This is important.

Sep 30, 2008 13:09

Lots of apathy going around these days about the election--way too much for my tastes. It mostly comes from the comments sections on YouTube videos, blogs, and other lowbrow corners of the internet, but it makes me pretty heartsick nonetheless.

The other day I saw someone using an LJ userpic that showed three ballot boxes, which looked something like this:

☒ McCain/Palin
☒ Obama/Biden
✔ Don't Care

...with the Don't Care box checked.

This was the thing that set me off. I saw it in an LJ community I belong to, and had to bite back the urge to post a scathing, off-topic comment, or send a direct message to the user, or call them out in some other way...but I'm not really one for personal attacks, and don't find that sort of behavior pro-active. Now that I've simmered down, I'm posting here.

Further investigation into the person's other userpics showed that they also had an icon that looked identical to this one, except the third voting choice was "Hillary 4 Ever!" Okay, so that gave me a little more insight to what was going on with this particular case of apathy, but I still don't like it. This isn't recess. This isn't fandom. This isn't an election for Homecoming Queen. It's nice that you think you're being loyal to your best friend who got snubbed, but it's time to get over it.

Our whole world is currently changing very rapidly, and unpredictably, and whether you care or not, someone new is going to be leading our country soon. You owe it to yourself to figure out who YOU think is most qualified to be in that position. If you don't like either of the Big Two (to put it in comic book terms), look into third party candidates. If you are loyal to someone who was knocked out of the race months ago, try to figure out which candidate's issues and values match up the closest to theirs. You don't have to be public about it, and you don't have to give them any money or anything, but NOT VOTING is NOT AN OPTION.

Do you know how many people around the world wish they could vote in this election? Do you have any interest in the immediate and long-term future of our country? Do you care about your kids' and your grandkids' futures? Do you own a business? Are you a student? Do you want to be able to take care of your parents when they grow old? Do you believe in education? Are you an artist? Are you a home-owner? Would you like to be? Have you been through a natural disaster? Were you in New York on 9/11? Have you fought in a war? Do you think that you won't be affected by the things that happen in Washington? No matter who you are, if you live in America, you will be affected by whatever happens on November 4. If you are an American citizen, you have a voice, and you can make sure it is heard by casting your ballot with something other than "I don't care."

If you still haven't registered or verified your registration, time is running out. Most states require about a month's advance registration, which is this week! New York's deadline is October 5th, this Sunday. Several states list their deadline as the 4th, which is 30 days before election day. I switched my address with my local elections commission, and it took only two days for my confirmation to show up in the mail. All you need is a printer and a stamp to make this happen.

Here are some resources, if you need them. Register, if you haven't. Check, and be sure you're good to go. Tell a friend. Tell a lot of friends. Tell a stranger! Tell a lot of strangers!

League of Women Voters

Declare Yourself

Election Assistance Commission

Vote for Change

By nature, I tend to be a quiet person when it comes to things like this. My instinct was to sit and watch and listen and internalize, but I just can't do that any more. Thanks for listening.


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