Oral Fixation

Apr 01, 2009 18:16

Title:Oral Fixation
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,300
Disclaimer: Not real, not mine.
Notes: Fic to celebrate the return of my laptop. :D
Summary: Damn Brendon and his fucking oral fixation. Damn Ryan for liking it.

Brendon liked holding things in his mouth.

No particular reason, that’s just where things happened to end up most of the time. Spencer used to make cracks about how Brendon was the child every toy manufacturer had in mind when they put warnings on their products. It was a miracle Brendon hadn’t already choked to death on something that was never intended to be in his mouth.

When his hands were busy with something, he would carry things between his teeth. (“Like a fucking bird,” Ryan would say.) And it seemed that Brendon’s hands were always busy with something. Most of the time, it was to put things in his mouth.

“Maybe he has some sort of oral fixation,” said Spencer as he pressed two fingers to his temple. The three of them were watching Brendon play piano with his pencil between his lips, and he probably couldn’t hear them.

“More like a fetish,” Jon said next to him.

“Maybe,” Spencer said uncertainly. He shrugged and looked over at Ryan. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s stupid to try and figure out why Brendon’s so fucked up,” he said honestly. “Who cares?”

“I think it’s kind of interesting,” countered Spencer.

“I just sort of wish he would stop. I sometimes wonder what of my things has been in Brendon’s mouth and covered in his saliva.” Jon’s tone was serious, but he was smirking.

“Doesn’t it make you wonder? Or at least annoy you?” Spencer asked with prodding eyes.

“Not really,” said Ryan as he got up from his respective metal folding chair, the ones they always had around because they were inexpensive and durable but were uncomfortable as shit. He left with the vague mention of trying to find a bathroom and the other two guys nodded and looked back at Brendon.

He wandered into the bathroom while the rest of the guys were finishing sound check and could feel the urgency creeping up on him. He had begun to wonder if he was ever going to find the goddamn restroom in this place when he had finally spotted the sign and nearly ran to it. Shuffling in with a paranoid fear of being caught, he kept looking around and listening hard.

He locked the bathroom stall with a little more force than necessary and winced when it made such a sharp ping of metal striking metal. Once inside, he waited to hear if there was any sound coming from either side of him in the other stalls but heard nothing. Thinking, “It must be safe,” he swiftly unbuttoned his constricting jeans and forced down the zipper before sneaking his hand into the crotch of his pants.

Damn Brendon and his fucking oral fixation. Damn Ryan for liking it.

* * *

Brendon liked candy because candy was usually something that lasted for a little longer than normal food and tasted nice. It just gave him more motivation to constantly have things in his mouth that were supposed to be there.

They were out signing autographs after a show and Brendon was sucking on a red Charms blowpop.

“Could it get any more suggestive?” Ryan thought grumpily.

He could see it in Brendon’s cheek, protruding rather obviously as he tried to speak around it while he signed the never-ending queue of items being thrust in front of his face. One overly enthusiastic girl asked if she could have it and Ryan rolled his eyes. Brendon only laughed and kept on sucking on it. Sucking very loudly on it. Oh, god.

Ryan watched in his peripheral vision as Brendon moved it around in his mouth, hollowing his cheeks when it was pressed on the flat of his tongue. Ryan tried to think of something much less arousing and hoped his pants weren’t so tight that everyone could see him how much he liked Brendon doing that.

But there he was, sucking very attractively on a blowpop and looking just a little bit happier to have it there in his mouth. God, Ryan wanted that to be him.

When Zack finally pulled them away and told the rest of the lingering fans that the boys had to leave, Ryan tried to have some self-control and not rush straight for the first private room he could find.

“Mind over matter,” he told himself rationally as he walked into the bus behind Brendon. He could hear a wet, sloppy sound coming from ahead of him and it almost made him lose his resolve.

“My brain is stronger than my dick,” he thought determinedly.

