I found some chocolate I had stashed away in my suitcase and now I am pretty much stuffing my face and crying at weird intervals. THIS IS PERFECTLY NORMAL.
-I LOVE EVIL!TIME LORDS. The whole time that story was unfolding, I was basically going like this:
-I kept reading all this speculation about how RTD would turn the clock backwards for Moffat by bringing the Time Lords back and I kept hoping that he was better than that, AND HE IS. Douche bag!Time Lords driven mad by the Time War FTW. I love them. Please feel free to return anytime, crazy douche bag Time Lords.
Douche Bag Time Lords are yay!
-President of Gallifrey Timothy Dalton still reminds me way too much of Michael Ignatieff, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. This means that my two main choices for Prime Minister of Canada are President of Gallifrey and Stephen Harper. This is a tough choice. I KNOW EXACTLY HOW TEN FELT WHEN HE COULDN’T DECIDE WHO TO SHOOT AT THE END.
-Ooh, OOH and the Time Lords who ~turned away in shame~ are the first Weeping Angels? Is that what RTD did there? A+, sir.
-“Do you really think I’d leave my best friend without a defence mechanism?” AWWW, DOCTOR DONNA FRIENDS OTP. Though I was a little baffled at him being all “Don’t worry, it’s chill! She’s just sleeping!” Yeah, I’m sure Donna sleeping in the middle of an ENTIRE EARTH OF MASTERS IS NO DANGER AT ALL. But fine.
-It amused me that the Doctor’s first plan was to be like, “Master, come travel the stars with me! That will be so awesome!! We can hold hands and frolic through fields and maybe braid each other’s hair :D” and then looked so crushed when the Master turned it down. I feel like this is a lesson the Doctor will never learn. I mean, even dogs learn to stop charging at the electric fence after a while, Doctor.
-But I did like how Wilf called him out for it later and was all “Dude, look, I like you, but, um, you better not sacrifice the Earth’s population just so you can pick daisies with the Master” and the Doctor got all quiet and sad and was all “Sometimes I think a Time Lord lives too long” and was generally very pretty as he angsted.
Goddamn, was David Tennant looking fiiiiine for his swan song. I love the way he angsts. Oh, Ten.
-Okay, the scene where the Cactus Aliens roll the Doctor away strapped to the chair had me hooting with laughter. It’s hard to remember given ALL THE CRYING THAT FOLLOWED, but well played, RTD and David Tennant. LOL @ “Worst. Rescue. EVER.”
-I like to imagine RTD going, “This episode needs to have a scene in a spaceship with Wilf shooting down missiles because that will be AWESOME. IT COULD BE JUST LIKE I IMAGINE A VIDEO GAME IS LIKE.” And hopefully someone who does CGI affects facepalmed.
-I lolled when Ten went sky diving through the glass roof. It’s not quite hugging a tiger, but I will take it.
-The “WHO THE FUCK DO I SHOOT?” scene was very intense and kind of an awesome look at the Doctor’s character. He can’t bring himself to pull a trigger on a gun on either the Master or the President of Gallifrey, but I’m sure he would have no problems standing back and letting someone else do so. Good thing Mysterious Woman In White was there to have... some... communicative eye sex... or whatever... and help him sort it out or else the world probably would have ended.
-When Wilf knocks. When the Doctor realizes at the same time as the audience. Just, UGH. BREAK MY HEART, WILL YOU.
And cue the hysterics.
-Aww, Ten throwing a bit of a temper tantrum before sacrificing himself for Wilf. D: D: D: He was all “BUT IT’S NOT FAIR” and I was all “I KNOW, BB, BUT YOU’RE GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY.” Plus you know if Wilf had been young and blonde he would have kissed the radiation out of him. HE HAS A HISTORY, OK.
Mmm, pretty. I mean... heartbreak. YES, THAT IS THE ONE. Stop appealing to my inner fangirl, that is what is not fair.
-After he finished absorbing the radiation or whatever and was just lying there, I was basically flailing around going “THIS BETTER NOT BE IT, NO, I DO NOT WANT YOU, MATT SMITH AND YOUR WEIRD HAIR” and I’m like 99 percent certain that Wilf was thinking the exact thing. Thank god he didn’t die right away, I don’t even know what I would have done if he had.
-“To get my reward.” GREAT. MORE CRYING.
And look, he changed into the swirly tie in order to say goodbye. How very nice of him.
-When he went around saying goodbye to everyone, I was pretty much just like:
-When I first saw Martha, I got so excited. MARRRTHA. You all know how much I love Martha, right? Right.
Her hair is all braided and look at her chasing down that Sontaran with a gun while being all BAMF. :D :D
-The part where she’s married to Mickey is still like WTF, but I assume that after Journey’s End she was like, “Let’s go join Torchwood” and Mickey was like “LOL, NO WAY. LET’S GO CHASE ALIENS ON OUR OWN.” And I guess chasing aliens just makes you want to have sex or something. IDK. It’s confusing.
WTF, RTD. I was sort of enamoured with the idea of Martha/Tom, too. D:
-lol @ Jack being on some weird alien bar somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I like that Ten could not be bothered to help him out during Children of Earth but did help him pick up Russell Tovey. That is acceptable.
-Aww, Journal of Impossible Things by Verity Newman. *sniffs*
“Was she happy?”
“Yes, I think she was in the end. Yes, she was. Were you?”
*SNIFFLES* Way to kick Ten while he’s feeling down. Have I mentioned how pretty he was in this episode?
-I was a little surprised that Donna never got her memories back, but at least she got married (and won the lottery apparently, I guess?) and was able to insult Neris, so yay:
Lol and Ten is skulking around in the background.
-I looooove that he went to see Rose last. (Though the whole time I have to confess a part of me was going: “WHERE IS ROSE? I KNOW THERE IS GOING TO BE ROSE. GIVE ME MY ROSE *TWITCH*”) And that even though he obviously planned to just stay hidden in a dark alleyway and, like, stalk her from afar, he couldn’t stop himself from talking to her.
Yeah, I’m just going to go ahead and spam the hell out of this scene while crying to myself:
Rose: You all right, mate?
Doctor: Yeah.
Rose: Too much to drink?
Doctor: Something like that.
Rose: Maybe it’s time you went home.
Doctor: Yeah.
Rose: Anyway, happy New Year.
Doctor: And you. [she starts to walk away] What year is this?
Rose: Blimey! How much have you had?
Doctor: Well.
Rose: 2005, January the first.
Doctor: 2005. Tell you what, I bet you’re going to have a really great year.
Rose: Yeah? See ya.
I love how he manages to look both so pained and tender when he looks at her. Oh, David and Billie, you two should work together again sometime in the future.
-Then came the pained walk/crawl to the TARDIS and I was going “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” while sobbing into a pillow, but we got random Ood going “THE UNIVERSE WILL SING FOR YOU” and I was like “FUCK A DUCK, PLEASE DO NOT” but then they did, and I was just crying, crying, crying all over everything. And then he was all “I don’t want to go” and I was all D: D: D: but AT LEAST HE HAD THE UNIVERSE THERE WITH HIM, WHICH IS BETTER THAN BEING ALONE.
-I am not sure what to think about Eleven yet, but I did resent him intruding on my sad times. GO AWAY, ELEVEN. Too busy crying in a corner, please come back in the future to be crazy.
There is some D/R content if you want to link,