News news news....

Dec 14, 2008 11:56

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Hello ♥ ♥  ♥ ♥ It's been awhile right ?
First of all, i'm sorry for not having commented a lot.. not at all for some times.... *bows*
How have you all been ?

Well as for me... hmmm, i am more free, as you can, i'm writting an LJ entry... lmao ! I am on semi-holidays.. that means that i am on holidays but i must not get lazy, i have my final ( Read more... )

random, toma, santa, kurosagi, yunho, xmas

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Comments 34

mklia December 14 2008, 10:50:08 UTC
welcome back!!!
i miss chatting up with u and fangirling with u...
actually i'm not around either.. :D
because my internet connection seems to died on me...
and my handphone giving me problems so i cant access any internet whenever i need them...
do u know how long i mange to post this comment alone?? 3 hours??? yeah...

anyway, its kinda sad that KRH had closed down... it was long abandoned... its only the old oops, i mean members like us who's been there for long who still visits the forum...

haha, i'm so buying it if Grease DVD is there... but i dun think so.. with all the rights thingy.. *sad*

have u heard, Voice?? in jan??? finally!!! and Toma is on the junior calendar again...

and keichan seriously need someone to protect him,, he's such a cutey pie.he jumps when he's scared/shock. imagine a tall guy like him doing that.. cute ne... oh its on news_jpop heyheychamp episode i think...
and erm, kei-tego moments?? 0_0


gormarien December 14 2008, 12:36:17 UTC
Tadaima !!!
I miss you too ! Hai, i was so sad too... i wanted to spam the chatbox in the end ! loool !!
Oh 3 hours ? i understand..... ><"

Yessssss !! Toma.. as a CSI loool !!! I'm so excited ! And now i can finally begin watching Maou, i'm so late..... xPP
Ehh the word "junior" is annoying me, as always... O_o

Ahhh yes ! Koyama kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!! I wanted to jump and hug him so cuuute !!!!
Ah but but.. kei-tego moments ? i didn't see anything, what are you referring to ?


mklia December 14 2008, 12:49:37 UTC
keitego moments in concert reports!!!
oh, what do u think of koyapi duet ginza rhapsody?? i love it...

and oh, koyashige new duet murarisuto is so so cheeky ... i was laughing all the way while reading the translation lyric...

yeah, Toma CSI, but he's not the lead role rite??? maybe he could ask Yamapi for advise since u know Yamapi--code blue... :D

believe me, i didn't watch Maou last episode.. i did that to code blue and Honey and clover as well... so i dunno the ending... lol

how are u doing??? good???


gormarien December 14 2008, 17:42:01 UTC
Ahhhh sou.. i didn't read the concert reports.. now i'm getting curious ;)

Yes ! I love ginza rhapsody ! As for "murarisuto" i think it's logical they continue on their way.. songs like that suit them both so good !!!

Right, Toma not as a leading role, i didn't understand why, i think now he should be leading.. since he is doing that in musicals...

Ahh loolo, so you never saw any ending ? Lmao ! i haven't finished CB either.... *high five*

I'm doing fine !! Thank youuu.. i'm almost getting sleepy everytime since uni courses ended.... it was my lazy week end ! you ?


princess_rei09 December 14 2008, 14:08:23 UTC
Oh yay you're here! You've been so busy huh... ganbatte! :D

Hey you know what? You know what? I can actually recognize who Yunho is! xD *bricked* lol. I'm SLOWLY getting into the dbsk fandom even though I've been trying to resist... all thanks to my f-listers who've been blogging about them. xP


gormarien December 14 2008, 17:43:12 UTC
DONG BANG SHIN KI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay !!! LoooL Yunho.. look at my header.. carefully ne... my future korean husband... lmao ::!!!


girlearthless December 14 2008, 20:21:15 UTC
*GLOMPS* Yay you're back :D

Are you finishing your master's in September? Good luck ♥

And you're going to South Korea *____* Lucky girl. I also wish for Grease dvd too ;_;


gormarien December 15 2008, 03:17:03 UTC
*glomps back* !!
Yes September.. then i'm free, graduated... unemployed... *dead* Thank YOU !
Hai, actually i hope so.. being able to fly to South Korea at the end of next year.. i already began searching for hotels, and finding a french contact there.... hope it will become real !!!


bigmow December 14 2008, 23:04:24 UTC
AH nice to see you again! haha.

it is rather nice to have holidays, even though you have some hw too.
my holiday starts on thursday. Can't wait. Even though I'm totally nervous, since I'm singing at the cermony thingy. XD

haha. I hope that all your wishes come true too! :D ♥


gormarien December 15 2008, 03:17:42 UTC
Yes it it !!! hello youuu !! ^^
Right, the ceremony.. but you sing so well, don't be nervous.. it will be fine ;)


ky_rin December 15 2008, 20:04:05 UTC
Haha, everyone's been so busy! Good to hear from you ♥ All the best for your final paper!

Ah, I wish for a Grease DVD, too! If only... And good luck on snagging Yunho :) Hoep he comes in a box with airholes in the mail.

Enjoy the Kurosagi movie, I haven't watched that one yet! :D


gormarien December 16 2008, 08:23:04 UTC
^^ !!
hai...... yunho as a present.. in a box... wiiiii~~ what a lovely present !!! *_____*
Thank YOU !


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