Елизавета I Английская от юности до старости

Dec 09, 2012 00:33

Пост навеян выставкой «„Золотой век" английского двора: от Генриха VIII до Карла I» в Музеях Московского Кремля, которую я сегодня посетила.
О выставке я уже писала:
Английский двор в Московском Кремле  http://gorbutovich.livejournal.com/24924.html и 
Золотой век английского двора. Часть 2  http://gorbutovich.livejournal.com/25130.html.

Портреты разных лет Елизаветы I.
Елизавета I родилась 7 сентября 1533, умерла 24 марта 1603. Королева-дева - королева Англии и королева Ирландии с 17 ноября 1558, последняя из династии Тюдоров. Младшая дочь короля Англии Генриха VIII и его второй жены Анны Болейн.

Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I: Young Elizabeth (1545-1572)  

The Children of Henry VIII, c.1650-1680. Copy of a lost original, c.1545-1550.
© The Duke of Buccleuch, Boughton House. More information.

The Family of Henry VIII, c. 1543-1547. Unknown artist, after Holbein.
Hampton Court Palace. © The Royal Collection.

Princess Elizabeth, c. 1543-1547. 
'The Family of Henry VIII', detail.
Anon. Hampton Court Palace.
© The Royal Collection.

Princess Elizabeth, c. 1546-7.
Attr. to William Scrots.
Windsor Castle.
© The Royal Collection.

Elizabeth I as Princess, c.1550.
Attr. to Levina Teerlinc.
Yale Center for British Art.

Elizabeth I as Princess, c.1555.
Artist Unknown.
Current whereabouts unknown.

Elizabeth I as Princess, c.1555.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.

Elizabeth I, c.1560.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth's Coronation Procession, 1559.
Artist Unknown. College of Arms.

The Coronation Portrait, c. 1600.
Copy of 1559 lost original.
Artist Unknown.
Previously attr. to William Stretes.
© National Portrait Gallery.

Miniature of the Coronation Portrait.
Copy of the 1559 lost original, c.1600.
Artist Unknown. 
Private Collection.

Miniature of Elizabeth I, c. 1560-5.
Attr. to Levina Teerlinc.
© The Royal Collection.

Miniature of Elizabeth I, c. 1560-5.
Attr. to Levina Teerlinc.
© The Royal Collection.

"The Clopton Portrait", c.1560.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.
More information

Queen Elizabeth, c.1560.
Artist Unknown.
Philip Mould Ltd., London.
Original of the Clopton portrait?

Queen Elizabeth, c. 1560.
Background originally blue.
Artist Unknown.
© National Portrait Gallery.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1565.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.
© Christie's Images Ltd.

Elizabeth I and the Three Goddesses, 1569.
Variously attributed to Joris Hoefnagel and Hans Eworth.
© The Royal Collection.

Detail of the above.
© The Royal Collection.

"The Hampden Portrait", c.1563.
Steven van der Meulen.
© Philip Mould Fine Paintings.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1565-1570.
Artist Unknown.
Collection of the Duke of Beaufort.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1565-1570.
Attr. to Steven van der Meulen.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1565-1570.
Previously attr. to Hans Eworth.
Present whereabouts unknown.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1565-1570.
Artist Unknown.
Present whereabouts unknown.

"Allegory of the Tudor Succession", c. 1572.
Attr. to Lucas de Heere. Sudeley Castle.

"Allegory of the Tudor Succession: The Family of Henry VIII", c. 1590-95.
Artist Unknown. Yale Center for British Art.

Оригинал: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/elizface.htm

Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I: The Middle Years (1573-1587)

The Phoenix Jewel © British Museum

Queen Elizabeth riding the chariot of Fame.
Sir William Teshe, 1570. BL Sloane MS 1832.

"The Pelican Portrait", c. 1575.
Attr. to Nicholas Hilliard.
© Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Museums.

"The Phoenix Portrait", c. 1575.
Attr. to Nicholas Hilliard.
© National Portrait Gallery, London.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1572
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© National Portrait Gallery, London.

Queen Elizabeth Lute Miniature,
Nicholas Hilliard, c. 1576
Berkeley Castle.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1575
Nicholas Hilliard
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1575-1578.
Attr. to Nicholas Hilliard.
Anglesey Abbey.

Queen Elizabeth Receiving Dutch Ambassadors, 1570-1575.
Artist Unknown. Neue Galerie, Kassel, Germany.

"The Darnley Portrait", c. 1575.
Attr. to Federico Zuccaro.
© National Portrait Gallery, London.

Sketch of Queen Elizabeth I, 1575.
Federico Zuccaro.
© British Museum.

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1580.
Attr. to George Gower.

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1580.
Attr. to George Gower.
Old Schools, University of Cambridge.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Studio of Marcus Gheeraerts?
Government Art Collection, UK.

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1 580.
Artist Unknown.
© The Royal Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Artist Unknown. (Paint has turned blue)
© National Portrait Gallery, London

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Artist Unknown.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Artist Unknown. (Paint has turned blue)
© Reading Museum.

