
May 31, 2010 16:25

[Today after his SOS Brigade meeting, Vash will be dragging several large boxes into the square by the fountain. They are filled with all types of nerf guns and there's even a few squirt guns in there. He figures the kids here could really use some fun after the past week or two. So after taking a couple for himself he opens his journal.] Hey! ( Read more... )

silly, kids need to have fun, comment spam, and god said let there be nerf guns, dart guns save lives, nerf wars, and it was good, is just a big kid, attack the silly man in red!

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oh sweet~ dawndigger May 31 2010, 20:49:03 UTC
[At the announcement, Simon's curiosity is pinged, and after a few moments he heads outside to see what the big deal is. He's not one for toys - they wasn't exactly a plethora of them in Jiha - but since it was Vash who made the announcement, he's going to check it out anyway.]



goldenglasses June 3 2010, 01:03:45 UTC
[Vash will cover Simon as he arms himself! Bringing up his nerf gun to block the oncoming attack.]


dawndigger June 3 2010, 05:16:36 UTC
[Okay, this is actually pretty awesome. Since the fight itself is harmless, Simon has no problem with charging in with a super-soaker for the offense.]


lists_to_port June 3 2010, 11:53:18 UTC
[Jack will dive toward them both in a mad tackling motion, because he's getting a little bit carried away.]


goldenglasses June 3 2010, 19:39:59 UTC
[Aha! Blocked that sword! Wait... why isn't he stopping!] GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! [And Vash gets bowled over.]


dawndigger June 4 2010, 07:39:48 UTC
[And since Simon was still behind Vash at the time, he goes tumbling down with them, flailing. GET OFF YOU GUYS ARE TALL AND HEAVY]


lists_to_port June 4 2010, 13:43:30 UTC
[Jack flails on top of it all, enjoying every minute. He's yelling stuff semi-incoherently.]



goldenglasses June 4 2010, 13:47:48 UTC
OH, I'll vanquish you! GET OFF! [You crazy, stinky pirate! He'll be trying to kick you off now so he can get off poor Simon.]


dawndigger June 4 2010, 23:27:03 UTC
[CAN'T.... BREATHE.... LOSING... CONSCIOUSNESS.... guys lay off the donuts and rum, okay?]


lists_to_port June 5 2010, 01:06:47 UTC
[Jack eventually gets kicked off the top of the pile and rolls away, laughing.]

Nerf. I love Nerf.


goldenglasses June 5 2010, 01:11:32 UTC
[Give up donuts?! NEVA!] Well, at least someone is having fun. Are you alright Simon?


dawndigger June 5 2010, 01:28:42 UTC
[BRB RECOVERING] ...Huh? [Oh thank god, he can breathe again. THIS GAME IS SUDDENLY DANGEROUS, what's with you crazy people D8]


lists_to_port June 5 2010, 01:41:47 UTC
Oh come on now, Donut. Lad's gonna be fine. Now, what else can I find in this box of yours...


goldenglasses June 5 2010, 01:48:31 UTC
[Donut. How clever of you Jack.] I dunno, why don't you check. [Not that he's going to shoot you as soon as you turn your back. Oh wait - yes he is!]


dawndigger June 5 2010, 02:04:13 UTC
[Maybe this would be a good time to make a tactical retreat before he gets himself killed. Attempting to sneak off now >_>]


lists_to_port June 5 2010, 02:46:44 UTC
[Jack does not notice the boy sneaking away as he's turned and is rummaging through the box.]



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