Round 06; Extension

Dec 21, 2011 16:43

In the spirit of Christmas, I'm giving christinaa88, ofraindrops, fangirlingstuff, moonbeamsbelle, essene and spuffygreyjoy a couple more days to get those sets it.


But please leave a comment here if you guys can't enter anymore and I'll go ahead with voting :)

extension, round6

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Comments 4

ofraindrops December 21 2011, 13:16:45 UTC
Hi, sorry I won't be able to finish my claim :(


essene December 21 2011, 16:03:18 UTC
OMG! Thank you!!! I got all caught up in work and getting xmas stuff done and cleaning house and....ACK!

I CAN, Nay, I WILL make it!!!


essene December 25 2011, 05:15:39 UTC
*hangs head in shame* Clearly I didn't make it. I'm so sorry, but *hands* Christmas ate me!!!

Will give it a shot again next time...


theotherayn December 25 2011, 14:03:41 UTC
aw, it's okay dear. we'll see you next round :D


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