*-- Flailing weeeeeeeee --*

Jul 07, 2008 22:10

Wasssssssuuup ! *bricked*

So i got a cold again.

I sneeze like a panda )

taiyou no namida, tomalicious, zaizai, reviews, news, zettai kareshi, random, drama

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Comments 32

monomezurashii July 7 2008, 20:58:51 UTC
That drama with zaizai,wish to see you again, is it new series?? *wonder if I ever see it, but I think I haven't* Probably I need to see it. It's with KingOne, right??

Ahh...zettai kareshi. I hope they do a special. I'm totally not satisfied with the ending, even though I definitely shipped soushi than night XP

eh~~your uni would start already?? so fast!! Mine hasn't even over until next week!


gormarien July 8 2008, 06:32:58 UTC
Yes, actually the drama is from 2007 but i understand it was aired in japan first and now in taiwan. something like that >.<" !!
All the episodes are out but only the 6 first one have been subbed and with Kingone !!! yessssssssss he is dashing in it ! I really love the story so far <333

LooL, it's good you're a faithful woman ! I love Soushi too but Night finally isn't so bad at all ^p^ !

Actually the first step of the applications have to be done now and i have to begin reading the scientific books my "directrice de mémoire" told me too otherwise i won't be able to during the classes.


monomezurashii July 8 2008, 16:51:12 UTC
ahh~~then I really have to watch it. I think I haven't watch it!

Ahaha...that sounds so wrong again! faithful woman? If I'm faithful, how come I skip from Aibaba, Riida, Sho-chan, and Miyaken all the time?? (>.<")

Woww...you're really a great student!! ^^


gormarien July 8 2008, 17:01:47 UTC
hihihihihi !
What i meant was, you are more faithful than me.. at least you don't change your heart in the middle of a drama you see ? I'm at the top of unfaithfulness (<-- kyaa this word was so hard to write un-faith-ful-ness ==')
I'm rtying to be a great student heee but today i didn't do anything either.. i ust catch up.. *dies*
ne ne ne ne..
you know what......
ne ne ne ne..
nothing ! Me chu Angelie <3


girlearthless July 7 2008, 22:01:47 UTC
ehhh you like F4 too?? *mega-glomps* They were the first taiwanese band I listened to, and they were in the first drama I saw (the classic Meteor Garden). Sigh.

Whatttt I'm so behind I never knew Wish to see you again was already being subbed :0 So much to watch, so little time...

I'm trying to learn how to sing bokura machi de >_< I never knew TFS was having a karaoke contest! Ooh I'm looking forward to it :D

ooh Ruka! *glomps again* I'm still your friend bc


gormarien July 8 2008, 06:29:15 UTC
*mega-giga-glomps back*
Did you like Meteor Garden ? I didn't. I tried hard but i couldn't. But but.. F4 is great ^^ !
Yup Wish to see you again, all the episodes are available but only 6 have been subbed so far. *sob* It's really really good !
Ahhh go go crysta-chan ! I really want to hear you sing the song... $v$ !!
And *hugs Ruka no friend* !


girlearthless July 7 2008, 22:03:06 UTC
oops pressed enter. Anyway yes I think I've discovered another side of me while watch LF XD

sorry for spamming *chu*


gormarien July 8 2008, 06:26:51 UTC
it's ok ! chu back to you xD


griffouine July 7 2008, 22:16:41 UTC
Ah ben tiens.. grâce à ton post je découvre F4 XD!! (je sais pas si c'est le cas pour beaucoup de monde, mais moi F4 ça m'évoque inévitablement Hana Yori Dango MDR!!!!). Aaaahhh toi aussi tu suivais Zettai Kareshi *o* !!! moi aussi j'espère un épisode spécial... se serait quand même chouette de voir s'ils arrivent à vivre quelque chose ces deux-là maintenant que Night est plus là T__T.... (à choisir quand même... Night il était bien quoi T_T)
Mmmhhh pour le karaoke contest... pourquoi t'essayes pas Kizuna? elle est pas trop difficile, et Kame monte pas trop dans les aiguë si c'est le problème LOL!!!!

PS: Je suis tout à fait d'accord pour ce qui est de Ruka T___T.. une fille comme ça, lesbienne ou pas, t'en tombe amoureuse....T_T!! (mais pourquoi tu attends les hardsubs absolument? D-Addict ont déjà les softubs jusqu'à la fin, ça t'éviterai d'avoir à attendre si longtemps non? T___T.... enfin perso.. sur Last Friends j'aurai pas eu la patience d'attendre moi T___T alors bon courage \o/ !!!)



gormarien July 8 2008, 06:22:06 UTC
Coucou !!!!
Et tu as raison ! tadada !! Non en fait les F4 le groupe taiwanais c'est en référence justement à la version Hanadan tw c'était eux ^^!!

Moi j'aime celui qui a les cheveux courts, Zaizai qui interprétait la version tw de Rui ou pour être plus précise Rui est la version japonaise xp..

Hai, Night était bien ^^!! Kizuna.. ehhh.. d'accord je vais l'écouter bien bien alors.. pour être franche je vois pas trop c'est qu'elle chanson.. =/

Ahh le nouveau décor de CKT ! J'aime pas mais c'était marrant.. Maru était trop craquant avec la femme au décolletée là.. wahahaha !<3

Alors pour LF oui oui j'attends les hardsubs parce que j'aime bien avoir les tous épisodes subbés de la même manière (je suis maniaque =="). Comme ça quand je grave ben c'est uniforme.. loool !
Je patiente..la dernière fois j'ai failli prendre les softsub du 8 et 9 j'arrivais plus et le ême jour Kioku les à proposer en hardsub en même temps... ! xP Alors je me dis que ça va pas tarder.



princess_rei09 July 8 2008, 07:54:44 UTC
love love hyper posts! haha and I use SO in the beginning of my sentences too. A LOT. xD

But if there is a ZK SP, there there would be no more Night deshou? ehehe... but me want ZK SP too ;p

I need to stop focusing too much on Jdoramas. lol. I didn't know that Nicholas Tse is HK! I thought he's Tw. haha. and I wanted to join Tomalicious karaoke... too bad I suck in singing so I'll just send my 'ganbattes' to you guys! oh and an extra ganbatte for your 5th year in uni! chuu~


gormarien July 8 2008, 11:44:07 UTC
LooL ! hai more night ! it's good right ? xD !
LooL please join the singing contest, i also sing extremely bad but but it's funny ! xDD~~
I loove your icon <3333


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