10th Magic Bullet - Stage 4

Jul 13, 2011 17:55

[Adding to the endless wave of truthtellers on the phone today is one Yuna Akashi.  Prepare for some weird confessions, Mayfield.]

Hey, everyone!  I just felt like getting a couple of things off my chest.

My name's Yuna Akashi.  I just turned 16 a couple of weeks ago, and I'm a middle school student from Japan.  Turns out, I'm also a full-blooded mage!  Who knew, right?  My dad works at Mahora Academy where I go to school and does some magic stuff on the side, and my mom... well, she died when I was just a little girl.  I thought she just got sick or something, but I found out a little while ago before I came here that she actually got killed in the line of duty fighting on the front lines of a war in the Magical World.  Oh, that's on Mars, by the way.  They hide it with a big spell or something.  I'm not really sure how it works.  But that's not the important stuff.

Anyway!  Yeah.  Daddy was pretty much useless on his own without mom around.  He was bad at cooking, even worse at cleaning, and he just wasn't very good at managing stuff around the house.  So I had to kinda fill in for mom.  I learned how to do all that stuff, and daddy and I got a lot closer.  Just a man and his cute little daughter against the world, making it on their own!  Something like that, you know?  We've always been really close that way.  That's why I'm always saying things like 'I'm gonna marry you when I get older' and stuff.  Because every father likes it when his daughter says cute stuff like that to him, right?

Except... I'm getting kind of old for that now.  I don't like to admit it out loud, but I really am.  All my friends laugh at me and make fun of me for it, but I guess I still do it because I'm afraid of losing him.  I want to keep being close like we were when I was growing up.  But I'm getting older, and he probably wants to see other women, you know?  Sometimes when I see him out with a woman his own age, I butt in and act like a brat and break up whatever they're talking about because I get jealous.  It's stupid, I know, but sometimes I feel like if I let him talk to women, he'll start dating one of them.  And then maybe they'll get married.  And it'll be like he's replacing mom.  But I'm the only one who's allowed to replace mom!

So I scare them off.  It's pretty selfish of me, I know, but I just can't help myself.  I get so angry when I see him hanging out with pretty women!  Like that Donet McGinnis lady that works at Mahora - she's way too pretty!  Dangerous levels of pretty!  I have to make sure she doesn't get him alone and work her charms on him!  He says they're just colleagues, but something about it just doesn't feel right to me when I see them together.  I... I don't know.  I just don't like it.

[Yuna takes a deep breath at this point.]

Well, I guess that's about it.  I feel a lot better now!


Oh, yeah.  There was one more thing.  My first kiss was with a ten year old kid who's also my teacher back home.  It wasn't too bad!  I give it a 7.

daddyyyyyyyy, electra complex, her username is appropriate, event: speak up, truth or... truth, oh yuna

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