Five Words Meme

Aug 08, 2009 16:46

→ Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you. [from kyrin  ♥]

My WordS )

yunho, meme, indian soap, random, reunion island, toma, rambling, yamapi, me

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Comments 8

alecsa_chan August 9 2009, 17:37:19 UTC
his self-composed song he performed with his friend Donghae (from SUJU) "Spokesman".

Ok, this confirms me i haven't finished watching 'o' concert.

I would come to you and you'd have to show me ALL the touristic places.XD But it's same with me, i haven't seen so many stuff in Bucharest. And i will probably never will. (maybe when i'll reach the age of 60 or sth :P)
While i was in Sweden, i wanted to go back home. When i stepped into the Otopeni Airport in Bucharest i wanted to go back to Sweden. :| So i cannot understand myself.


gormarien August 9 2009, 18:51:11 UTC
His song is really really great, i love it =)

Yes, that would be a reason for me to go visit the touristic places if you were with me !!!! <3

I totally understand you. xD~~


girlearthless August 9 2009, 21:22:40 UTC
I love your icon 8D Ah, I haven't watched that show in a while~

Yamapi *______* Moobalicious and cute and kind and al;sfkjas. He's quite mysterious to me too, maybe because I don't keep up with his activities or with NewS, but I really wish he would smile and show his personality a bit more. I loved him in Nobuta ♥___♥

Oh, Toma. His SCP was so heartfelt, but I'm so happy for him that he's been so successful.

I remember you showed me a picture of Reunion Island or I looked it up somewhere. It's beautiful, and it looks so peaceful :D


gormarien August 10 2009, 04:30:40 UTC
Thank you xDDD~~ I haven't watched it in a while either, i miss JD ^o^...

Hihihi Akiraaaaaa he was sooo dorky in Nobuta, i liked him too there, so cute and funny <3

I'm happy too !! For Toma !!!

Reunion island is beautiful but that's a personal opinion of course. Thank you !!

(and i just saw your NY's trip pictures, it looked amazing, i want to go and watch all the musicals they proposed *o* !!!)


ky_rin August 12 2009, 15:30:27 UTC
I love Yamapi ♥ and Toma ♥ and I was all wibbly and touched by Toma's SCP too T_______T I'm curious as to why Yamapi scares you, though. I sometimes think he's such an unbelievable person myself, and go wow, he's really got something to be this famous XD and HOT. guh.

and it's really sweet the way you described you and your mother's possessive drama watching XD♥

I AM IN LOVE WITH DONGHAE. It amuses me that he's good friends with Yunho.


gormarien August 13 2009, 05:59:52 UTC
~Yamapi scares me because... the thing is i always try to imagine me meeting my idols and he is one with whom i wouldn't know how to react.. i know him but i don't know him.... *am i being not too confused ? O_o*

Thank youuuuu~~ !!!

Donghae and Yunho !!!! xD AMong the SUju i rellay like Eunhyuk ( i think, they are too many lol) but but i loved Henry the one with the violon but he is not here anymore is he ?


ky_rin August 13 2009, 08:19:32 UTC
Haha, Yamapi likes to keep his real person away from us by always blogging about his lunch! Seriously XD

Haha Eunhyuk is really funny. He's like the clown. But yes, there are really too many of them. Henry is really cute! Small boy's face and baby fat cheeks *_* He's with Super Junior M I believe? XD


gormarien August 13 2009, 18:10:27 UTC
LoL Yamapi and food, ever lasting love story =)
Ahhhh right SUju M !!! <3


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