Fiction: Last Exit for the Lost - Sam/Castiel - NC-17 - 3/4

Dec 12, 2011 07:49

Title: Last Exit for the Lost
Pairing: Sam/Castiel
Rating: NC-17


The tavern was full, and Sam leaned against the bar, his fourth beer of the night in front of him. A woman with dark hair sat down on the barstool beside him. He ignored her and downed the rest of his beer, signaling to the bartender that he wanted another.

"You come here often?" the woman beside him said.

Sam nodded. "Sure," he said. The fifth beer appeared before him, and Sam thanked Sadie, the bartender. He gulped half the beer down in one go, and set the bottle down on the bar.

The woman held out her hand for Sam to shake. "I'm Tara."

"Hi Tara," Sam said with a tip of his bottle in her direction. "I'm Frank." He barely glanced in her direction.

"Hi Frank," Tara said. She leaned in closer and smiled. Sam frowned and turned to face her.

"Look, no offence, but I'm kind of busy here." He turned his attention back to his beer.

She tore at the label of her beer. "I'm just sitting here," Tara said. Sam shrugged and tuned out the noises around him, breathing a sigh of relief when Tara gave up and moved to the other side of the bar.

"You keep chasing women away like that, they're liable to start thinking you're antisocial," Sadie said as she plunked down another beer in front of Sam. "Or gay."

Sam shrugged again and stared down at his beer. He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of a crash. Sam watched as two men thumped chests and shouted curses at each other. He set his beer down and slid from the bar stool at Sadie's nod.

Sam stalked over to the group of people and elbowed his way through the crowd that had built around the two angry men.

"Break it up," Sam said. He interjected himself between the two men and pushed them apart. They were obviously spoiling for a fight, and the bigger one got in Sam's face. "Back away. Now," Sam growled. He glared down at the man, using his height to his advantage. That seemed to take the wind out of the man's sails and he backed off. Sam scowled at both men and walked back to the bar when he was sure they wouldn't resume their feud. He slid back on his stool and finished his beer.

"Thanks, Frank," Sadie said. She slid another beer in front of him and leaned forward to gaze into Sam's eyes. "Maybe you should ask Sal for a job. We could use a..." her eyes traveled down to stare at Sam's mouth, "...manly presence around here."

"I heard that," a large man behind her said. He smiled at Sam and glared at Sadie, though there was no real anger behind his expression. Sadie winked at Sam and left to serve a customer on the other side of the bar.

Lost in thought, Sam didn't notice as the people around him went about their lives. He glanced up for a brief moment, watching as Sadie and Sal laughed together at the other end of the bar. Their lives seemed so simple. Sam sighed and focused on his beer, vowing it would be his last for the night. He finished it in one swig, and tossed a twenty on the bar then he made his exit.

The cool air felt good in Sam's lungs, and he inhaled deeply when he stepped outside. It was too late to get a room. Sam swayed as he walked to his car. Someone spun him around and he fell backwards to avoid the fist aimed at his face. Sam lurched, but managed to stay on his feet, landing his own punch to his opponent's gut. The man bent over in pain, but an unexpected kick to the back of Sam's legs sent him to his knees.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" the man shouted.

Sam took a fist to his face and fell backwards. There were two of them. Sam thought he recognized one of them from the argument he'd broken up in the bar.

Sam dragged himself upright and swung at the man from the bar again, hitting him in the jaw. He was surprised when the man stayed upright, but his eyes went black and Sam understood. He was too late to duck the next few punches. The man grabbed a handful of Sam's jacket and punched him a few more times, each time harder than the last. His last punch was the hardest and sent Sam flying. Sam landed on his hands and knees and pain exploded through his entire body. He gritted his teeth and fought the urge to shout.

"You're a hard man to find," the man said through blood-coated teeth. A truck pulled out of the parking lot. As the truck turned, the demon's eyes glittered in the headlights.

"So I've heard," Sam said.

"We're supposed to bring you to him in one piece," the demon said with a smirk.

"I won't go anywhere with you." Sam pushed himself up onto his feet, changed his stance so that he faced both demon-possessed men, holding his fists up. His left arm hurt from the impact of the throw, but Sam fought the pain, ready to do some damage.

"As if you're going to beat us that way."

