Kemarin Sabtu pas nonton cartoon KAT-TUN edisi Natal ama pikapika2 , waktu bagian belanja di National supermarket.. tiba2 terlihat scene seperti di cap ini nich :
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although i'm not indonesian, but glad also to know that rendang got captured by in cartoon KAT-TUN. because i'm really love RENDANG!!! especially when it's RAYA time! ^____^
gOOKKIIlllll... hahaha bangga akhirnya walaupun cuman sekedar lewat ajj.. hahah tapi setidaknya ada makanan INDONESIA yang numpng mampir??/ btw thu dibeli gak yaa??
hehee... ada makanan indonesia di Jepang~ indofood sugoi!!! klo ngebayangin mereka liat trus 'ini apa y??' trus dibeli en dicoba masak... gyahahaa... gw langsung senyum2 geje deh~ :))
iy bgt ahahha... dia kan doyan yg pedes2... ampe lobak aj direndem saus cabe. ampe sekarang gw penasaran itu rasanya mank kyk apa. soalny smua org pada bilang gag enak cuma dia sendiri yg suka muahahha...
as far as I know, Indomie is worldwide.. Once in our local TV channel, there was one show bout errrrr.. Ah~ I forgot!!! But I remember I noticed Indomie there.. in a supermarket.. where.. Australia.. and USA..
the ticket issue.....yep, im possible to go if there's any pal going and could help arranging getting the tixes. but i dont think i will willingly pay hundreds thousand yen for a single ticket from tix agency. i just dont hold that kind of hardcore adulation. and february is not a period that u can easily sneak off for off-days to travel~ so,well~
Comments 48
i like your user picture..
where did you get that very cute pic of kame?
can tell me? i wanted to see it!
btw thu dibeli gak yaa??
walaupun cuma mungkin kebetulan, tapi bangga dapat tengok macam tu kan??
moga aja dibeli..
tp dah bersyukur ga kena edit jd kita bisa melototin di ctKT
thanks buat editornya wkwkkwkwkw
indofood sugoi!!! klo ngebayangin mereka liat trus 'ini apa y??' trus dibeli en dicoba masak... gyahahaa... gw langsung senyum2 geje deh~ :))
ayo buruan belajar masak Rendang & Rawon siapa tahu ntar Jinjin ketagihan wkkwkww
dia kan doyan yg pedes2... ampe lobak aj direndem saus cabe. ampe sekarang gw penasaran itu rasanya mank kyk apa. soalny smua org pada bilang gag enak cuma dia sendiri yg suka muahahha...
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so Indomie is worldwide right now !!
anywho, i dont think im going to 赤西 whatever-title-solo-concert. thanx for ur information the other day =)
btw why you will not go? coz haven't got the ticket?
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