30 Days Of Weird Roman Shit. Part 2.

Aug 20, 2016 12:42

“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

The Praetorian Guard was a Roman Legion based in Rome that was supposed to act as bodyguards to the Emperor and the final line of defence for Rome.

In reality however having a heavily armed military camp on the doorstep of Rome proved to be too much of a political tool, and the Praetorians adopted a... lively involvement in Roman politics.

Caligula 18 March 37 - 24 January 41 Assassinated by the Guard.

Claudius 24 January 41 - 13 October 54 Declared Emperor by the Guard.

Nero 13 October 54 - 9 June 68 Supported but eventually deserted by the Guard, leading to his suicide.

Galba. Assassinated by the guard at the urgings of Otho.

Vitellius 16 April - 22 December 69 Disbanded the existing Guard and appointed his own.

Titus 23 June 79 - 13 September 81 Served as Praetorian prefect prior to becoming Emperor with the support of the legion.

Domitian 14 September 81 - 18 September 96 Declared Emperor by the Guard following the death of Titus. Was later assassinated in a plot involving members of the Guard.

Pertinax 1 January - 28 March 193 Following the death of Commodus was declared Emperor by the Guard. Was subsequently killed by the Guard after refusing to pay them for their support and threatening to reform the unit so they would be less involved in politics.

Maximinus Thrax 20 March 235 - 10 May 238 Following the assassination of Alexander Severus, the Guard acclaimed him emperor, and their choice was grudgingly confirmed by the Senate. Eventually assassinated by the Guard.

Elagalabus June 8, 218 AD - March 11, 222 AD Murdered by the Guard.

Balbinus April 22, 238 AD - July 29, 238 AD Assassinated by the Guard.

Aurelian September(?) 270 AD - September 275 AD Assassinated by the Guard.

Have I missed any? This doesn't include of course the Emperors that were assassinated by other military units. A lot of Emperors were removed by their own soldiers, but the soldiers of regular Legions.
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