A bright light filled the parking lot, and someone grabbed Sam from behind. Sam squeezed his eyes shut and tried to cover them with his hands when the blinding light surrounded him, but he couldn't raise his arms. When the light faded, he was no longer in the parking lot. He spun around, prepared to fight whoever had grabbed him. He sighed with relief when he saw that it was Castiel.

They were in a small motel room. Sam noted a card propped up on the top of the television with the name Dusty Inn embossed in red. There were two beds and a large television on a wide dresser across from them. The room seemed familiar to Sam, but he was sure he'd never stayed in a Dusty Inn.

"Oh, it's you," Sam said. Sam sat down on one of the beds. He could still feel the alcohol in his body and wished he had something to drink right this second.

"It's me," Castiel said. Sam realized that there was something wrong when Castiel spun on his heel and paced like a caged animal around the room, his trench coat swirling around his legs as he walked.

"Things..." Castiel paused, his hands balled into fists and he narrowed his eyes at Sam before continuing his pacing. "They did not go well."

"And you're here because...?" Sam felt his heart flutter with a tiny bit of hope. He imagined Dean being too proud to call Sam. He pictured Dean in a fit of drunkenness, begging Castiel to go to Sam and talk him into coming back. He sat up straight and watched as Castiel walked then spun, walked then spun.

"They are all dead, Sam," Castiel said.

Sam's heart sputtered, and he stood up to grab Castiel by the shoulders. Sam felt his throat close up at the sorrow burned into Castiel's eyes. "What happened?" Sam nudged Castiel over to the bed and sat him down. He sat down beside him and averted his gaze because he couldn't look into those eyes much longer.

"Lucifer made a play for Dean," Castiel said.

Sam swallowed the lump in his throat. All of a sudden, he couldn't breathe, and his hands felt clammy.

"Is he..." Sam felt numb even as he said the words.

"Dean is fine," Castiel said. "But a town paid with their lives."

Sam placed a hand on Castiel's shoulder and squeezed. When Castiel leaned against him, Sam wrapped an arm around him.

"He killed them all regardless," whispered Castiel.

Sam could hear fear, awe, and something else in his voice. "I'm guessing you mean Lucifer and not Dean."

Castiel nodded and stared, lost in thought. Castiel stood, his obvious agitation growing by the second. Sam watched Castiel move around the room as though trapped inside the four walls. Sam realizing that Castiel probably did feel trapped cut off from heaven.

"Look, stay here," Sam said. He rushed to the door and yanked it open. "I'll be back soon."

It was probably the dumbest idea Sam had ever thought up, but he had to do something. Sam's car was in the parking lot, which was odd since he'd taken the Angel Express to the room, wherever the Dusty Inn was. He got in the car and tore out of the parking lot. He found what he was looking for. The store was open all night and, before long, he was back at the motel with a paper bag full of liquor. When Sam entered the motel room, Castiel was still standing in the center of the room. Sam stopped and glanced around the room, sure that Castiel was standing in the exact spot.

"This might seem like a bad idea," Sam said. "But it'll help you relax." He set the bag down on the table and motioned for Castiel to sit down. The angel obeyed with a sullen expression on his face. Sam pull the bottles from the bag and unwrapped two plastic cups and set them side-by-side, cracking the first bottle open. The scent of vodka assaulted his senses as Sam poured two fingers deep in each cup.

Castiel scooped the cup up and tossed the drink back with one gulp. He set the plastic cup down and looked at Sam. Sam poured some more vodka and watched Castiel down the second drink just as quickly.

"You've done this before," Sam said.

"Not with this drink, but I did have a beer with Dean," Castiel said. He held the cup out for more and Sam obliged. The bottle was empty in no time, and Sam had yet to take a drink.

"Do you feel any different?" Sam asked. He reached for the second bottle. This time the liquor of choice was Jack Daniels.

"No," Castiel said, though his voice sounded gruffer than before.

Sam set the open bottle down in front of Castiel and motioned for him to help himself. Castiel picked up the bottle and placed the mouth to his lips. Sam watched as Castiel tipped his head back and gulped the contents down. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he drank, and Sam stared with his mouth open, amazed. Castiel set the empty bottle down and licked his lips.

Sam leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. He watched Castiel lean back in his chair, a slight smile on his face.

"I wish to drink more," Castiel said. The eager look in his eyes made Sam smile.

They polished off the last two bottles. By the time it was over, Sam was good and drunk. He stood and swayed on his feet.

