Author's Notes: Five Loves

Feb 22, 2010 00:09

I'm in a weird place with Winona. Maybe I'm just projecting part of my whole "no really Mom, I don't think I'll be having kids" thing into my reading, but given the fact that the Kelvin must have left her with survivor's guilt and widowhood  and sudden single motherhoood (and possibly post-partum depression) I don't really feel like her running makes her less strong, or less of a woman. It makes her flawed, yes, but seriously? Flaws aren't just human, they're interesting. Where would any of the growth and conflict that shapes our lives come from if we had our shit completely together 100% of the time?

So, I'm stuck in the odd spot of BAMF!Winona and not-so-great-a-mother!Winona. Although, I have questions about how fandom views her fitness as a mother as total fail, when she seems to have acted like the stereotypical literary workaholic/military father, who's almost always allowed some measure of redemption.

So, getting back to the fic itself...

T'Meni is Tuvok's mom: all we know of her from canon is that she wanted her son to join Starfleet, and apparently made a big enough impression on his family that she had a great-granddaughter named after her. Dr. Patanjali is named after one of the many, many characters that appeared on Torchwood only to die.

Originally, I was going to have love number five be McCoy, and it actually would have been more of Winona worrying that Jim was too much like her (codependant tendancies! epic love of space! low EQ!) and being sort of happy that someone was at least trying to make sure he didn't do anything too stupid. But there needs to be more George Samuel Kirk Jr, so I shafted it. It might end up as another fic, though. 

author's notes

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