That was when Spencer came up behind him and patted his shoulder, leaving it there as some sort of comfort. “Don’t stare too hard, Ross. It’s not good for your eyes.”

The only reason Ryan didn’t retort with a venomous “Fuck you” was because then it would only confirm it. Spencer was probably only joking. He didn’t want to look any more suspicious than he probably already did.

He just hoped Spencer wasn’t actually saying what Ryan thought he was

* * *

“Brendon! Would you stop that sucking sound? You’re making me think of a fucking infant,” Spencer said, poking him in the side.

“I can’t help it!” said Brendon with a toothy grin.

“You just never stop with the damn sucking noises. Can’t you eat like a normal person?”

“It’s just noodles, dude. At least I’m not the person trying to get every drop of soda with their straw,” Brendon said as he poked Spencer back.

“It sounds obscene,” Jon said with a chuckle as he pointed a chopstick idly at Brendon. “Your noises, I mean.”

“Oh, you guys are dicks,” Brendon said with narrow eyes, catching the implication and feeling just a little offended.

“It’s true,” Ryan piped in. He didn’t look up from his plate of fried rice and bourbon chicken. “It does sound kind of sick.”

“What the hell! I’m just eating my fucking noodles! You sort of have to slurp to get them in your mouth,” replied Brendon, his tone changed from good-natured to angry. Ryan wondered why he still wanted to talk about this if he was so defensive about it.

“Whatever,” Ryan said, trying to stop them from delving any deeper into how Brendon sounded when he sucked things. “Let’s talk about something else.”

* * *

Brendon had a sense of community. Thus, anything that can be put in someone else’s mouth can be put in his own (even if it doesn’t exactly belong to him).

“Hey, you have gum?” Brendon asked, perking up a little when he saw Ryan’s mouth smacking on something with a flash of mint-green between his teeth.

“Yeah, but it’s mine,” Ryan said firmly.

“Aw, come on, just one piece. Don’t be stingy, Ross,” Brendon pleaded. Ryan still shook his head.

“I mean I only have this piece and I’m chewing it,” Ryan clarified. Then he added, “But I wouldn’t have given you one if I had more anyway.”

It was almost an unspoken rule that if you shared with one person, you had to share with everyone. He was actually glad he didn’t have any extra gum because it gave him a chance to be a little mean to Brendon without it looking intentional, because Brendon had made a sort of mean joke about him at an interview. If it had just been the guys, Ryan wouldn’t have minded. But no interviewers really understood their humor, so it’d end up in bold print at the top of some article because the journalist didn’t get that it wasn’t serious.

“Just give it to me when you’re done,” Brendon said simply, like he was asking to see a magazine or a movie once Ryan had finished with it.

“Um. Gross?” Ryan said as he crinkled his nose. “It’s covered in my germs.”

“Dude, I’m covered in your germs already. And you’re covered in mine, so it’s like getting it from my own mouth,” reasoned Brendon. In a weird, Brendon way, it made sense.

Ryan sighed exasperatedly. “Fine. Have it. It’s lost all it’s flavor anyway.”

He took it out of his mouth and held it between two spit-covered fingers in front of Brendon. Without hesitation Brendon craned his neck forward and took the tips of Ryan’s fingers in his mouth, pulling off to snag the gum behind his teeth. Ryan could feel the chills run down his spine with the slide of Brendon’s mouth of his fingers. He stood motionless for a second and hoped his eyes weren’t too wide.

* * *

"God, that's so gross. And not just in the could-be-taken-pornographically way," Ryan mumbled as he let his head fall peevishly back onto the wall. "Gross in the that-can't-be-sanitary way too."

Brendon looked up from his straw. (The one he wasn't using to drink anything. The one he was just chewing on because he was bored and chewing gave him something to do. He had been chewing on the end for so long that it was almost dripping with spit. When it would get too wet, Brendon would shove it as far in his mouth as he could and suck off the saliva, slowly pulling it out of his mouth, so it wouldn't drip down to his hands. Disgusting.)