"You are a bottomless pit of bottomlessness." Sam slurred the words and waved a dismissive hand at Castiel. He stared down at his feet, which suddenly seemed miles away. "I don't even know if that's a word," Sam added. He threw his hands up in the air to demonstrate how much he didn't care and swayed to the left, almost falling to the floor. It felt good to be so drunk.

"I don't think I feel anything at all," Castiel said. He stood up and steadied Sam on his feet, staring up at him in with curiosity. "What does it feel like?"

Sam grinned. "Tingly," he said. He wrapped his arm around Castiel's shoulder and leaned into him as he walked him to the bed. Sam turned and wrapped his arms around Castiel and lifted him up off the floor then set him down. Then he slid his hands up Castiel's arms to cup his face. Sam savored the thrill of scraping against stubble and tilted Castiel's head up to kiss him hard. Castiel parted his lips and pushed his tongue into Sam's mouth, eager. Sam sat down and pulled Castiel onto his lap, their mouths locked. When they broke the kiss, Sam pressed his forehead against Castiel's rough cheek and squeezed his eyes shut.

"This is perhaps an ill-advised course of action," Castiel whispered. Sam could smell the alcohol on Castiel's breath.

Sam nodded once and slid his cheek against Castiel's until their lips were touching again.

"My life tends to be like that," Sam muttered. He licked Castiel's mouth until the angel parted his soft lips again and kissed him back. Strong hands held Sam's head as Castiel kissed him long and hard, their tongues touching. Sam felt his cock harden even as Castiel slid from his lap to stand staring down at him through heavy lidded eyes.

"I should..." Castiel said with a shake of his head.

Sam grabbed his hand and yanked Castiel on top of him. He fell back on the bed, thrusting his leg between Castiel's and rolling them over so he could throw one leg across Castiel.

"I've got you trapped." Sam mouthed the words against Castiel's lips, kissing him. This time the kiss was long and lingering. Sam thrust against Castiel's hip, fumbling with Castiel's tie tossing it aside when he did manage to get the damned thing off.

"Why do you still wear his clothes?" Sam asked. He straddled Castiel's thighs and stared down at his sprawled form. Laid out like that under him, with his arms spread, Castiel looked like the most delicious offering Sam had ever seen.

"I have no need to change," Castiel said.

Sam's cock jumped in his pants. Even with all the alcohol in his system, he was horny as hell and needed, wanted to burn some of this energy and frustration away.

Sam slid away from Castiel and almost chuckled at the startled look on Castiel's face and the way he grabbed at Sam. Sam fell forward, grabbed Castiel by the lapels, and pulled him into an upright position.

"Off," Sam said. He slid the trench coat from Castiel and threw it aside. Castiel removed his jacket, letting it fall to the floor, and then started to unbutton the shirt. Sam watched his delicate, slender hands as he undid each button.

"Can you..." Sam motioned at Castiel's crotch with one hand even as he removed his own flannel shirt.

"Yes," Castiel said. With one smooth motion, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and yanked them off to reveal white briefs. Sam turned his back on him, anxious to get undressed. He stripped down to his own briefs. When he turned to face Castiel, he found the angel buck-naked, his hard cock flush against his stomach.

"Wow, that's..." Sam sobered. Castiel lunged forward and mashed their mouths together. Without clothes on, Castiel looked fragile, but Sam could feel the strength coiled in those arms. A thrill coursed through Sam when their skin touched. Castiel's dick pushed up against Sam's thigh, long and hard and, when he moved, Sam shivered at the feel of all that skin against him.

It was Castiel's turn to pull Sam down on top of him. The bed settled beneath them. Castiel wrapped his legs and arms around Sam. They clung to each other, lost in the sensations of warm skin. Sam slid his hand down Castiel's back, cupped one round ass cheek, and then slipped his fingers between the globes of his ass.

Castiel pushed Sam down on the bed, deepening the kiss as their tongues danced. Castiel pulled at Sam's briefs and, together, they managed to slip the last piece of clothing between them away. Sam threw his head back when their cocks brushed together.

"Fuck," Sam muttered. He wanted to rub his entire body against Castiel. He wanted to kiss him all over and eat every inch of him. Sam sighed when Castiel caressed his chest, hips, and thighs, and then kissed him hard enough to make Sam wish he could come from that alone.

