
Apr 17, 2011 10:55

( fandom student application )

AGE: 20
CONTACT: goldlaced[@]gmail[dotcom]
PERSONAL LJ: sleevetug

NAME: Hatate Himekaidou
CANON: Touhou Project
AGE: 17
ENROLLMENT Wealthy Family

APPEARANCE: Hatate looks almost same as she does in canon as far as physical traits go, the only difference is that her once pointed 'elven' ears are now rounded human ears. She's short in stature (around 5'1") with long brown hair pulled into pigtails high on both sides of her head. Her eyes are also brown and she is pale skinned. Hatate's build is on the skinner side as well.


Hatate is a smug motherlover and you best be representing. She has an ego the size of a small planet and she really isn't afraid to brag and let people know that she is beautiful and intelligent.. well, she exactly isn't lying, but Hatate isn't the prettiest and most intelligent girl alive. But in her own mind she certainly is! Hatate takes the most pride in her newspaper which is 100% factual unlike that stupid Aya's paper. In fact at this point it's probably beyond pride, she thinks she's way better than any other writer but in actuality her writing is... lackluster. It reads more like an academic paper than a newspaper meant for casual reading but really that's just the way Hatate likes it. Try to convince her to lower her standards? She'll accuse you of being an idiot.

Hatate's number #1 motivation for anything is to be better than Aya I am serious. She's rather lazy and without someone around to compete with and before meeting Aya she very apathetically trudged through life. If anything that's a huge fault because her competition fuels her and sometimes makes her take things too far. She isn't above trash talking or even threats however her brand of threatening is usually just to rat someone out to an upper authority since Hatate doesn't believe in blackmail. Tattle telling is okay, blackmailing is not!

On the other hand Hatate is really honest and her newspaper being nothing but the facts actually shows what a good person she really is underneath all of the bullshit. The thing is gossip rags really get under her skin because she can only imagine how she'd feel if someone said something terrible and untrue about her. She believes that journalism should be righteous and she really wants to go to oversees to make documentaries when she gets older in order to expose the corruption of governments. However, these ambitions and kind nature are all things she keeps to herself because she doesn't want to be viewed as a softie. After all for a serious reporter image is actually important and Hatate recognizes that fact... to some degree. Doesn't really stop her from being arrogant as all hell after all!

Without Journalism or Aya in her life Hatate becomes a lot more apathetic about things in general because there's not much in this world that excites her besides competition. She can get incredibly lazy about everything else in her life that doesn't involve some form of satisfaction in the means of seeing someone else's defeated face. For instance, Hatate's dorm room is a messy clutter and she often loses things in the abyss of a black hole that is her living quarters. She's also the type to procrastinate mundane things that do not relate to journalism or any sort of competition such as schoolwork. While she can turn in a perfect eight page paper on time she has trouble following through on things like returning books on time to the library. Sometimes she'll even put off things such as feeding herself or showering properly. Hatate, also quite predictably, really doesn't have many friends because of her attitude as stated above. This actually makes her existence a rather lonely one. It's not that Hatate doesn't understand that friendship is important, it's more that she doesn't really understand how to make friends.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Hatate has been using computers since a young age and has been publishing a newspaper with one since middle school. She also hosted several blogs and now has a twitter account which she uses on a regular basis. She knows the ins and outs of a computer but knows nothing advanced. Her knowledge is, basically, rather typical of a high school student in today's era. Hatate can pick up and use a computer but her twitter account's password is "password" and she is often subjected to hacking attempts due to not understanding much about computer security. She's also the type who would install viruses without knowing it.


Hatate is from the rich and powerful Himekaidou family living in current day japan. The family is very influential in several branches of the government and is one of the most powerful families in the Japan. Does Hatate take pride in this? Yep. Does her family put a lot of pride in her? Nope. As the youngest of five girls Hatate is often scorned and shoved to the side because of her un-lady like behavior. But that's okay with her because Hatate really doesn't care much about her families affairs. They give her money to do whatever she wants to, she takes it and does whatever she wants to, she's completely okay with all of this.

Ever since the two locked eyes in elementary school they've been throwing down. Not fist fights, but fights of journalism and intellect. See, before she met Aya, Hatate held a minor interest in journalism and often interviewed which students liked math or english better, things like that. But once she met Aya? It was full out reporter mode. See, Aya was in the middle school's journalism club where she featured articles about gossip and other such things. Hatate was floored in anger by this because she believes news should be informative and not gossipy.

Thus began the biggest rivalry to ever rival. Hatate has spent the rest of her life following Aya around and trying to be better at her than everything. Hatate always manages to fall a bit short but she's determined to do something better than Aya. This was Hatate's reason for enrolling into Reims, it was because Aya got in. Hatate also joined the track team just to be better than Aya but that plan kind of fell flat on it's face since she isn't athletic at all and therefore she is terrible at it. Together Aya and Hatate also run the journalism club... well not quite together. See they're both co-presidents and because of their heated rivalry they never ever get anything done.


INTRANET/1ST PERSON SAMPLE Hatate here! Alright, so I'll just say this in plain language that everyone can understand so I can get it over with. Who hacked my twitter account the other day? Leaving messages like "Aya is the greatest" is totally wrong! If Aya wasn't so computer dumb I'd assume it's her but it's not... look, you're just going to have to admit it so I can report you to the proper authorities. Anyone who has any information about the hacking of my invaluable media tool will be rewarded handsomely. You know you will be too, I have money to burn. Come forward, culprit!

Also, I'm still holding interviews so if you have something interesting to share with our campus let me know! My office hours are from two to five but I can stay a little after to squeeze you in. After all, the words of the public should never go unheard.

Thanks for listening, everyone! ♡

LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE Best meeting of journalism club ever.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? RABID WOMBAT... although idk I think you should use kitties instead :< False sense of security!
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