"Oh, shut up," Brendon said, chewing on the straw harder just to get on Ryan's nerves.

"Jon," Ryan said, turning to the older man who was busy making tea in the tiny kitchenette. "Tell Brendon how nauseating that is."

"Brendon," Jon said, like the father who never wanted to be bothered but wanted the fighting children to shut the hell up, "stop trying to seduce Ryan. Ryan, stop bitching."

All at once, Ryan and Brendon were yelling, "I'm not trying to seduce him!" "I don't bitch, but have you been watching?!"

Brendon snapped his head in Ryan’s direction.

"I'm not bothering you!" Brendon argued as he finally threw the straw away.

"Do you have any idea how nasty that looks? I don't know whether to throw up or buy you a webcam so it'll be worth the time you're wasting gnawing at that thing. You look like you’re trying to make a porno."

"So I am seducing you?" Brendon said with a thoroughly amused smirk.

"For fuck's sake!" said an exasperated Ryan, throwing his hands up in the air and leaving the room.

Brendon turned to Jon. "Am I?"

Jon sipped his tea silently.

* * *

It was two more weeks until Ryan ever mentioned it again. He was too embarrassed to even look at Brendon half the time. Part of him told him that he shouldn't be avoiding Brendon (even though he wasn't doing it intentionally). If he was afraid of Brendon finding out that, yeah, Ryan totally got off on the idea of Brendon liking things in his mouth, then he should have acted like the "seducing" comment wasn't a big deal.

It was too late for that now. Besides, Brendon hadn't seemed to have noticed Ryan's discomfort around him. The more oblivious that boy was, the better. How fucking awkward (not to mention disturbing) would it be to hear that your friend masturbates to the idea of you sucking him off?

Brendon came into the back lounge of the bus with his iPod in his hand and the ear-bud cords gently between his lips. Ryan had been reading but looked up and just about forgot about the book when Brendon came in.

Before thinking, Ryan let his book fall into his lap and said, “Seriously, man. What is it with things being in your mouth?”


“Why do you like always having things in your mouth?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a habit, I guess,” Brendon explained simply, the cords still dangling from his lips as he talked out of the corners of his mouth.

When put that way, it didn’t sound as ridiculous as Ryan had always thought of it as. He felt a little stupid.

Ryan was about to go back to his book when Brendon murmured, "Why do you care?" The iPod cords were gone.

His palms began to sweat but Ryan was good at hiding he was actually thinking. Most of the time.

"It's just weird, you know?" he said without making eye contact. "You’re a person, not a dog.”

“Some people, when they’re little, like having things in their mouth because it makes them feel comfortable. Relaxed, you know?” Brendon said, sounding uncharacteristically knowing.

Ryan blinked. “And is that the case for you too?”

“Maybe. I don’t really know.”

“You were a pacifier baby, weren’t you?” Ryan said with a small smile. He could picture baby Brendon screaming until his face went purple until his mom stuck his pacifier in his mouth, and then him just falling over, asleep.

“And a thumb sucker. And a nail biter,” Brendon said smiling, holding up one hand as proof. “It was the only way I could sit still and be quiet, my mom says.”

That wasn’t hard to believe.

A Cheshire grin spread across Brendon’s face. "You think it's hot, don't you." It was almost a question.

“You wish.”

“No. You do.”

“We are so not having this conversation,” Ryan said as he picked up his book and tried to give the illusion that he was ignoring Brendon.

“Sometimes it’s just too easy to win against you, Ross,” Brendon said, taking this moment to mentally congratulate himself. “And when I say ‘sometimes’ I mean ‘practically never’ so let me have this moment to enjoy this.”

Ryan didn’t reply.

“Hey, Ryan, I’m pretty open-”

“Oh my god, I’m leaving,” Ryan said with an exasperated roll of his eyes. He promptly pulled himself up standing and walked out of the back lounge in three strides.

“Your day will come, Ryan Ross!”

choclitbunny, pg-13, patd, ryan/brendon

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