with his arm in a sling. So far they'd both managed to avoid talking about the two kisses they'd shared. Dean thought maybe they should get it out of the way, but then decided there was no point. He liked things just the way they were right this second. They'd pushed Lucifer back to hell. Castiel told him that the sword hadn't killed Lucifer. When Dean had plunged it into Lucifer, he'd been sent back to where he belonged. The news had been a disappointment, but then at least they wouldn't have the bastard to contend with ever again.

"Maybe we should play another game?" Castiel suggested. Dean set his cards down and sighed.

"Sure, loser," he said with a smirk. Castiel set his cards down as well and gazed into Dean's eyes.

"You should take a picture, it lasts longer," Dean said. Suddenly, Dean felt nervous for no reason that he could determine.

"Perhaps I should," Castiel said. He took Dean's free hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. Oh, oh.

"Look, Cass," Dean said, turning his hand in Castiel's and brushing their fingers together. The sensation his touch sent through Dean couldn't be denied. It was there, whatever it was.

"Love is not dirty," Castiel whispered.

Dean swallowed hard. He knew he wouldn't be able to avoid this for much longer. What the hell. What did he have to lose anyway? Dean leaned forward and kissed Castiel on the mouth. It was awkward and weird, what with the stubble. Dean was not used to stubble on his partner's face. Was this what it was? Were they partners in that way now? Did Dean want them to be? Did Castiel want them to be? Fuck. Dean couldn't stop the questions from swirling in his brain even as Castiel slid closer along the bed to cup Dean's face in his hand and deepen the kiss. This time, there was no hesitation as their mouths met and Castiel slipped his wet tongue past Dean's dry lips. Dean opened his mouth, eager to feel the thrill he'd felt before. This had to be a sin. Was it sinful to kiss an angel like this? Was it sinful to lust after an angel? Dean was almost sure that lightning would strike them or something, but nothing happened. Except his dick was getting hard just from a kiss and it had been a long time since that had happened.

Castiel broke the moment and sat staring at Dean. He licked his lips and Dean's eyes went to his mouth.

"Why don't you get more comfortable," Dean said, eyeing Castiel's clothes. He hadn't even removed the trench coat and Dean felt hot just looking at how overdressed Castiel was, or maybe he felt that way because of the kiss. He was glad for the blankets that were covering his embarrassing hard on.

Castiel stood and removed the coat, his jacket and then his tie, setting them down on a chair. Dean grinned and leaned back, cradling his head in the crook of his arm to watch the impromptu strip show. He ignored the voice in his head that kept reminding him that Castiel was a guy and that Dean would most likely lose his sight if he ever saw the angel's true form. Who cared about those things when the look of adoration on Castiel's face made Dean tingle in his nether regions? He couldn't even remember the last time anyone had looked at him that way.

Dean watched as Castiel stripped all the way down to his white briefs and undershirt. He sat up quickly when Castiel started to remove them, and held up a hand.

"Whoa, you gotta leave something to the imagination," Dean rushed to say. Maybe he wasn't as laid back about all this as he thought. Dean reached over to the table beside the bed and turned on the radio. It was already tuned to a classic rock station and Led Zepplin's Whole Lotta Love warbled from the small radio speakers. He motioned at the light switch on the wall. "Would you get that?"

Castiel turned the light off at the same time that Dean turned the small bedside lap on. There was no reason to be sloppy about seduction. Dean stopped at the thought. Was that what this was? Was he trying to seduce Castiel? Just a few days ago they were at the mercy of Lucifer himself, and now here he was, Dean Winchester lady's-man, trying to get it on with a guy.

Dean watched as Castiel sat back down and took Dean's hand in his. Castiel's eyes were dark and glistening in the dim light. Dean pulled him close and kissed him on the mouth.

"Get in the bed," he muttered against Castiel's warm lips. Dean slid over to give Castiel more room and they froze when they heard the sound of the door opening.

"I was wondering if you guys..." Sam stopped in the doorway and stared with wide-eyes. He backed away and closed the door without another word.

"Hmm, that's going to take some explaining in the morning," Dean said, in a vain attempt to lighten the mood of heavy anticipation. Castiel regarded him solemnly, but before he could say anything, Dean pulled Castiel in close and they kissed again. Dean could feel his erection pressed against his thigh. Dean flinched when his broken arm was nudged by accident.