"I can feel this," Castiel said. He sat up and straddled Sam's thighs. Sam lay back and stared up at Castiel. He wanted Castiel's lips on his cock so bad. Before he could say the words, Castiel bent his back in a way that seemed impossible and wrapped his mouth around Sam.

Sam bucked up, thrusting his cock deep into Castiel's mouth. When Castiel tongued his sensitive head, Sam came with a shout.

Wide-eyed, Sam watched Castiel sit up and lick his lips.

"Interesting," Castiel said. His face screwed up with an expression of curiosity.

Sam tried to form a response, but nothing came to mind. Castiel still had a hard on. When Sam reached out and wrapped his hand around the length, Castiel fell forward and locked lips with Sam.

Sam stroked the length from base to tip and brushed his thumb across the wet head, watching the play of expression dance across Castiel's face. Castiel's eyes widened with each jerk. Sam reveled in the silky feel of Castiel's cock, speeding up his strokes. They kissed and Sam squeezed Castiel's cock, holding him in a firm grip as he climaxed. Sam deepened the kiss, pressing their mouths together. He caressed Castiel's shoulder with his free hand and released his spent cock, falling back onto the bed.

Once he'd recovered, Sam cleaned up and then settled onto the bed beside Castiel, his arms wrapped around him. It should have felt weird, but didn't.

"Was that your first...?" Sam said after a long silence.

"Yes," Castiel said. He shifted beside Sam, and Sam decided he liked the feel of Castiel's body hair against his skin.

Pulling Castiel in closer, Sam brushed his perennially stubbled cheek with his fingernails, enjoying the thrill it sent through his body. Castiel's dark eyes glittered in the dim light that filtered through the thin motel curtain. Jimmy's eyes. Sam wondered if any of the real Castiel peered through.

After what happened with Ruby, he'd vowed not to make the mistake again, yet there he was, traveling down the same dangerous path. The thought that what had happened was wrong and he shouldn't, had always been in the back of his mind, but it was much too late for remorse. Sam had made so many choices over the past few years that he regretted, what was one more?

"It's not," Castiel said. His deep voice rumbled through Sam.

"Not what?"

Castiel tilted his head up and looked into Sam's eyes. "I am not Jimmy Novak," Castiel said. He slid over Sam and propped himself up so that he could stare down at Sam from above. Sam almost expected a halo of light to appear around his head and wings to spring from his body. He felt a small twinge of disappointment when nothing happened.

"But you're possessing him," Sam said.

"No," Castiel said. He reached up and cupped Sam's cheek with one hand, tilting his head. "Jimmy Novak was blown into a million pieces back in Chuck Shurley's kitchen."

Sam felt a pang of sadness. "You mean Jimmy's...."

Castiel nodded, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I'm afraid so. Whatever or whomever brought me back, created a body that resembles the vessel I inhabited, but this is not an actual vessel."

"You think it was God," said Sam, confused.

There was a long stretch of silence before Castiel replied, "I do."

Sam couldn't take the look in Castiel's eyes much longer. He closed his eyes and kissed Castiel with tongue, teeth, and an urgency he hadn't known was there until now. Sam thrust against Castiel's pliant, subtle body, grinning against the kiss when he felt hardness press against his belly. Sam grabbed Castiel's cock in his hand and stroked him, rough and fast.

"Yes," Castiel moaned. Teeth scraped Sam's lips, and he sucked on the warm, wet tongue invading his mouth. Before long, Castiel was shouting his pleasure against Sam's skin as he came.

Sam urged Castiel to turn on his stomach and caressed his back, thighs, shoulders, and ass. He started a trail of kisses at the base of his soft neck and kissed down his spine, with a few licks thrown in. Sam's cock bobbed up and down, eager, but he didn't rush. He took his time and savored each kiss and each lick, marveling at the tastes that danced across his tongue.

"That feels...wonderful," Castiel said, turning so that he could see Sam. His legs parted and Sam stared at the perfect curve of his ass. Sam kissed one cheek then the other. Spreading his cheeks, he licked Castiel's hole with slow, careful strokes of his tongue. He glanced up from his task to find Castiel watching him. Sam bit down on the soft flesh and grinned when Castiel jerked.

"Did you feel that?" Sam asked. He didn't bother to wait for a reply. When he pushed his tongue inside, Castiel spread his legs wider and arched his back.

