Vane: Althena Works In Mysterious (Yet Predictable) Ways

Jul 05, 2007 18:15

Mia was back at home that day with a purpose: to find something that will truly make her stand out to her darling. She was so light on her feet that she was almost floating. She had an outfit that she was planning to wear to her Guildmaster ceremony, but she didn't want to wait if she could wear it to impress him.

Before she does, she goes out to the gardens in the city. A flower for her hair might just make her all the more alluring. While she was there, she saw the statue of Althena.

She looks up at the statue. The mother of her world. The embodiment of beauty and love. It's often been said that men could not look at her without falling instantly and hopelessly in love with her.

Well, she certainly understands how that can happen.

She puts a hand on the statue. While it's true that Althena is not a physical goddess anymore, her spirit still lives on in the world.

Thank you so much. Thank you for the beauty, the love in my life.


Something Mia neglected to think about at that moment was Althena's incredible ability to heal. There were many times during the war where she gratefully sent her prayers up to Althena and found herself completely healed of all injury in just the next moment. It was the same as Luna's songs, which made sense as she was Althena.

But it is more than just injury that is healed. How many times had Mia been muted and her silent prayers at the statue's feet blessed her and let her speak? When did she lose count of the times she had been rid of poisons simply by begging Althena's mercy?

Exactly when did she forget those times that she was charmed by the enemy only to wake from it in front of the Goddess?

All it takes is a simple, heart-felt prayer.....


And she blinks a little.

"What was I doing just now?" she asks to no one in particular.

That was strange. She knew what she was doing a second ago, but then it felt like she had just woken up from a daze.

She shrugs it off and returns to her room, preparing to go back to Milliways.

"I hope Draco hasn't missed me too much."

Not Eugene.

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