I am Kris, hear me ramble

Mar 20, 2010 01:22

This is mostly pertaining to Marvel and DC (but I guess soap operas, too, but do we have any of those characters? Er...) But I was wondering if anyone was interested in discussing sliding timescales.

I know, I know, massive headache to even think about BUT it's important to our playing, right? Right.

This thread in particular was really fun and ( Read more... )

angel lays eggs, angel has 74 abs, and then roberto got deported

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Comments 158

apocalypsewench March 20 2010, 05:32:06 UTC
I just kind of incoperate the disco thing by making her be like...OH I'LL SING MOST THINGS. I think it works out that way, since she does sing various genres in her solo.


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:35:49 UTC
Yeah, but on the same token its godmoding almost when people decide for you what she sings or what she's released in the past. :/


apocalypsewench March 20 2010, 05:37:03 UTC
I SHOULD....do a post about her music or something.


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:45:10 UTC
Well, like you said, you can't control everything everyone else says but yeah. Her singing most things is actually accurate...it just gets difficult, I imagine, when people say "oh I know you, you do [this]"


gallitrap March 20 2010, 05:32:24 UTC
... And, once again, I feel intensely glad that my character's canon just says the future and never gets any more specific than that. No years, no months, no differentiating seasons, no token holiday specials, and no really IC pop-culture references that aren't self-contained to the franchise itself.

Floating time is hilariously crazy.


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:37:21 UTC
See that would just make life so much easier. I hate, hate, hate when they state the year or use real life TV shows, books, politicians, etc as reference because HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT LATER


gallitrap March 20 2010, 05:45:13 UTC
I think we've only had a couple places where a date would be printed - newspaper articles and webblogs and the like - but the only one I can think of was an article that was released eight years prior to the start of the series. Young Girl Recovers After Month Long Coma: Month X, Xth

... Then again these guys refuse to give the twins a friggen surname, when even the homeless orphans and one-shot adversaries get them, so ...


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:51:32 UTC
So they just use X's instead of actual numbers?

That concept is way better jfc


liverletdie March 20 2010, 05:35:23 UTC
I generally tend to allow my tech refrences slide into old age stuff, since he went to MIT and probably derped around with everything ever, but culturally, I just kind of...Idk, try to be unspecific.

Because Marvel moved him up to the Gulf War for his Iron Man awakening, which is completely silly since that would put him in his 30s instead of his 40s, which I find more likely, so I tend to kind of, try and keep things a little vague because I hate making things complicated.

Also communists. No, I don't know how they fit but I pretend they're an offset of the KGB or something.


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:40:17 UTC
LMFAO commies

The wars are what make it worst, IMO. Since way back in the day everyone and their brother is a war vet or an aspiring soldier, it makes a lot of the classic characters a timeline mess right now XD

But, yay, for unspecific. I like that and that's probably the easiest way to go about it


liverletdie March 20 2010, 05:47:19 UTC

Yeeeaaah, they tried to make Tony into going to the Gulf War for the heart blowout a while back, but they said he was 21, and that just...doesn't work logically even with the sliding timescale, since I think he was in his mid-to late 20s when he did so eventually, especially with how he's drawn.

And really he and Spidey shouldn't be the same age. :/

Yeah, I'm lazy, and hate thinking about stuff like that, so I wave it off and pretend it doesn't happen, or I just try and reconcile it as best I can!


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:56:39 UTC
Tony and Spidey being the same age is soooooo wrong. But then, maybe they just chose the Gulf War so that they can use that reference for the next ten+ years before they have to change it to the war in Iraq :/


prettymorlock March 20 2010, 05:36:50 UTC
I figure that Sally wore tiger-print pants because she was living on the streets for around three to four years (depending on if she was 12/13 when her powers developed and 16 when she was taken in by X-Factor) and stole them from some store when she was a Morlock. BECAUSE THOSE PANTS ARE HERE TO STAY.

Figuring out how old she is still hurts my head. Especially when I try to compare her age to say the New Mutants.


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:43:32 UTC
I totally agree and love the idea of street kid bargain bin shopping. <33333

The New Mutants, in particular, are hard because they have that student syndrome. Young characters can age fast, but older ones cannot. We do know their ages when they debuted: Rictor 13, Tabby 14, Skids 16, Rusty 18, Sam Dani and Amara 16, Roberto 14, Rahne 13, Doug 14, and Illyana 7 and then 14. Karma was 19 though and she's the one that makes EVERYTHING CONFUSING. LMFAO. Rictor and Roberto have been shown drinking in bars though, so I just set everyone based on that. If Ric is 21, then everyone else is just a little older type deal.


prettymorlock March 20 2010, 05:48:42 UTC
As a Morlock I figure she must have stolen a lot of stuff. It was kind of the only way to survive. She would have sucked at it though because the girl couldn't even always hold her food. Annoying force field!

That's what I've been doing. Except Sally is behind everyone so she's younger than she would be if she was from where everyone else is. And I'm still not certain how many years behind she would be. I hate Marvel time.


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:58:50 UTC
I think a lot of the Morlocks, too, were canon thieves so that definitely makes sense!

ARGH I know. I definitely get that. I doubt it would be that far behind if the above timeline is accurate. Maybe 2...3 years tops?


listen_bud March 20 2010, 05:36:57 UTC
I think when you think about it, comics as a medium with no foreseeable end is really a kind of flawed system in and of itself. To have so many writers working on so many titles at different points in time makes it extremely difficult to maintain any completely constant form of quality control, I think. I mean, when you think about it, the 60s really isn't that long ago, and already the timeline and canon and all of that is already considerably swiss cheesed with the concessions they have to make and the retcons they go with. I think, in my opinion, comics must be more difficult to work with than most fiction or manga or what have you. BUT ANYWAY ( ... )


ascending_angel March 20 2010, 05:47:36 UTC
It was Quesada, yeah. I actually went and heard him talk about Spidey's timeline last summer and OH DEAR JESUS CONFUSING. but you are right, and I do agree with you that there aren't very many options that they can do considering it would be ludicrous to say that every hero has had DEAGING SERUM INJECTED INTO THEM ^^~!!


pridefall March 20 2010, 11:29:11 UTC
WELL!!! I calculated this last year with some help, and, yeah, you're right on the money. Peter can be no more than 32 years old, no less than 29 years old if the events that happened in his life didn't transpire...one week right after another xD


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