
Nov 29, 2009 17:30

Has anyone seen a man who… well, looks like a clown? I saw him go into the portal but hasn’t come back yet. Also trying to find Miyabi who may or may not have gone through the portal. She’s a Poncle - really small and wears a butterfly cap. Everyone else that I know of who went in has already come back…

[Filtered from Kefka - 20% hackable]Oh. And ( Read more... )

brook, i'm on a mission, stupid yuber, kurtis, desert, leo, nami, psa, terra, meryl, need a bigger milk carton, looking for the lost

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[Action] blackenedchaos December 1 2009, 03:44:01 UTC
[After all his trolling on the day of the portal, Yuber decided to return to the desert to get back to what he was doing hopefully with no annoying humans to interrupt his work this time.

Of course if a few showed up, he'd be happy for a treat and a bit of entertainment.

He will definitely stick out like a sore thumb to anyone in the desert, he's wearing his signature all black outfit, hat and all. Not exactly appropriate for a desert, but really, heat and cold doesn't bother him all that much and if he wants to leave, he can do so in no time.

He can be found near the barrier in the desert. He's most definitely frowning at the barrier because it is indeed a rather annoying thing and he has yet to find any evidence that this thing has ever been broken much less a way to break it again. He must be looking in the wrong spot.

Bother the demon? He's not looking to be paying attention to anything else, but he will very likely welcome the diversion of humans who can actually speak human tongues showing up.]

[And this thread is open ( ... )


[Action] goldenglasses December 1 2009, 04:11:45 UTC
[Well once the group gets going and searching Vash will put his hand up to his eyes to shield the sun and peer ahead] Hey! I see someone up ahead!!! [By up ahead he means WAY the hell up there and that's a vague spot in the distance that COULD be a person... or could totally be a stick.]


[Action] 38thdefender December 1 2009, 04:42:46 UTC
[Kurtis stares at the dot. His eyes aren't as good as they were when he was a cyborg, but it could be a person...]

Already? Are you sure?


[Action] skulljokelol December 1 2009, 09:37:14 UTC
[Brook peers ahead] There does seem to be a figure there in the distance! It is rather hard to tell however, with this sun blinding my eyes.

Ah, but being a skeleton, I don't have any eyes! Yohohoho! Skull joke!


[Action] blackenedchaos December 2 2009, 00:32:37 UTC
[A stick? Well, he would be a rather large stick if showing up from that great of a distance, but then this demon is 6'3" and add the black, and well yeah, he's noticeable.

He's not moving towards the group or anything, still paying far more attention to the barrier. In fact he's moving towards the east, and then stops.

He can hear the voices slightly in the distance, but they are far enough away to not be worth his notice yet. He's listening to see if they come closer, because then he will need to take notice.]


[Action] goldenglasses December 3 2009, 00:59:17 UTC
[Vash just has crazy good vision so they're still a pretty good distance away - he squints trying to get more details] I'm not sure if it's one of the ones we're looking for. It's a guy and he has blonde hair I think... so it could be that Sabin guy.


[Action] bernardelli December 3 2009, 02:48:20 UTC
Hm... maybe. [ She's squinting. ] I'm not sure what he looks like.


[Action] 38thdefender December 3 2009, 02:55:15 UTC
You can tell his hair color from here? Impressive.

Does anyone know how Sabin normally dresses?


[Action] skulljokelol December 3 2009, 03:01:11 UTC
Unfortunately I have never met the man, so I do not!


[Action] blackenedchaos December 3 2009, 21:42:31 UTC
[Well, Vash was told Sabin was tall and muscular along with blond, this demon is tall, but doesn't look very muscular.

And the distances must have been closed enough that he can hear the voices of humans, somewhat, so he's going to abandon what he was doing and instead appear before the group. No weapons are visible for now.]

More humans in the desert? [Well, actually he's now looking at Brook and is unsure what to make of the skeleton with an afro, but Brook's appearance is obviously not bothering him beyond that.] And to think, I was starting to grow bored again.


[Action] goldenglasses December 3 2009, 22:52:15 UTC
[JAIgheahea GAH! Where’d he from come?! Well now that the distance is closed it doesn’t LOOK like there is much muscle hiding under his clothes… but still - better safe than sorry!] You’re name wouldn’t happen to be Sabin would it?


[Action] blackenedchaos December 4 2009, 05:51:09 UTC
[He's going to look up at the group, and it will be a bit more obvious that this man is also not exactly human.]

No, it wouldn't be.


[Action] 38thdefender December 4 2009, 06:18:29 UTC
[So what if he's not human? Kurtis is friends with both angels and demons.]

What brings you to the desert?


[Action] blackenedchaos December 4 2009, 08:36:04 UTC
[Except this one is very decidedly unfriendly. And interestingly, Kutis doesn't much faze him either, though that coloring is strange.

Still, he can't reveal much about his reasonings for being here. If he says it's orders, then they'd want to know whose, and well that is among the things he cannot speak of, no matter how much he'd love that sort of chaos.]

Explorations. Of course, I'm most definitely not going to object to a bit of entertainment. You know what they say about all work and no play...

[And he's smirking, though no sign of his weapons yet to hint at what sort of entertainment he is referring to.]


[Action] skulljokelol December 4 2009, 12:26:56 UTC
Well of course! Work can be a very tiresome thing after all. Funny you should mention entertainment though - I happen to be a musician! Would you care for a tune?

[Oh wait] Ah, though we really should continue our search.


[Action] goldenglasses December 4 2009, 14:44:27 UTC
[Psh. Humans are over rated. Oh… sorry Meryl. And besides - they never said if Sabin was human or not and ONE of your eyes looked blue so it was worth a shot. Vash gives a small nod at Brook’s comment] Yes. We’re looking for some people. Have you seen a Poncle? It’s kinda like a fairy I think. Really tiny, she wears a butterfly cap and her name is Miyabi. We’re also looking for a guy named Sabin who has blond hair, blue eyes, very muscular, and a loud laugh. And a… uh… well… Clown man. But his name is Kefka and he could be dangerous. [And while you’re unfriendliness is putting Vash on slight alert. He isn’t too worried yet. Entertainment is very important after all!]


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