Title: Unspoken Length: One shot. (2,921 words) Author: Guu Rating: PG Genre: not sure... Summary: A stranger flirts with Jaejoong in a club and the singer reflects on the state of his relationship with love. Something like that
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thanxs :) im very fond of writing about actual stuff.... domestic problems, every day dramas.
Yunho's outrage at the kissing men would be just because of how unapproapiate it is in Korea, and how deep it shocks him that something he wants so bad but cant allow himself to do is taken so lightly at the other side of the world... sth like that. I dont think hes homophobic at all even in real life, so i try not to give him that quality... its a little overused as well *nods*
:) im glad you think this had a different twist, it's really flattering. thanx for reading! you get the pink icon for being lovely ♥
Comments 36
I love the way you wrote it <3
It was so good :3 <3
Thank you for this !
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Yunho's outrage at the kissing men would be just because of how unapproapiate it is in Korea, and how deep it shocks him that something he wants so bad but cant allow himself to do is taken so lightly at the other side of the world... sth like that. I dont think hes homophobic at all even in real life, so i try not to give him that quality... its a little overused as well *nods*
:) im glad you think this had a different twist, it's really flattering. thanx for reading! you get the pink icon for being lovely ♥
Sequel ? =D
Thank you for posting this, it was really great ~
no sequel, sorry!
thanx for reading~
( ... )
sorry, no sequel planned... it just wouldnt work, and it would be too sad and i only like half sad things like this =P
but thanx for reading :)
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