Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday, you guys! BEST FLIST EVER. <3<3<3<3 Quarter-century, though. Where has my life gone.
Yesterday was pretty good! I had class in the morning, but I met up with
linsell_farm in the afternoon for coffee and then I went out to my favourite bar in the evening with a few of my closest friends. \o/ And then I came home
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Comments 47
THAT LAST D/B VID. One of the best I've seen from that fandom, though lbr I too spend most of my time watching D/B vids these days and I don't even go here.
LOL, I truly hate that Stefan/Elena quote with a burning passion, BUT THE ACTUAL VID IS WONDERFUL. I liked the juxtaposition of ~romance with soul-destroying angst, natch.
This video made me believe ,that vampires are happy.But vampire life is a really sad life, but this video sad:"We are vampires, we can do everything, and we are very happy".And last but not least, this video made me, to want to be a vampire. SO. THERE YOU GO.
LMFAO. Good.
That 1SnoWhiteQueen1 person makes all the good Wesley/Lilah vids. I have spent many an hour going through her humongous collection.
lol I don't mind the actual quote so much because it comes from Klaus and Klaus validating your life choices is not a goal to aspire to. I also like the eerie juxtaposition of Klaus talking up the epicness of Stefan/Elena's love while Stefan is in the process of trying to drive her off a bridge.
THAT SAID I get annoyed when the Stelena fans on tumblr use it because they're doing it wrong and it doesn't mean what they think it means.
That 1SnoWhiteQueen1 person makes all the good Wesley/Lilah vids.
IS SHE. Good that is what I need; more time on YT watching fanvideos.
But those vids are lovely. I have such a weakness for Stefan/Elena vids, and Ten/Rose!! ♥♥♥♥♥
I'm glad to hear your quartercentury birthday was fun :)
Glad you liked them!
Thanks bb!
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