enchantedteacup wrote in good_tutorial Mar 28, 2011 18:24
tutorial includes: textures, graphic program: photoshop all versions, tutorial involves: selective coloring, tutorial involves: blending, tutorial involves: levels, tutorial involves: layer mask, graphic program: photoshop cs3, tutorial involves: smudge tool, tutorial involves: color balance, tutorial: coloring, graphic program: all programs, graphic type: icon, tutorial involves: curves
ohfreckle wrote in good_tutorial Feb 27, 2011 21:13
tutorial includes: textures, graphic program: photoshop cs4, graphic program: photoshop all versions, tutorial involves: blending, tutorial includes: blend modes, tutorial involves: brightness/contrast, tutorial involves: layer mask, graphic program: all programs, graphic type: icon, tutorial involves: smudge tool
wliberation wrote in good_tutorial Feb 22, 2009 13:43
guide: basic tips for graphic making, tutorial includes: brushes, graphic program: photoshop 7.0, graphic program: photoshop all versions, guide: how to blend in ps, tutorial involves: blending, graphic type: banner/header, guide: how to use layer masks, image type: stock photos, graphic program: all programs
ohfreckle wrote in good_tutorial Jan 15, 2009 17:36
tutorial includes: textures, graphic program: photoshop all versions, graphic type: wallpaper, tutorial involves: blending, tutorial involves: levels, guide: how to blend in psp, tutorial involves: color balance, tutorial: coloring, tutorial involves: curves, guide: basic tips for coloring, tutorial includes: brushes, guide: how to blend in ps, graphic program: photoshop cs2, guide: how to use curves, graphic program: all programs, image type: screencaps
ohfreckle wrote in good_tutorial Jan 02, 2009 23:50
tutorial includes: textures, graphic program: photoshop all versions, guide: how to blend in ps, tutorial involves: blending, tutorial: color normalization, graphic program: photoshop cs, tutorial involves: color balance, tutorial involves: curves, tutorial: coloring, graphic type: icon, tutorial: negative space, image type: screencaps, tutorial involves: hue/saturation
iconseeyou wrote in good_tutorial Jan 02, 2009 10:55
, tutorial includes: textures, graphic program: photoshop all versions, guide: how to blend in ps, tutorial involves: blending, graphic program: photoshop cs, graphic program: all programs, graphic type: icon, tutorial: negative space, guide: how to crop and/or resize, image type: screencaps