Gay Days 2010

Oct 04, 2010 06:51

Went to Disneyland for Gay Days on Sunday. The day to go was Saturday, but we rocked it!
My day is best summed up by this pic.

My dear, sweet hus-cougar Mark couldn't go to Gay Days this weekend because of work. I was looking forward to it all year, so I was pretty bummed out. Luckily, my pal sluggobear offered to carpool with me.

We immediately joined up with a bunch of friends, and throughout the day ran in to more and more rad people, starting with these blokes.

I walked up to fogbear very nervously and said, "um...I think I know you..."
He responded with "Mike!" Yay. These two (the other guy is putzmeisterbear are so wonderful, disarmingly sweet and cute a cute couple. I can't wait to see them again some time.

On our way out of California Adventure, I ran in to none other than titoagogo!

There were three people I very specifically wanted to see that day, and Tito was definitely one of them. We only got to talk for a second because my friends were on the move, but yay! Next time!

I also got to ride the Buzz Lightyear ride with super-sexy Uwe. I kicked his ass, by the way. Tee hee.

When I ran in to xxtapemakerxx, I immediately knew who he was, but spaced on his real name. "Tapemaker?" I said. "Matt. Hi!", he said and hugged. I was all "Yay".


A year ago, Mark and I went to Gay Days on a whim. We talked to nobody (except Frank Decaro, but that's a different story).

I'm just amazed at how many people I have met in the past year. It's such a testament to the power of both the Interwebs and the whatever-you-wanna-call-it-bear community. I feel so lucky that I've sort of tapped in to all this.

To everyone I talked to yesterday: SMOOCH!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

disneyland, gay days, gay, bears

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