Going into the third and fourth week in kindergarten, Keith started to adjust better and could control himself (no outburst, meltdown, yelling) even though he started to break down and letting it all out once he saw me after school but in the classroom he could control himself better than the first two weeks of school. I think it was a good sign of
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Comments 16
masih loh constipation, tepatnya masih bedarah, itu munculnya kalo summer. Katanya siy normal buat anak2 preschool (temen tae kwon do nya si keith udah hampir 6 th juga masih, malah dikasih fiber bubuk untuk ngelancarinnya). Kalo si keith beneran musti banyak minum air putih, suka gua kasih sirup (mocha, cocopandan) biar dia mau minum banyak.. terus minum yoghurt cair, soalnya kalo makan yoghurt biasa suka gagging anaknya. Th ini lebih gampang lagi karena ada fiber one, jadi fibernya dari situ lagian anaknya udah bisa ngunyah. Good luck yah Deb...
kalo disana, TK gitu diajarin apa aja yah ke?
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