Drabble for July prompt #18 at
watsons_woes. Thanks to
labourslamp for a much awesomer penultimate sentence than the one I originally composed, and the hilarious title.
Blinded by the Light
The Case of the Detective's Bleeding Ears
“The arsonist will be nearby-he’ll want to watch.”
“Doesn’t matter.” John was still puffing from the exertion of pulling Sherlock away from the conflagration. “That doesn’t mean you have to risk your life. We’ll watch from here.”
Sherlock scowled, and stared at the flames. John squinted into the dark.
“Do you think he could be hiding near that… that semi?”
“That what?”
“That semi over...”
“The lorry?”
“Yes, but Joe…”
“John this fascination with Josiah and his American travesties of the Queen’s English must end now.”
"Dagummit, Sherlock, y'all can't be takin' my fun away now!"