WIP Party Thread

Jan 02, 2011 21:52

The procedure is simple ( Read more... )

syfy's alice, meme

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Comments 3

Primeval/Alice fusion going_boldly January 3 2011, 03:17:53 UTC
Hatter didn't trust the doctors: they seemed genuinely nice, yes, but they also had said that he wasn't a prisoner here, which probably meant that he was supposed to take that at face value, and wasn't supposed to have noticed the camera mounted in the corner, or the black-clad figure with the large-ish gun in the corridor.

So he was in the Anomaly Research Center they said? That was nice and generic sounding (like 'Tea') but what could that actually mean? They could be lying about the name of the place, of course, but lying took effort and coordination. The best liars always had some truth in their lies to make it go down smoother, and the name of the place was one detail that, if contradicted, would set off alarm bells in most everyone. So: why would an Anomaly Research Center want to kidnap him?

They could know he wasn't actually from Yorkshire. They could know he was from Wonderland. Or, he thought, clenching his strong, modified, downright anomalous right hand, they couldn't give two shakes of a rath's tale about the wheres, ( ... )


So Long and Thanks for all the Tea going_boldly January 3 2011, 03:21:09 UTC
“What is this?” Hatter yelled, pushing the paper up into Jack’s face. That alone would have been unacceptable, but the fact that he had done so just as Jack had stepped out of the water closet after taking a shower, and while he was wearing nothing but a towel pushed it right into the territory of unbearable ( ... )


Re: So Long and Thanks for all the Tea catesy January 4 2011, 22:09:01 UTC
I like the humor of Jack and the panic button. I'm really looking forward to this one because I love Hatter leaves Wonderland fics.


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