"Sorry, I've never done this before," Castiel said.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've never done this before with a guy either," Dean said. He could feel his face heating up at the thought that he had some other guy's dick pressed against his thigh. "Well, that answers that question." Castiel seemed on the verge of saying something, but then seemed to change his mind. Instead he kissed Dean on the lips. This time the kiss was soft and gentle and slow. Kissing Dean knew. Kissing was easy. He wrapped his good arm around Castiel and pulled him closer until Castiel's leg was lying across Dean. The sensation of his naked skin touching Castiel's thrilled Dean. His cock jumped in his boxers. Castiel broke the kiss and stared down at Dean.

"Sorry about that," Dean said. "My dick has a mind of its own." He kissed Castiel as the song on the radio changed. Dean wasn't strong enough just yet to do much more than lay there as Castiel explored his body. Castiel carefully removed Dean's t-shirt and then he removed his own undershirt, but stopped at removing their underwear. His hands and eyes wandered over every inch of Dean. Dean shivered when Castiel touched the handprint on his shoulder. Each kiss Castiel places on him was like a balm, and Dean could feel any residual tension or uncertainty fade away.

"Put some tongue into it," Dean suggested. Castiel licked Dean, sending shivers through Dean's body. "Fuck yeah."

"That felt good," Castiel said more than asked. He gripped Dean's hips in his hands, squeezing them gently. Dean shivered again when Castiel brushed his bare skin with his thumbs.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" Dean asked when Castiel slipped his thumbs just under the elastic of Dean's boxers. Castiel's hair tickled Dean's chest as he continued to kiss with more confidence. He licked one nipple then the other. Dean arched his back when Castiel gently nipped the hard nub of his nipples. He bit one then the other then bit them just a bit harder.

"I'm sure, but I'm beginning to understand the concept of foreplay and why it's so enjoyable," Castiel said between nibbles and kisses.

Dean's mind exploded when Castiel brushed his chin stubble against the most sensitive parts of his belly. He didn't even care how Castiel knew about foreplay. He just wanted Castiel to keep going and never stop. He jumped when Castiel dragged his chin down and used it to push Dean's boxers lower. Fuck that was hot. That was impossibly hot! Castiel hooked his fingers on the elastic of Dean's boxers and started to slide them down. Dean lifted his hips just enough to help.

"You're a fast learner," Dean said. The boxers were off and tossed aside and Castiel was stripping off his own underwear while Dean watched. Castiel seemed to glide above Dean as though flying before settling down beside him. Dean wrapped his good arm around Castiel and pulled him in closer. The slide of smooth skin against him felt amazing. Their cocks touched and Dean groaned when Castiel wrapped a hand around them and stroked.

It wasn't long before Castiel was climaxing against their bellies. He used the wetness as lubricant to finish Dean off. Dean barely noticed the pain when he jostled his injured arm. He was too busy basking in the glow of orgasm.

"Fuck that was awesome," he muttered. His whole body felt relaxed and the pain had subsided. Castiel stroked Dean's hair and kissed him on the cheek.

"It was awesome," Castiel said as he placed more kisses on Dean's face and neck. Dean noticed that Castiel was already starting to get hard again. Dean was exhausted but the idea of going again excited him, and Castiel looked eager to continue their foreplay.

A knock at the door interrupted his train of thought.

"Hello," Sam called from behind the door.

"Yo," Dean called out. He stroked Castiel's cheek with his hand and kissed him on the mouth hard. Their tongues touched and Dean hummed with pleasure.

"Are you decent?" Sam asked.

"Sure we are," Dean called out with a chuckled. "You're always decent, right," he said to Castiel, running his fingers through the spiky hair. Castiel stretched his leg over Dean in an attempt to cover their nakedness, or so Dean thought. When he started to rub against Dean and kiss him harder, Dean realized that he was going to continue their second round of play time.

The door opened and Sam shrieked. "You said you were decent," Sam yelped in outrage.

"We are," Dean said between kisses. He couldn't stop if wanted to at this point. Castiel was just so hot and persuasive. Dean didn't bother to look up at his brother, until he realized that the door hadn't shut and Sam was still standing in the room with them. Dean paused and smiled up at Sam. "Surprise, Sammy," he said with a big grin. Sam was gazing at the far wall, shifting from one foot to the other nervously.

"You're both naked and..." Sam started to say. He yanked the door open.

"Prude," Dean called out as Sam slammed the door behind him. "Why don't you show me that move again," he said to Castiel once they were alone.

Dean settled back on the bed and relaxed as Castiel floated above him and wings fanned out behind him, casting long shadows on the darkened ceiling. Their lips touched in a soft, possessive kiss. There was no doubt in Dean's mind that his life was never going to be a dull one. In truth, Dean wouldn't have it any other way.


Thank you for reading. Feedback is much appreciated.

fiction09, dean/castiel

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