Yuletide Recs!

Dec 30, 2011 16:11

Time for my recs - which for some reason all appear to be books, mostly YA. Apparently I have a Type for stuff I like.

CHERUB, Queen's Thief, Tillerman Cycle, Chalet School,Peter Pan, Hexwood )

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Comments 2

elainastone January 20 2012, 14:15:16 UTC

I was totally peeking into your journal today because of a comment you'd written to me about Peter Pan and it made me wonder how you were doing.

Surprised to find the coincidence of a Peter Pan in your title, and read the fanfic accordingly. Thank you very much for linking it to share. It is ve-ery nice!

I wrote up George Darling as a superhero character once. There's a group Disney-superhero group out there. I might have to try rewriting it to fit Barrie's style a bit and play around with it now, since I definitely made the character to fit Barrie's original concept. I'll never manage to meet that quality, but it'd be a fun try.

Just babbling, amused and over tired! <3


ext_3359375 November 4 2015, 06:10:38 UTC
Your happy dance brought home to me how little Hexwood fic there is out there, so I've begun compiling a list which I shall upload when I've finished moving house, and uploaded five Hexwood fics on ffn - four of them filks written about 20 years ago.


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