The Kindcadd Legacy: 2.2

Apr 18, 2011 03:33

Recap: Last time, Kaden became heir and finally managed to hook up with Vela Fox. Rowan caught pregnant with Tai, and shortly thereafter, Vela got pregnant with Tara. Once Tara was born, Rowan and her little family moved out, to make room for the rest of Vela’s brood, Thetis, Thalia, and Thane. Amidst the baby boom, Sawyer briefly became a vampire. Since I had game crash issues for a bit, the kids aged up pretty quick, and we ended with a teenage Tara, and the children Thetis, Thalia, and Thane (who aren’t actually triplets; Thalia and Thane are twins).

Ready, set, go!

Story Progression was continually informing me that Vela and Kaden’s kids were always late to school, or that they didn’t show up to school at all. This confused me, since I saw them getting on the bus…so I went to investigate. This is what I discovered.

Thane: I love it when school is cancelled because no one can figure out how to open the door!
Only in Simworld…

Tara: Oh well, at least we won’t have homework.

Despite the fact that they never actually got into the school, they had homework anyway.
Thane: Seriously, this blows.
Thalia: Shhhh! I know, but dad’s standing right behind you…

Thetis: Tara, can you help me with my homework? I can’t figure out any of it!
Tara: You realize that I haven’t even attended one day of high school yet, right? I don’t know any more than you do at this point.

The twins finish their homework first, and set about some twinly bonding.
Thane: I like your dress. It’s black. Black’s my favorite color.

Thalia: Uh, right. Well, you know what I heard?
Thane: What, what?
Thalia: I heard there are new kids at school…they’re teens on an exchange program and they’re living with this old woman, and one of them has green skin and the other one has blue hair!
Thane: Seriously?! I wanna see!

Thane: After I build a castle out of blocks…

Thane: And dream about coming the boxing champion of Riverview.

Thetis: Hmmm…it’s the weekend…what should I do?

Painting seems like a good idea! You really need to level up your painting skill so you can paint me heir portraits enlighten your artistic sensibilities.

Thetis: Can’t I just play with her?
Thetis, that’s a boy.
Thetis: ……are you sure?

Thane: The butler sure does make some good food.
I don’t think these kids have ever eaten a meal cooked by their parents.

Tara: Uh huh…yeah…that’s cool…uh huh…Wow, this party is lame…and why is that girl staring at me like that?

Trying a new hairstyle for Tara for a bit. Can’t decide which one I like better.
Tara: Socializing sucks. I’m just gonna do my homework.

Wanna know why Sawyer’s so excited?

It’s somebody’s wedding day!
Wedding Spam ensues.

Annnnd done.

As as excited as he was about the wedding, this is where Sawyer stayed throughout the whole thing…
Sawyer: Remember, Thalia, exercise is important in leading a healthy lifestyle!
Thalia: Uh, grampa, isn’t daddy getting married…?
Sawyer: ……

One of my random creations, Kashvi Johar, aged up into horrible hair AND got stuck at the party. She literally stood here until she peed herself and passed out, at which point I just reset her.

Kieran got stuck too. He just kept clapping. I had to reset him.

As everyone who isn’t stuck was leaving the party, I noticed that Tara was missing. I have no idea where she called herself going…maybe she was sneaking out for a date? Either way, she got caught.

Vela: Tara, what were you thinking?! It’s the middle of the night, on mine and your father’s WEDDING DAY of all days, and you’re running amok downtown after curfew? What’s gotten into you?

Tara: Nothing, mom.
Vela: You’re lying, and I can tell. I certainly hope you set a better example for your brother and sisters in the future, young lady.
Tara: Whatever…are you going to tell dad?
Vela: No…this is the first problem we’ve had with you, and for that reason, I guess I’ll keep your father out of it.

Vela: Eat supper and go to bed. Tomorrow is your little sisters’ and brother’s birthday party, and I expect you to be there. And stay there. *glare*
Tara: All right, mom, I get the hint…

Birthday spam again.

Thalia goes first…

Those braids show up on at least one girl every time…

Thetis: Im starving here, let’s get this show on the road!

Thetis: I feel…stretched.

She didn’t turn out entirely awful…

Thane: Hmmm…what should I wish for…?

Wish granted. Makeover time.

This is Thetis, who grew into a Bookworm. She looks like a sexy librarian in training.

Thalia grew up to Dislike Children…and also chopped off all her hair.

Thane grew up Insane :) And I kind of really liked their super-twinny look, so I kept it.

Later that night, Kaden aged up while he was watching TV.


I think his little face wrinkles suit him :)

After the birthdays, a vast amount of skilling-up ensued among some members of the family.

Kaden hit the workbench harder than ever, raising his Inventing up to six or seven.

