Come on guys, there are only 3 icons entered for the current challenge that has been open for a extra week. It features 1x09 Blair Waldorf Must Pie screencaps. You have until Saturday night to enter.
Come on guys, right now there are ZERO entries for the current challenge 1x09 Blair Waldorf Must Pie. Please enter if you have time before Saturday night.
vote for three (vote in order of which you like: 1st, 2nd, 3rd because votes are weighed). Don't vote for yourself or get people to vote for you. ( voting )
sorry, this week is kinda crazy which school and work and trying to find an apartment for next year... so i need to put the community on a hiatus this week.
Sorry I'm such a horrible mod lately. I have no valid excuses, but hey, if you didn't already enter the current challenge (your favorite character), enter it! I'm going to close it probably tonight around 10pm EST.
This is the (late) reminder to enter the current challenge featuring your favorite character. There are currently 13 icons entered, but i would still love to see more :) It's ends in about 24 hours.
This challenge features whichever girl is your favorite. Just use any cap of your favorite female character you want, just don't make it them out of character. If you're confused about something, just ask :)