"I did," Castiel said with a quaver in his voice. "Your actions have produced another erection."

Sam buried his face between Castiel's cheeks, thrusting his tongue in deeper, fucking his hole. He gripped the soft flesh of Castiel's thighs and held him down as Castiel quivered beneath him.

Sam slid his hand under Castiel and caressed his cock. Sure enough, he was hard again, and Sam wondered if angels had extra stamina. Sam would find out soon enough. He placed one last kiss on Castiel's ass and reached for his pants. He knew what he needed was always in his wallet. He'd learned long ago to never travel without protection. When he found what he what he was looking for, he tossed the wallet aside and knelt between Castiel's spread legs. Castiel watched in silence out of the corner of his eye while Sam slipped the lubricated condom on. He lay down behind Castiel and coaxed him to lean against his chest. With one hand on Castiel's shoulder, Sam pushed into Castiel.

Sam moaned at the tight warmth wrapped around him, thrusting his hips to move in and out, slow and careful. He took his time and gripped Castiel's hip to hold him in place. Castiel's body tensed and relaxed beneath Sam's touch and, as he pushed inside, Sam felt all his fear and doubt slip away.

"Is this good?" Castiel whispered.

"Sh," Sam said into his ear. He sucked on the lobe and snapped his hips. With each thrust, Sam felt his body explode with pleasure.

Castiel twisted his head enough for Sam to catch his mouth in a hard, passion-filled kiss. Castiel bit down on his bottom lip. Sam fucked harder, each thrust faster than the last. He turned them both and repositioned them so that Castiel was on his hands and knees. Sam fucked into him with renewed vigor. He gripped Castiel's hips with both hands, his fingers buried in his flesh. Sam slammed into his tight, silky heat, pounding harder with each thrust until the bed swayed beneath them. He watched his cock disappear inside Castiel and quickened his thrusts, eager to come but at the same time, wishing it would last longer. Sam thrust one last time and pulled Castiel tight against him, buried deep inside. His cock pulsed, trapped inside Castiel's tight heat. At the same time, Sam placed a gentle kiss on Castiel's throat.


Something woke Sam. Castiel was still in the bed beside him sound asleep, which seemed unusual since angels didn't need sleep as far as Sam knew. Sam slid his briefs and jeans on and walked across the cold floor to push the curtain aside. He vaguely remembered hearing a loud crash, or maybe the wind. It was pitch dark outside, the sky filled with black clouds.

Sam shrugged his shoulders and cracked his neck. He turned back to the bed at the sound of a moan and watched Castiel shift on the bed, still sound asleep. The blankets had slipped down to his waist and his upper body was exposed. Sam walked back to the bed and sat down, gazing at Castiel. In sleep, Castiel looked peaceful and serene, his hair tousled from their evening activity.

"He's a vision," a voice behind Sam said.

Sam straightened and whipped around to face the intruder. Lucifer stood with his arms crossed, still dressed in the same clothes that he wore the last time he invaded Sam's dreams. Sam stood and followed as Lucifer walked to the other side of the bed and smiled down at Castiel.

"Like an angel," Lucifer said. He placed his fingers to his lips. "Though I have to say, he's not very angelic with you." He bent forward and Sam tensed, expecting some violent retaliation of some kind, but Lucifer only lifted the blanket with a finger to peek beneath.

"Don't touch him," Sam said, ready to rush forward, and then a thought occurred. How was Lucifer even there? It had to be another dream.

"Got it in one," Lucifer said. He pointed at Castiel's sleeping form. "He's not even really here. As if he'd stay after your fornication."

"Get out of my head," Sam said. He watched Lucifer pace across the room, his gaze never leaving him.

"You can't keep hiding behind Castiel's skirts," Lucifer said with a mischievous grin. "Not that he's wearing much of anything for you to hide behind right now."

"What do you want?" Sam glared, feeling anger build in his chest.

"I was hoping that since you were willing to get inside him," Lucifer said with a chuckle, "You might be up for some action with me." He raised his eyebrows.

Sam's rage exploded, and he rushed forward to push Lucifer up against the wall. Lucifer didn't fight him, and to Sam's frustration, the smile on his face grew.

"I will never be 'up for some action with you!'" Sam screamed. He pushed his arm against Lucifer's throat and relished the feel of flesh giving way beneath his grip.

