So, you're supposed to show, not tell. I wasn't supposed to SAY that the plants are looking awesome right now...I'm supposed to show it
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You strike me as the 'big project' type. The trouble for big project types is that they tend to make everything, well...a big project, instead of a simple 'project'...something of a manageable size. For a big project type, 'the garden' usually means the whole shamoly. But you can always set your sights on your window box(es), for example, and get them just the way you want them this year. :) Or the corner garden in the shade, or hanging hooks all around the verandah for hanging baskets...or just slim borders along the front walkway. :) It's more fun to break things up into sections and get each section just as you want it. It tends to go better that way, too...each area turns out closest to what you wanted because it got all your attention
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LOL - yes, that pegs me rather well. I've always thought of it that I over-engineer everything, but it's six of one, half dozen of the other. It doesn't help that large *necessary* projects have been rearing their heads, and given a choice between allowing the sill of the house to rot out or working on the garden...
What I have are old gardens that were somewhat neglected and run down already when we bought the house, and I find myself both paralyzed by what to do with them, and hemmed in by what's already there. I like the things that are here, but I don't like how they are - so I flail. It doesn't help that it's shade, shade, shade, and then some more shade. I've had a hard time finding things that will thrive.
I suppose I should just pull out what's there and start new, but it feels so wasteful, and plants can get so expensive so quickly. But since I don't really love what's there, that's probably the right choice. I just haven't been brave enough to do it.
Comments 5
What I have are old gardens that were somewhat neglected and run down already when we bought the house, and I find myself both paralyzed by what to do with them, and hemmed in by what's already there. I like the things that are here, but I don't like how they are - so I flail. It doesn't help that it's shade, shade, shade, and then some more shade. I've had a hard time finding things that will thrive.
I suppose I should just pull out what's there and start new, but it feels so wasteful, and plants can get so expensive so quickly. But since I don't really love what's there, that's probably the right choice. I just haven't been brave enough to do it.
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