Title: The Opening Universe (The Awful Mystery) (2/2)
golden_d Characters: Jack, Suzie, OCs
Rating: PG-13 for language, dark themes (Trigger warning for suicide)
Word Count: ~9,500 (~17,000 total)
Summary: Welcome to the year 2000 and the first Torchwood team that Jack can call his own-and they’re just as broken as he is.
Author's notes: Beta credit to
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Comments 19
Poor Jamie. I really felt as if I was in Jamie's shoes when I read this, and felt for Jack, even though he's kind of a massive tool here (quite understandably after what he just went through with his former team).
I love the insight into Jack in what is probably one of his darkest hours, he really didn't know what to do with her or with anything there did he?
It also added a real poignancy to the story to know that it had to end badly, that she wasn't going to be working at TW in 5 years time.
I gave myself goosebumps at one stage when I realised that Jamie gave Suzie the Emily Dickinson book. Wonderful little details like that in there.
Loved so much about this.
I'm really hoping you're going to write more.
he really didn't know what to do with her or with anything there did he?
No, he really didn't! The Jack in this story definitely has some recovering to do.
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