I KNEW YOU WOULD LOVE DAN/BLAIR. It really was the best thing about seasons 2-4 of Gossip Girl. And YET Chuck/Blair has so many devoted fans. WHYYYYYYYYY? But yes, Dan and Blair's friendship in season 4 was flawless and amazing. Season 5 had better have more of that.
lol ia abotu Gwen/Rhys and not giving a shit in s1 and s2 and actually it was sort of dysfunctional and gross in s1 and s2, but they were so cute in COE and those couple scenes in Miracle Day!
LOL I almost included "Always the tone of surprise!" in mine JUST FOR YOU
lol COE gave a valiant effort of Jack/Ianto but I remember most of their scenes I was just laughing at like YOU CAN SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH ME BUT I CAN'T SPEND THE REST OF MINE WITH YOU and HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA STAY WITH ME and other redux conversations.
Buffy/Angel is like my OTP of OTPs. I didn't know how much I could OTP a couple until I found Buffy/Angel. I just... so much love. I love Buffy/Angel so much that I made 100 icons that one time. Let's ignore that there were multiple versions of the same icon, mkay? I just... SO. MUCH. LOVE.
Doctor/Rose is lovely, angsty, we-love-being-together-screw-the-universe perfection. SHE BECAME A GODDESS TO SAVE HIM AND HE DESTROYED A SUN TO SAY GOODBYE TO HER.
Mal/Inara took me a while to develop a real fondness for, but like a fine wine, it got better for me with age. There was just so much there for them that was so wonderfully done. I even kind of love the fact that as of Serenity, it's STILL in the UST part of the relationship.
I know, right. It's like you're writing for your OTP and when you finish you're like THIS IS MY MASTERPIECE! And when you look back on it it's like that one time when you all agreed not to speak of it again and hurriedly change the subject.
*sigh* Logan & Veronica. I will never stop loving them and never stop wanting to smack the writers for nearly everything after Logan broke up with her. But yeah, they can make out like nobody's business.
I actually got into HIMYM a little bit ago and blazed through the DVDs, but I stopped before the episode where Barney & Robin break up. I'm not sure I can handle it yet. I just love them too much.
And Harry & Hermione will never fall out of my favor. They're just lovely as friends and would have been amazing as lovers.
Comments 44
lol ia abotu Gwen/Rhys and not giving a shit in s1 and s2 and actually it was sort of dysfunctional and gross in s1 and s2, but they were so cute in COE and those couple scenes in Miracle Day!
YEAH. Basically RTD can make me ship anything I think is the answer. Except maybe Jack/Ianto.
lol COE gave a valiant effort of Jack/Ianto but I remember most of their scenes I was just laughing at like YOU CAN SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH ME BUT I CAN'T SPEND THE REST OF MINE WITH YOU and HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA STAY WITH ME and other redux conversations.
Also "I love you"/"DON'T!" is still the most hysterical thing sry2say Jack/Ianto.
Buffy/Angel is like my OTP of OTPs. I didn't know how much I could OTP a couple until I found Buffy/Angel. I just... so much love. I love Buffy/Angel so much that I made 100 icons that one time. Let's ignore that there were multiple versions of the same icon, mkay? I just... SO. MUCH. LOVE.
Doctor/Rose is lovely, angsty, we-love-being-together-screw-the-universe perfection. SHE BECAME A GODDESS TO SAVE HIM AND HE DESTROYED A SUN TO SAY GOODBYE TO HER.
Mal/Inara took me a while to develop a real fondness for, but like a fine wine, it got better for me with age. There was just so much there for them that was so wonderfully done. I even kind of love the fact that as of Serenity, it's STILL in the UST part of the relationship.
I actually got into HIMYM a little bit ago and blazed through the DVDs, but I stopped before the episode where Barney & Robin break up. I'm not sure I can handle it yet. I just love them too much.
And Harry & Hermione will never fall out of my favor. They're just lovely as friends and would have been amazing as lovers.
GOOD PLAN. I imagine the series ended after the episode where Robin and Barney do Canada.
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