BSC/Lost Crossover Fic: The Doctor's Appointment

Jun 14, 2007 20:27

Title: The Doctor's Appointment
Author: nutmeg610 & toxic_corn
Rating: PG
Fandom: BSC/Lost crossover
Pairing: Dawn/Kevin
Prompt: #16 Surprise, from my table
Disclaimer: Neither The Baby-sitter's Club books, nor Lost belong to us.
Summary: Dawn has a surprise for Kevin.

Kevin bounced his foot nervously as he watched TV. Dawn had been gone at the doctor's for awhile, and he figured that there had to be something the matter with her to warrant such a long appointment.

He was thinking of calling her really quick just to check up on her, but then the front door opened and she stepped inside, a small smile on her face. Kevin wasn't sure if it was a real smile, or an 'I-have-bad-news-but-I'm-being-brave.' smile.

He couldn't help but be on edge about the doctor's visit. Dawn had been getting sick in the mornings for the last week, but neither one wanted to assume she was pregnant. They'd been married six years, but it seemed that no matter how often they tried, Dawn just wasn't going to get pregnant. They'd talked about invitro, and adoption, but neither one wanted to go through all that, building up their hopes, to find that the invitro didn't work, or the adoption hadn't gone through. So they just kept trying, deciding that whatever happened, happened.

Putting the TV on mute, Kevin looked up at her worriedly. He meant to ask in a calm, collected voice how her appointment had gone, but when he looked into his wife's face, he suddenly wondered if it was something really bad and life-threatening, and everything spilled out at once. "Is it the flu? Are you sick? Oh god, I hope you don't have cancer; I can't lose you, Sunshine."

Dawn set down her purse and settled herself comfortably in his lap, taking his hand and placing it over her tummy wordlessly.

Kevin's eyes widened with a look of horror. "It's stomach cancer?!"

Dawn tilted her head to the side and gave him a look.

"Is it that thing were you have cramps all the time? Crohn's Disease or something? Oh, God!"

"Kevin, calm down!" Dawn finally said, her smile growing wider. "I'm pregnant."

Kevin opened his mouth to respond, then closed it, then opened it again. "Really?"

"Really really." She lifted her shirt and tapped her tummy. "There's a baby Callis in here."

Blinking slowly, a grin spread across Kevin's face. He was still trying to form words, hardly able to believe that what they had wanted for so long was actually going to happen.

Dawn took Kevin's face to mean he was as happy as she was, and she excitedly declared, "It took us a while but... baby!"

"Yay!" was the first thing Kevin's mind could think to say. He threw his arms up in the air in triumph, because she liked it when he acted goofy with her. "My Sunshine's gonna be a mommy!"

"Yay!" she replied, mimicking his pose. "My Kev's gonna be a daddy!"

Lowering his arms to wrap around her, he gave her hugs and kisses before saying in a choked up, gravelly voice. "I love you, Mama Callis."

Dawn leaned against his side, stroking his hair, and saying softly, "Don't cry, Papa Callis."

He let a laugh loose. "Not gonna." He gave her more kisses, preventing Dawn from calling him a liar, because the tears had gathered at the corners of his eyes.

Pulling back, Dawn grinned. "We have so many people to tell! There's Mary Anne and Chad, my mom and Richard, my dad and Carol, your parents and brothers, my broth--"

"Sunshine," Kevin interrupted, softly stroking her hair.

"Hmm?" she asked, a smile lighting up her face.

"Let's just kept it to ourselves tonight." he replied. "Pretty soon we're gonna have to buy a crib and stroller and baby clothes, pick out a name, start a college fund, do all that stuff. But just for one day, we can know and not worry about the future."

"I think... that you're going to be the bestest daddy in the whoooooooooole world!" Dawn answered, snuggling into his side.

Grinning, he kissed the top of her head. "Boy, the best daddy and the best mommy. What a lucky kid!"

Dawn just pressed a hand to her stomach and smiled.

fanfic table, toxic_corn, pairing: kevin/dawn, co-written fic

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