Sawyer finally mastered the Athletic skill…

…and went on to tackle the drums.

Vela actually hopped on a treadmill without her father-in-law yelling at her…

…but coming back to Kaden. Kaden learned something pretty interesting…

…you see…

Kaden learned how to blow shit up.

As I was giggling at Kaden blowing up his father’s toilet, I suddenly heard some very intimidating music…and could no longer click on Sawyer.

Death had found him right outside the hospital as he left from entertaining some sick children. Grim was all ready to take him away, but Sawyer thought maybe Grimmy could be bought off with a little gift.
Sawyer: Oh, well, you know, when you gotta go, you gotta go…I’ll come along quietly…but ah, first, why don’t you take this? As a token of, um…friendship?
Grim: FOR ME?! Oh, Sawyer, you shouldn’t have! I’ll have to run back to the Underworld and put this in a vase of water right away! Here, have your life back, it’s the least I could do!

Sawyer: Score.

Grim then fangirled all over Sawyer by asking for his autograph.

After his near-death experience, Sawyer decided it was time he got a little more connected to his family. He called up Raven, whom he hadn’t talked to in quite some time…only to find her extremely upset.
Sawyer: Raven? Raven, what’s wrong, honey?
Raven: Daddy…I’m…I’m pregnant…
Sawyer: But…isn’t that a good thing, hon? You know I welcome kids, they’re just cute as bugs.
Raven:, daddy, you don’t understand. Can you…can you come over?

Sawyer: Hello there, little baby! I’m excited to meet you!
Raven: Daddy…

Sawyer: I wonder if it’ll get my green hair? Oh, hi, Hal! What’s up, buddy? What are you doing at Raven’s?
Raven: Daddy…Hal…Hal’s the father.
Hal: *awkward fidgeting*
Sawyer: *angry twitching*

Hal: *GASP* Sawyer, don’t do that, you wanna give an old man a heart attack?
Sawyer: …maybe…
Hal: Maybe?! Dude, wtf? I thought we were best friends!
Sawyer: Yeah, well, that was before you knocked up my daughter.
He left without saying anything else to either of them…

…but came back as soon as the baby was born (and aged up because infants are boring).
Sawyer: So help me, this kid is gonna have some kind of father in his life, even if I have to be it…

Sawyer: Thank goodness you look like your mother, kid.

Sawyer took Gregorio (yes…Gregorio) downstairs and set him down on the floor with a bottle. A little bit later, Hal came home from work and picked up little Greg.
Hal: Sawyer…I know what you’re thinking.
Sawyer: Yeah, I’m still thinking you’re a dirty old man. You’re not even dating Raven, Hal, you’re dating effing Susie Broke-this week, that is-
Hal: Sawyer…let me put Greg down and we can go in the other room, he doesn’t need to hear this.

Sawyer: And he doesn’t need a manwhore for a father, either.
Hal: Watch it, buddy, that’s crossing the line-

Sawyer: Crossing the line?! CROSSING THE LINE?! Crossing the line was when you SLEPT with your BEST FRIEND’S effing DAUGHTER, then tossed her like an effing used paper plate! For Pete’s sake, Hal, that’s my grandkid in there-my GRANDKID! And you’re older than I am!

Sawyer: I didn’t give a damn about you sleeping around, Hal, because I thought you were my friend. I never imagined you’d put your filthy hands on one of my own daughters, you backstabbing son of a bitch.
Hal: Sawyer…
Sawyer: The next time you see me will be in court. Raven’s getting custody-she’s getting everything you have, everything you ever will have, and if I can figure it out everything you ever used to have.
Hal: Y-you can’t do that! The j-jury…
Sawyer: Hal, I’m still the best living government agent in the Simworld. I can pull strings. Believe me.

As this particular bit of drama was wrapping itself up, another was unfolding…
Tara: Must look pretty, must look pretty, must look pretty…

Tara: Ohmygod was that the doorbell? I hope it was the doorbell please be the doorbell oh god what if it was the doorbell…?!

Tara: ….heh…hi.
Drako Baker: Well hey beautiful. Why so out of breath? (Credit goes out to mykasims!)
Tara: Out of breath? Heh, me, no….ohgodwhatamiwearing… *spins*
Drako: Did you…did you just change clothes…?

Tara: Change? Oh, yes, change! I changed. Funny story…

Vela: Honey…? Who’s this boy?
Tara: Yep, I’m screwed.

