Gokusen_Love Fic Contest 2010

Jul 14, 2010 13:31

Hi everybody! It's the new mod. :-) In honour of the release of more chapter translations (here, if you missed them) and prompted by darkweb47's suggestion, Emma and I decided to hold a fic contest in the community. Everybody who likes can take part. The winner and two runners-up will receive a banner they can add to their info page.

Here's what we have in mind: fiction of at least 1000 words, based somehow around the new chapters**, for example:
- a missing scene
- a 'what if X hadn't happened but Y had'
- a character's reaction to something that happened
- any other idea you have

The deadline for submitting fiction is 7 August 2010. Please send your piece by email to solo____ (me.n.thee at gmail dot com), in plain text with the following header information (just copy and paste the tags and add your own information):

[b]Title:[/b] Write your title here.
[b]Author:[/b] Your pseud and the name of your LJ.
[b]Rating:[/b] Teen, Mature, or Adult?
[b]Summary:[/b] Write a short summary here. Saying 'I suck at summaries' is not allowed. :-)

Please make sure your piece is betaed or at the very least spellchecked.

After the deadline, we'll post a story a day to the comm (without the author's name). A few days after the final story is posted, we'll have a poll among all comm members in the end to decide the winner. In the end, all names and the winners will be revealed.

Any questions? Please ask in the comments. :-)

**edited for clarity: that means the remaining chapters of volume 15 which came out on June 6, and the first part of the trilogy which came out on June 22. You can base your submission on anything you like in those.
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