"You will, Sam," Lucifer said, calm as though Sam didn't have him by the throat. "You'll not just be up for it, you'll love it."

"Never!" Sam raged. He pushed harder and felt Lucifer's Adam's apple bob beneath his skin.

Castiel shifted on the bed and muttered in his sleep. The two combatants stopped and watched as the blankets shifted and slipped off Castiel's hips, exposing his erection.

"Oh," Lucifer chuckled. "Look at that. He's all ready for you again." He placed a hand to his ear and leaned toward the bed with an exaggerated motion of straining to hear. "What's he saying? I can't quite make it out."

Sam strained to hear the words. He loosened his grip on Lucifer, but kept him pinned to the wall. When one word echoed through the room, Sam pushed away from Lucifer and stared down at Castiel.


The next time, Sam woke he wasn't in a dream. He was still in the motel he'd shared with Castiel, and the bed beside him was empty. Sam reached out to touch the sheets but they were cold. There was no sign that Castiel had ever been there.


He was in his car, headed nowhere. After that last dream, Sam needed to get as far from that place as possible, even knowing Lucifer would still be able to find him no matter where he went. The only place where he'd been safe was Bobby's, but Sam wasn't thinking about that. He couldn't go back there. Besides, it was too late. More than a year had passed since he last saw the man, and the danger Sam represented had not vanished. If anything, things were much worse. Lucifer found him sooner and sooner these days.

The light of the sunrise reflected off Sam's rear view mirror. He reached up and changed the angle, jumping in his seat when Lucifer's reflection appeared in the mirror. Sam swerved to the left, almost driving the car into the ditch before he straightened the wheel. He pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the engine. When he twisted around to face the back seat, there was no one there.

"Messing with my head," Sam muttered. "Just like you were messing with my head about Cas." He sat in the silence for a moment to allow his racing heart to slow back down to normal. When he reached for the ignition, the sound of flapping wings filled the car.

Sam cursed under his breath and glared at the occupant in the front seat beside him.

"Expecting someone else," Lucifer said with a wave of his hand and smile on his face. He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm trapped in here." Lucifer reached out and tapped Sam on the temple with one finger. Sam shrunk back, revulsion coiled in his stomach.

"Get the fuck out of my head," Sam said. When he reached out to grab at Lucifer, he caught nothing but air. Lucifer had vanished. Sam took a deep breath and pinched his arm a few times, each pinch harder than the last. "It's just another dream."

"I've latched on and there's nothing you can do to shake me," Lucifer said from the back seat.

Sam bent his head and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that if he wished him away, the back seat would be empty again. When he looked back up, he was alone again. Sam slammed his head against the headrest a few times in the hope of shaking himself from the nightmare.

It had to be a nightmare. He was still asleep in the motel, Castiel sound asleep beside him. He had to be. Except, Castiel never slept and that had all been a dream too. Castiel wanted Sam. He was there because he wanted Sam.

Sam started the car and turned back onto the road.

"I didn't want to break this to you back in that sleazy motel, Sam." The voice seemed to be in his head. "You've already said yes. You're just in denial."

Sam tried to ignore the taunt and concentrated on the road but he felt his heart race, repeating in his head, 'It's not real. It's just a dream.' The taunts persisted, but Sam tuned them out. 'I'm not here. This isn't real. I'm going to would wake up now. Now. NOW!' Sam slammed his head against the steering wheel.

"Fuck!" Sam shot up in bed, his heart pounding in his chest. His body was covered in sweat and the bed sheets were drenched. Dressed again, Castiel rushed forward and stood over Sam. Sam stared at the knot in Castiel's tie, the terror from the dream still twisted in Sam's gut.

"You were trapped in your dreams," Castiel said.

Sam glanced down at himself, afraid he'd awakened again to find it was yet another dream. They were still in the same motel room, and Sam shivered as he looked up into Castiel's troubled eyes.

"This is real," Sam said more than asked. He pointed at himself and waited for Castiel to respond. "Right?" Castiel stood open-mouthed, seemingly at a loss for words. Sam clenched his jaw, frustrated that Castiel wouldn't answer him. Sam sprang forward, grabbed Castiel by the collar, and crushed their mouths together. It felt real, but how could he be sure?

Castiel broke the kiss and settled in beside Sam, one hand on Sam's naked chest. A thrill coursed through Sam at the touch, and he placed a tender kiss on Castiel's bruised lips. The kiss turned from heated to gentle and warmed Sam's chilled flesh.