Drako: Hi Mrs. Kindcadd, I’m Drako Baker. I’m going to school with Tara on an exchange program. It’s very nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.
Vela: When I get back to the station I’m checking the records of every department from Sunset Valley to Bridgeport. Well it would have been nicer to meet you if my daughter had introduced us sometime before you showed up on my doorstep at seven in the evening, but I appreciate your manners.
Drako: I understand, Mrs. Kindcadd, and I apologize for that. I think Tara was a little nervous about what you and Mr. Kindcadd might…think of me. *grins*
Vela: I don’t like that smile. Not one little bit.
Tara: Mom? Could I talk to you?

Tara: Mom, please don’t embarrass me right now. All he wants to do is take me out to eat at the Bistro, and for Pete’s sake we own a third of the Bistro so it’s not like you and Daddy wouldn’t already have spies implanted everywhere, and he’s going to bring me right back, I promise, so please just let me go?
Vela: Fine, but I want you back before curfew…

Vela: …got it, Drako?
Drako: Oh yes ma’am, of course. *grins*
Vela: *shudder*

Tara: I can’t believe it! She’s actually letting me go with you!
Drako: I can be charming when I need to be, babe.

Meanwhile, back inside…
Vela: Yes, boss, I know it’s the middle of the night, but this is important… Thane, could you tell your father where I’ve gone when he gets back? But don’t mention Tara. Or the boy.
Thalia: Mom, I’m Thalia.
Vela: Oh, whatever, just do as I say! No, no, no, not you, boss! Not you!

Later that night…
Tara: Okay, Drako, just be quiet and blend into that door. With any luck they won’t know either one of us are here.
Drako: Ten-four babe.
Tara: Okay, I’m going on ahead. You’ll have to run for it, but I think you can make it.

Drako: Don’tlookthiswaydon’tlookthiswaydon’tlookthisway…

Tara: Ahhh…made it.
Drako: You sure no one is gonna come outside tonight?

Tara: Of course not. Dad’s in the Music career, so he works nights, and mom’s gonna go to bed as soon as she’s done playing games with Thane. Or Thalia. I’m not sure which one it was…

Drako: Oh, well in that case… *relaxes*
Tara: You know, Drako, I’m really glad y…you…
Drako: What, babe?
Tara: Drako…is that…the Vampire mark…?
Drako: Uh…well, yeah. I’m half Vamp, babe.

Tara: Oh…okay. Um…is that why…is that why your skin is such a pretty color?
Drako: Hahahaaa. You mean green?
Tara: *blush* Yes.
Drako: Well, not exactly…I’m part, um…something else, too.
Tara: Something…else?
Drako: I’m part alien, babe.

Tara: *blank stare*
Drako: Hey, if it’s a problem, babe, I can go home. I know extraterrestrial Vamps aren’t exactly a teenage girl’s Prince Charming.

Tara: No. Stay.
Drako: You’re serious?
Tara: Who needs Prince Charming when you’ve got a Vampire from outer space?

Vela: Well, Thalia, I think I’m going to go to bed.
Thane: I’m will attribute your confusion to the invisible Dernkofflehoffs that are assaulting your brain. Hark! There’s one now!
Vela: Aha…you’re Thane. Either way, going to bed.
Vela: Maybe I should get the kid a shrink.

After hearing Thane’s not-so-subtle warning, Tara and Drako come inside to dry off, de-prune, and hang out a little.
Thane: Oh, by the way, strange green person, our father is pulling in the driveway.
Drako: SHIT.

Tara: Drako I’ve got to make this quick so Daddy doesn’t find out you were here, but I don’t care that you’re a Vampire or that you’re part alien or that you’re green or even that you’re Evil-yes I know you’re Evil-all I care about is you. Okay?
Drako: You’re the coolest human chick ever, Tara.

Drako: Tomorrow night, the stadium, okay?
Tara: Okay, just run!

He ran into the darkness, and Tara ran and jumped back into the hot tub just as Kaden came through the front door. He went outside to clean up the dishes, and found his daughter lying in the hot tub at one o’clock in the morning.

Tara: Oh, hi daddy! *climbs out of hot tub*
Kaden: Tara, what the hell are you doing awake? You’ve got school! Go to bed.
And to bed she went.

Coming Up: What will Kaden think when he finally hears about Tara’s new “friend?” How will the super-twinny twins handle it when a certain blue-haired boy threatens to come between them? Will Thetis ever get her head out of a book long enough to even look twice at a guy (or girl, for that matter)? Will Sawyer make good on his threat toward his ex-best friend, Hal Breckenridge? Will he and Hal ever reconcile their differences?

Spare Updates:
Gideon + Rowan = Tai, Margarita, Jane.
Kieran + Daisy = Emilie.
Raven + Hal Breckenridge = Gregorio; Raven and Hal are no longer together.

Gideon Storms: vayleen
Vela Fox: liscence_to_sim
Daisy and Luca Crescendo: kittenmittons
Drako Baker: mykasims

kindcadd0, kindcadd legacy

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