I need to stop drinking soda

Sep 06, 2010 19:28

Nay - Ah man :( I was so interested in reading Stephen King's "Under The Dome" until I finally found a copy at the library and saw its largeness. Over 1,000 pages? I don't think I can handle that kind of commitment, King. Plus after the 50 first pages I've decided that this just isn't his best. Well, there's always The Simpsons Movie!

Yay - Aaron ( Read more... )

community, aaron paul, atwt

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Comments 7

starryeyedmagic September 7 2010, 13:41:15 UTC
That's awesome that you're watching Community! That was so my favorite new show last year.

LOL I find the whole of Reid's death to be so over-the-top ridiculous that I'm just going to imagine him coming back a week after the show ends and laughing about it all. Dude can cure blindness, he's like a superhero, he'll be fine.

Also one time on this same show a man received a box with his wife's decapitated shrunken head in it, and then 2 years later she showed up totally alive. IF THAT IS LEGITIMATELY CANON THEN REID WILL BE FINE


goodnightsong September 7 2010, 22:50:57 UTC
Britta ♥ Haha yeah I just love it. Can't believe I didn't watch it from the very beginning. Need more now! And If I ever go back to school I want to be a in group just like that. \o/

Oh come ON. For reals now? Well. In that case, I say it will *so* be like when "Lana's" car exploded. It's just Reid's clone! And the real Reid will come back just in time before Luke and Noah get married or something and they'll live happily ever after and finally have the sexy times. Surely that's not any less ridiculous than that other fuckery.


starryeyedmagic September 8 2010, 14:58:53 UTC
HAHA well nothing is more ridiculous than a decapitated shrunken head so I'd say that theory is totally plausible!

I don't know, I feel like there's just so many ways to "fix it". Maybe he was drugged and someone just made the machines look like he was braindead. And then when he was wheeled into surgery "someone" stole Reid and the other heart that he went to get in the first place was just already there. HAHA who knows! Anything is possible. Noah was blind and now he has 20/20 vision, Luke was paralyzed for 2 months because he fell down a hill and now he's fine, Luke was sure both of his father's died this past year and neither of them really did.

There is no limit to the insanity! He could just be secretly nursed back to health by some other doctor and then in a few weeks he'll come back and be like "LOL I WAS HIT BY TRAIN? SERIOUSLY? LOLWTF AT THE THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN THE ALTERNATE DIMENSION THAT IS THIS TOWN!" And then he'll make an epic sandwich and have sex with Luke and everything will be fine.


shelly_bean86 September 7 2010, 22:30:13 UTC
I tell myself every day to stop drinking pop, but it's the only caffine fix I get so meh LOL.


goodnightsong September 7 2010, 22:42:14 UTC
I got like a 12 pack of coke a few days ago. It's all gone now O_O I should probably start some drinking water...


dramatic_sigh September 9 2010, 08:07:47 UTC
So great that you're watching Community! I love that show and, like you, can't wait until the premiere! :)


krebstarr1127 September 9 2010, 19:22:23 UTC
YAAAAAY! You're on the Community bandwagon!!! Awesome! Isn't Senor Chang the best?


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