Comment fic meme #2

Mar 05, 2012 15:28

After the first round of got_exchange we had a surprisingly successful comment fic meme going for a while (here's a list of all the fics that were written last time), so I thought it might be fun to do this again. (Like last time, it's posted on the mod account journal because I don't want to enable anonymous comments on the exchange community.)

I changed the ( Read more... )

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Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match juno_chan March 5 2012, 15:27:19 UTC
Ned/Catelyn - The moment(s) where one realized they were in love with the other. Bonus points if it's Ned, because I love when Ned has feelings.


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match lit_chick08 March 6 2012, 06:01:13 UTC
He still thinks of her as Brandon's.

Ned knows how silly it is, especially when she is cradling their son against her chest, smiling and singing to Robb with a lightness which Winterfell has not known in so long. But every time he sees Catelyn, every time she turns her face up for a kiss or he reaches for her, Ned cannot help but think of his big brother, of the man whose place he was forced to take in every measure. Sometimes he even imagines he is going to wake up and find it has all been a dream, that Brandon has wed Catelyn, that Lyanna wed Robert, that Benjen is still racing through the wolfswood instead of serving on the Wall.

Ned likes Catelyn Tully - my wife, he reminds himself - but she still doesn't feel like hisHer stomach is so big, she cannot see her feet, and Ned finds himself watching her now more than ever ( ... )


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match ishi_chan March 6 2012, 12:30:16 UTC
Your Ned is utterly fantastic! I love how insecure he is, how he keeps comparing himself to Brandon. You've even made me care for Catelyn (I adore the fact that pregnancy agrees with her so much) which isn't easy. :)
Great job!!


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match juno_chan March 6 2012, 12:46:04 UTC

I really love it, love it all. I love at the beginning how Ned is thinking that he'll wake up and everything will be the way it was meant to be (and I think it's interesting that Ned didn't have any vision of how HIS life was supposed to be, and think it's very true to his character), and how he still thinks of her as Catelyn Tully and has to remind himself that she's his wife.

I also love how pregnancy agrees with Catelyn (again seems very true to her!). but Catelyn seems to bloom with this pregnancy, with this spring child growing inside her - beautiful!

And then I love the first impulsive words of their marriage, a shift into something more natural, and I love that he's STILL thinking of Brandon but learning to push that voice away. Also I love the reference to Ned loving her hair because that always gives me all the feelings.

This is just so sweet and wonderful, I feel like I drank a cup of delicious hot chocolate. :) Wonderful job!!


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match lainemontgomery March 6 2012, 15:48:04 UTC
Oh GOSH. This is lovely.

It's so wonderful that Ned's the one to say "I love you" first in this story, and that it comes upon him with such immediacy- we all know that Ned's not a guy who keeps his heart on his sleeve, so it's really significant that he just impulsively blurts it out like that. Also, just adorable.

I can completely see Catelyn as a woman who just glows when she's pregnant; her fierceness as a character is so connected to her identity as a mother, after all.

Such a beautiful story- with all of the fraught and screwed-up relationships that we find in ASOIAF, Ned/Cat is such a refreshingly genuine change of pace. Fabulous work, as always!


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match fallingtowers March 6 2012, 19:21:39 UTC
Aw, that is just sweet and lovely!


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match sternflammenden March 6 2012, 22:35:42 UTC
Awww, this is so sweet. I especially love the moment when Ned realizes that Cat has her own brand of strength.


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match rachel2205 March 6 2012, 22:53:37 UTC
This is so lovely. I love their marriage!


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match emeraldzen1 March 12 2012, 04:03:34 UTC
Love it :) So sweet!


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