Got my Philcon schedule today. Should be a fun weekend; in addition to Sooj as Music Guest we get Heather and Ben and a bunch of the usual Northeast suspects like
mnemex and
sodyera. Also at least one performer I've heard of (Nicole "Blue" Dieker) and am interested in seeing. Looks like I'll be busy Saturday morning/early afternoon. My schedule is as
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Comments 7
My annoyance with the con schedule is having the Steampunk social gathering at the same time as the Regency dancing.
•Sat 1:00 PM in Plaza VII (Seven)-Filk Concerts - Josh Kronengold & Lisa Padol/Mark Mandel (735)
Two Concerts, 30 minutes each - "Josh Kronengold & Lisa Padol" and Mark Mandel
Joshua Kronengold (mod), Lisa Padol, Mark Mandel
•Sat 3:00 PM in Plaza VII (Seven)-Filk - Memorial Circle (744)
A filk circle so we can sing songs of (and favorites of) those whom we have lost in the past year. Note - This circle will be for 45 minutes. Note - Time on this circle MAY change during the convention. Check in the filk room for an update.
•Sat 11:00 PM in Plaza VII (Seven)-Filk Theme Circles - Acapella Only/Holiday Songs (740)
Two 30 Minute theme filk circles -
*Acapella only/A filk circle where no instruments are to be played. Voices only, please!
*Holiday songs - Songs that are either about a holiday or use a holiday song's tune. E.g., "Talk Like a Pirate Day" or L.A. Filkharmonic's "Deck the Halls"
Heather Dale (mod), Ben Deschamps, Mark Mandel
And then bauwdy songs, open filking, maybe travel songs, and so on ( ... )
I've decided to go to Darkover instead of Philcon this year.
My Philcon schedule just has our concert and the gaming filk -- I volunteered for more, but ended up filling out the questionairre a second time, which likely wiped out my previous requests.
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