OOC: Gone for the weekend, y'all

Sep 03, 2010 17:27

Just letting everyone know, I'm heading out of town tonight and should be gone all weekend. So you guys have a great next couple of days. I'll be back sometime Monday/Tuesday.

In the meantime:

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what: best gif ever, ooc, fyi, what: bust a move

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Comments 24

headofapin September 3 2010, 21:30:28 UTC
right click - save as

Have a great time~!


oh and headofapin September 4 2010, 19:40:23 UTC

... )


headofapin September 5 2010, 20:01:02 UTC

... )


headofapin September 5 2010, 20:54:39 UTC

... )


headofapin September 6 2010, 17:28:40 UTC
So. I'm rewatching IM2 right now, and it's just gotten to the part where Justin and Tony run into each other at that restaurant. And Justin just put his arm around Tony to take a picture, and I just noticed something I have never noticed before:

Justin:"Fromaaaage. Say brie!"

oh my god I cannot even




gotasweettooth September 6 2010, 20:41:07 UTC
God I love you. Not unlike the way I love Justin, where once you make the conscious decision not to be annoyed, it then becomes charming and adorable.

I'm totally saving that first gif you posted. That moment never fails to make me laugh every. single. time. Something about the way he just sliiides into the frame, all like - 8D

Thanks for the offer of the DL, but I think I'm just gonna be a good girl and wait for the DVD. So I can get special features~.

"Fromaaaage. Say brie!"

You never noticed that? Heh, guess it's my turn to point and laugh, because I noticed that pretty much the first time. (I also noticed that, to my ears, it sounds as if he's not saying the 'r' in 'fromage', which...dude, my high school French sucked and even I know that's not right. Oh Justin.) If you look at the keywords for my icons, one of the smiley ones is actually 'say brie'.

Oh, and here's something you might appreciate: this weekend I was channel-surfing at a family friends house and guess what was playing on one of the movie channels? The Winning ( ... )


headofapin September 6 2010, 21:04:00 UTC

o/ omg it is probably one of my favourite parts of the movie, him popping out and it's all A WILD JUSTIN APPEARS! And Tony trying to run away but failing. lkjflakshf rewatching the movie has clearly given me new appreciation for it. :| and yes it so so a 8D face. omg his life.

:* Oh well. It doesn't come out here until October 6th so. And well. Seeing as I own 3 copies of the first (I'm not sure how that happened), I like to think I'm good, since I'll probably end up with the same amount of this one, too. My life.

I DIDN'T. I don't know how I missed it, but oh my god. I really do not know how I missed that of all things, but trololo. Yes yes, laugh all you want. brb going to look at your icons now. Also, my friend is giving me super HQ caps, like:

... )


gotasweettooth September 6 2010, 22:11:04 UTC
\o I was pleasantly surprised at how well this movie held up under the rewatch. I loved the first one, but thought it got a little less exciting the second time around - this one however almost seemed to get better, I think it's because there's these little details that take a couple watches to fully grab, and there's a lot of character bits and nuances going on in the background that aren't always noticable.

It's sometime this month in the States, I'm 99% sure. Not sure of the exact date, but I know I saw it advertised somewhere (Amazon, maybe?) as at least the first version coming out in September. BTW, you sound like my one friend - for some reason people are always giving her DVDs of stuff for free. Even if its stuff she's never seen. Or wants to see. It's effin' bizarre.

Re: caps -
#1. Lololol his face there. Evil plotting idea times smirk! Oh Hammer, you're trying so so so hard to be a bad guy and yet I seriously keep forgetting you're even considered a villain in this movie.

#2. Okay, now here's something I just noticed - ( ... )


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