beg the bee's forgiveness (as it's falling from your sleeve)

Apr 04, 2013 04:54

So, i recently discovered that Amazon Prime had a Wii client... and then i watched the first three seasons of Justified in about 10 days (which included what, three or four nights where i was working and couldn't watch). Look, you all know about my cowboy feels, and even more my sniper feels, especially snarky snipers who are emotionally ( Read more... )

words, fic, fandom is my homeboy, gay cowboys, cowboys are my weakness

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Comments 13

wldnst April 4 2013, 20:58:59 UTC
I really have trouble feeling like I can leave a legit comment on this fic because I have not seen Justified (tho' maybe I should check it out...I just started a huge knitting project and have, as a result, been burning through Netflix like it's birch...though Justified doesn't seem to be on Netflix, which is just b.s.) but I liked this and I liked beta reading it and I'm excited it's posted!

And you have good taste in music.

That's it, that's my comment. Man, I am articulate.


gollumgollum April 4 2013, 21:04:17 UTC
It's not on Netflix, sadly. It *is* on Amazon Prime, if they have that up in the frozen northland, which is how i blew through it. But yeah, i think you'd really dig it. Thanks again for beta reading! You helped immensely, even without knowing who these strange people are. (FWIW, their massive amounts of snark and damage are totally canon. You see why i love them.)

Woohoo! Which is good, because ever since picking this title i get Let The Devil In stuck in my head whenever i see it. Good thing it's a good song. (And thank you. :)

Hee. You made me laugh, in a good, 'this is why we're friends' sort of way. <3


wldnst April 5 2013, 12:30:55 UTC
I actually use an browser plug-in (or...something) called Hola to get access to U.S. things like Hulu and American Netflix (not that Canadian Netflix is terrible, but now I can ~switch between~ and gain access to all the things (except Justified)) but it doesn't seem to have Amazon--tho' now that I try, I can access my parents' Amazon Prime from here. HUH. I have things to do that aren't knitting (a lot of them!), but I keep finding myself drawn to streaming video and the needles anyway.

Incidentally, browsing Netflix and saw the cover (or whatever) for the Masterpiece version of Wuthering Heights with Tom Hardy and....OH MAN HIS HAIR. I don't know if it's just that picture, but it's not a good look. /tangent

p.s. I really do like beta reading & beta reading your stuff, so ask me any time.


gollumgollum April 5 2013, 13:31:58 UTC
Look, all i'm saying is, if you can get Justified, you should totally watch it, because of reasons. :D

OH MY GOD HIS HAIR. I honestly haven't watched it because of that awful, awful hair (and, well, i fucking hated the book, so).

ps That's good because i may have just subtitled my next fic 'In which Tim Gutterson's damage is caused not by Afghanistan but by velociraptors.' So. Uh. I'm glad you enjoy it, because it's about to get weird(er)..... <3 (And same to you!)


tooth_and_claw April 5 2013, 02:42:18 UTC
Jason and I have just started Justified! We finished the dentist on the run episode tonight.


gollumgollum April 6 2013, 00:30:08 UTC
Awwwwwww, Cameron! That was a pretty good episode.

My friends and i have started referring to it as 'Raylan Givens' Bad Decisions Theater.'


swan_tower April 6 2013, 00:26:18 UTC
I've only made it through S1 of Justified so far, and a few eps of S2, but GUTTERSON IS THE BEST AND ALSO RACHEL YAY I LOVE THEM BOTH.

(I don't know what it is with me and getting fixated on the secondary characters.)


gollumgollum April 6 2013, 00:31:25 UTC
TEAM GUTTERSON AND RACHEL FOREVER! There's an episode in S3 where they get to go off and do stuff on their own and it makes me very happy.

(I know these feels.)


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