(no subject)

May 05, 2010 14:17

Oh, right, words. Um. Great episode! Aaron Paul and Dean Norris rocked it. I get those who say the episodes can feel slow, but this one was filled with tension, much like the previous, almost equally awesome episode.


That should've been yo face, Walt!

Jesse's first speech I was not too fond of. It was over the top especially in the writing imo, but the next speech to Walt was much better. So glad he let Walt have it. I worry about Jesse's fate though. While I'm almost positive they wouldn't kill off Jesse, at least not any time soon (Right?... Right?) he better be careful. And for goodness sakes, take some karate lessons, bitch!

Well, at least one twin is dead. Hallelujah, because I simply could not muster much care about them. Hopefully the other goes bye bye next week.

I've grown to like Marie. Hank! AH. \o/

Uuuuh, yeah. Gonna have to ask you never, ever do that song again Will. For the love of God, please, no.

Team Kurt, Brittanny, Tina, Artie, and Mercedes!

I spot Quinn and Mercedes talking to each other in the background! Aw.

Random Puckleberry. Don't care.

I'm starting to like Jesse more. And I lol'ed at Rachel's face change at the end of her music video.

I continue to love and enjoy the love between Sue and her sister.

Dianna's crying has improved since the last time. More than her though, it is Mark who could use some acting lessons. Ahem.

Puck is still a douche, but it was cute to see him and Quinn holding hands.

Next week. Holy WTFness, I can't wait!

tv shows: glee, tv shows: breaking bad

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