"This is real." Castiel kissed him again and rubbed his stubbled cheek against Sam's skin. He gripped Sam's hardening cock in one hand and stroked him from root to tip, his warm fingers brushing the sensitized head. Sam closed his eyes and sucked air through his teeth.

"Fuck, yes," Sam hissed. He crushed his lips against Castiel's luscious mouth and pulled him in closer, his grip so tight that Sam was sure he would hurt Castiel. Sam shuddered when he felt Castiel's moan all the way down to his cock, and he cried out as he bucked and came in Castiel's tight grip.

He could feel Castiel's hardness pressed against his leg, but Sam lay spent. The lethargy he felt weighted down his entire body. He tried to will his arms to move, but his mind had other ideas. He decided to just rest for a moment while he recovered, and then he'd help Castiel undress and show him how good he felt.

Castiel hovered over Sam and stared down at him. A smile played across his lips. Sam grinned lazily, feeling overcome with the urge to sleep. He hoped Castiel would understand.

The bed shifted as Castiel removed his trench coat and jacket. The tie and shirt went next, tossed over the edge of the bed. Castiel's gaze never left Sam. He stared down with an inscrutable gaze and divested himself of all his clothing. Sam watched with renewed enthusiasm, reaching out to touch Castiel's naked chest. He pinched a rosy nipple and smirked at Castiel's response. Castiel leaned in closer until he pressed his chest against Sam's face, and Sam took the opportunity to bite down on the nearest nipple.

"I think I like it when you bite me," Castiel said.

Sam took that as an invitation and bit down harder. He played with the nipple between his teeth and caressed Castiel's chest. Castiel's other nipple peaked under the touch, and Sam tweaked it. He smiled when Castiel arched his body and pushed closer. Eager sounds escaped his throat. Sam shifted and bit Castiel across his chest. Castiel humped against him, his hard cock rubbing against Sam's hip. With each bite Sam delivered, Castiel thrust against his body. Sam could feel the pulse of Castiel's cock and he bit down harder. A cry of pleasure escaped Castiel.

Sam wrapped his long arms around Castiel's torso and bit down hard enough to leave marks. He stared down at the red, angry flesh, his own cock jumping at the sight. Castiel arched his back and pressed his skin close to Sam's mouth. A whimper escaped his lips.

"Beg me," Sam said. He licked the bite mark and teased the skin. It didn't matter what Lucifer said. Sam knew the truth. Castiel was here with him right now.

Castiel pressed closer. "Please," he said with a broken voice.

"Again," Sam said. He teased the skin, but didn't bite down. He could feel Castiel's hard cock pressed tight against him, and Sam moved just enough to cause friction between them.

"Please," Castiel said with more insistence. He grabbed at Sam, but his hands fell away when Sam slid down and bit him on the hip. Sam rubbed his chest against the cock trapped against him, and smiled when Castiel pulsed.

"Again," Sam urged. "Say 'please, Sam.'" This time his licks were longer and slower. He stopped just at the edge of Castiel's pubic hair and pressed his chin into flesh. Castiel's cock jumped, and he bucked against Sam.

"Please, Sam." There was no hesitation in the words, but just beneath Sam's name, another name echoed. Sam ignored the false word. Castiel's voice reverberated through the room, filling every corner and crevice. The paintings on the wall shook and vibrated with his passion, one of them crashing to the floor. Sam bit down on Castiel's hip again as hard as he could. When Castiel jerked up, he almost threw Sam from the bed, but Sam held on tight with his hands and teeth.

He released his grip and watched Castiel's cock pulse, come shooting all over his belly and chest. Sam captured the head in his mouth and sucked hard. Castiel threw his head back and cried out. The whole room shook beneath them as Sam ignored the pain in his head. He allowed Castiel to slip from his mouth and nuzzled his hip.

The room went silent and Castiel collapsed against the bed, his body going limp, though Sam detected tension coiled just beneath the surface. He slid up and settled in beside Castiel, caressing his chest and hip with slow lazy strokes. Castiel turned to look at Sam through heavy lids. Sam closed his eyes and rested his hand on Castiel's chest, overcome by his own languor.

"I will never let him take you," Sam heard Castiel say just before he felt sleep pull him into darkness.


supernatural, fiction11, sam winchester, castiel

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