[He was dreaming, he was out in the forest, but this wasn’t like most of the dreams he had that were in the forest. He was fighting someone, but who…? Legato? No! It was---!!] Wolfwood! [His stressed brain works over time as it seems to take everything in at once. He’s in his room. Something cold on his wrist - handcuffs - his ankle too. The end of
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He's straight-faced. No signs of any feelings either good or bad. Observant.]
Welcome back.
Oh wait, he remembers now. Nami had been here. If Nami had been here than Chopper was probably with her. Then at least you must have had pretty good care awhile he was out.]
Wolfwood... [He hangs his head, still not able to look you in the eye or face.] ...I'm so sorry.
For what? All you did was live here.
[He uses his left, more mobile hand to unlock one of the cuffs on your wrist with silent ease.]
Nothing much you can do about what the Malnosso plot in their crappy free time.
So that doesn't matter anymore.
Thank you... for stopping me.
He reaches into his pocket, holding a cigarette carton-but not moving to draw one yet, while leaving the keys in reaching distance.]
It was nothing.
[He turns on his heel, stopping at the doorway.]
I'm giving you a day to mope, but if you keep it up afterward I'll be knocking you upside the head every chance I get.
[Said with about 30.3% humor. Maybe.]
You didn't shoot me, and you didn't say those things.
You're going to have to accept that.
[He says it sharply, without any hesitation or doubt.]
They... also wouldn't have tried to destroy all of Luceti. [Can you hear what's not being said, Wolfwood? I'm a monster.]
Make sure you eat something soon, or we'll force you to. You still lost enough blood that you have to pay attention to yourself.
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