Elizabeth Portrait Frontispiece
from Saxton's Atlas (1579).

Elizabeth Portrait Frontispiece
from Saxton's Atlas (1579).

"The Plimpton Sieve Portrait", 1579.
Attr. to George Gower.
© Folger Shakespeare Library.

"The Red Sieve Portrait", 1579.
Attr. to George Gower.
Private Collection.

"The Sieve Portrait", c. 1580-1583.
Attr. to Cornelius Ketel.
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena.

Copy of "The Sieve Portrait", c. 1583.
Artist Unknown.
Collection of the Duke of Hamilton.

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1585.
Artist Unknown.

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1580-85.
Marcus Gheeraerts, the Younger.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Unknown Artist after Zuccaro.
Government Art Collection, UK.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Artist Unknown.
Ambras Castle, Austria.

Queen Elizabeth Watercolour Miniature on Vellum, 1586-7.
Nicholas Hilliard. ©Victoria and Albert Museum.

"The Drewe Portrait", c. 1586. 
Artist Unknown.
© Peter Nahum At the Leicester Galleries.

"The Kitchener Portrait", 1585-1590.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I with a Fan, 1585-1590.
Artist Unknown.
© The Royal Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I with a Fan, c.1585.
Attr. to John Bettes the Younger.
© National Portrait Gallery, London.

Queen Elizabeth I with a Fan, 1585-1590.
Attr. to John Bettes the Younger.
Private Collection.

"The Penshurst Portrait", c.1578.
Artist Unknown.
Penshurst Place, Kent.
© Viscount de L'isle.

Queen Elizabeth with a Fan, 1585-1590.
Attr. to John Bettes the Younger.
Hever Castle, Kent.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1585.
Attr. to John Bettes the Younger.
© National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.

Queen Elizabeth I with a Fan, 1585-1590.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.
On Loan to Bristol Museums.

Queen Elizabeth with a Fan, 1585-1590.
Artist Unknown.
The Yale Elizabethan Club.

"The Welbeck Portrait", c.1585.
Marcus Gheeraerts, the Elder.
Private Collection.

"The Ermine Portrait", c.1585.
Nicholas Hilliard.
Hatfield House.
Оригинал: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/elizface2.htm

Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I: The Final Years (1588-1603)

The Heneage Jewel © V&A Museum

The Armada Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, c.1588.
George Gower. Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, UK.

Copy of The Armada Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, c.1588.
School of George Gower. 
Collection of W. Tyrwhitt-Drake, Bereleigh, Petersfield, Hampshire.

"The Armada Portrait", c.1588.
After George Gower.
© National Portrait Gallery, London.

Copy of the Armada Portrait, c.1590.
Artist Unknown.
© Philip Mould Ltd.

"The Ditchley Portrait", c.1592.
Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger
© National Portrait Gallery, London.

Queen Elizabeth, c. 1590.
Attr. to Nicholas Hilliard.
Jesus College, Oxford.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1592.
After Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger.
Palazzo Pitti, Florence.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1592.
After Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger.
Government Art Collection, UK.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1592
After Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger.
Burghley House.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1592
After Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger.
Wimpole Hall.

Queen Elizabeth I with a Fan, c.1592.
Artist Unknown.
©Compton Verney, UK

Queen Elizabeth with a Fan, c.1592.
Artist Unknown.
Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio.

Queen Elizabeth I, 1592.
Artist Unknown.
Parham House.

Queen Elizabeth I, 1592.
Circle of Nicholas Hilliard.
Hardwick House.

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1592.
Artist Unknown.

Queen Elizabeth I, c.1592.
Circle of John Bettes the Elder.
Temple Newsam House.

Queen Elizabeth's Procession to Blackfriars, c.1600. 
Robert Peake, the Elder. Sherborne Castle.

Queen Elizabeth I c.1590-1592.
Preparatory sketch by Isaac Oliver.
© Victoria & Albert Museum.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© Victoria & Albert Museum.

Queen Elizabeth I c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I c.1590.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
Beauchamp Collection.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1590-1603.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© Victoria & Albert Museum.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© Victoria & Albert Museum.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© Victoria & Albert Museum.

Queen Elizabeth I c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.

Queen Elizabeth I c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
© The Royal Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I c.1595-1600.
Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I, 1590.
Artist Unknown.
Jesus College, Oxford.

Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I with the
Cardinal and Theological Virtues, 1598.
Artist Unknown.
© Dover Museum.

Queen Elizabeth with a Fan, 1590s.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.

Queen Elizabeth I with a Fan, c.1595.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.

"The Rainbow Portrait", c.1600.
Attr. to Isaac Oliver.
Hatfield House.

Queen Elizabeth, c.1600.
Artist Unknown.
City Museum, Plymouth.

Queen Elizabeth's Funeral Procession, 1603. 
Attr. to William Camden. © British Library.
Оригинал: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/elizface3.htm

Все изображения отсюда: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/eliza.htm

Британия, выставки, Возрождение, 16 век, музеи, английский язык

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